Victorian Certificate of Education: Vocational Major (VCE VM)

The Victorian Certificate of Education: Vocational Major (VCE VM) is a ‘hands-on’ option for students in Years 11 and 12. Students who undertake the VCE VM Certificate are more likely to be interested in going onto training at TAFE, undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, or getting a job after completing Year 12. The VCE VM is an accredited secondary certificate.

This qualification aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding pathways to work and further education. VCE VM supports students who wish to participate in a more practical program, while still achieving a senior qualification at the end of six years of secondary schooling.

The VCE VM has four curriculum areas:

  • Literacy and Numeracy Skills
  • Industry Specific Skills
  • Work Related Skills
  • Personal Development Skills

At Fairhills High School, students can satisfy the requirements of these strands by completing VCE VM units, Vocational Education and Training (VET) units of competency, school initiated experiences such as community service or practical projects, and through structured workplace learning and part-time work.

To successfully gain a VCE/VM qualification students need to complete a minimum of 16 units including:

  • 3 VCE VM Literacy or VCE English units (including a unit 3-4 sequence)
  • 2 VCE VM Numeracy or VCE Mathematics units
  • 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units
  • 2 VCE VM Personal Development units
  • 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 hours)

If a student successfully completes the VCE/VM, they will receive a “Statement of Results” from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) that details the areas of study they have completed.

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