School Wide Positive Behaviour

School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS)

Fairhills High School is fully committed to the School Wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) framework that brings together school communities to develop positive , safe supportive learning cultures.

As a SWPBS School we will implement the eight essential features allowing teachers and students more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction.

Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
  • a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.

Building Positive relationships – Vertical House System

Fairhills uses a vertical house system, which serves as a platform for friendly inter-house competitions, such as through Athletics Day, but also has a way of providing pastoral care to students. There are four houses, the Crocs(green), Redbacks (red), Quokkas(yellow) and the Dolphins(Blue)  each of which have a number of groups. Each group contains students from years 7 to 12, allowing senior students to mentor and be role models for younger students.

The students stay in the same house groups throughout their 6 years of schooling and are therefore able to form deeper connections to their mentor teacher, as well as each other building strong positive relationships.

House Groups

All students are allocated to a House group when they start at Fairhills High School and remain in the same House throughout their six years at the school. The House system provides another level of connection to the school and fellow students.

Fairhills High School has four houses, Green (Crocodiles), Red (Redbacks) , Yellow (Quokkas)and Blue (Dolphins)

Through these Houses, students can participate in a range of different activities and House events. Every event that the student participates in earns points for their House. These points are tallied at the end of the year to determine the House winner at every year level.


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