
2022 Student ID Cards 2022 Student ID Cards have been distributed to students. If students were away when they were given out, please see the following staff: Year 7–11 students collect your card from Ms Kirby in the Pop-Up Library Year 12 students collect your card from Mr Stokes New students who did not have […]

Principal’s Message

Welcome to Term 2 Thankfully it has been a smooth start to Term 2 with the relaxation of isolation restrictions helping considerably. Close contacts do not have to isolate for 7 days. This means that our student and staff can still come to school as long as they are wearing a mask indoors and testing […]

Senior School Report

Last week we were able to take all the Year 11 students to a Careers Expo, held at the Caufield Racecourse. Having not attended one of these events for many years I was amazed to see the variety and range of opportunities available to students once they finish their secondary schooling. It was a valuable […]

Middle School Report

Firstly a warm welcome back to Term 2! This term we launched a School wide positive behaviour (SWPBS) acknowledgement system where students can earn points for their house groups by demonstrating the following behaviours : Above and beyond expectations Full school Uniform Showing Kindness or being an upstander Staying focused in class This is a […]

Teaching and Learning Excellence

2022 NAPLAN One of my main focuses has been the organisation and management of 2022 NAPLAN tests for students in Years 7 and 9. NAPLAN, The National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy, covers skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy for all students across the State. The rich data from these tests […]


The Wellbeing Team have hit the ground running! We have two new lunchtime groups that have started in Term 2. We are very excited to be launching Explore and Feel Good Fridays. We are also pleased to announce The Fathering Project! To find out more about these fantastic groups and projects, please read below. “A […]


We have had an exciting and active term in Wellbeing. Our campaign for Term 1 was the National Day of Action against Violence and Bullying. Peta (our Mental Health Practitioner) and our University placement students worked very hard to deliver programs and activities through THRIVE classes based on the science of kindness and how we […]

Senior School Report

VCAL, the VCE and Pathways Yesterday Ms Rundle and I had the opportunity to attend a conference (in person not via webex or zoom!) to hear a variety of speakers from around the State discuss ideas related to VCAL (the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) and VET (Vocational Education and Training) programs. It was an […]

Discovery Night

Discovery Night On Thursday 24 March we welcomed prospective students and parents to our Fairhills High School Discovery Night. Visitors were treated to interactive tours, live entertainment and a treasure Hunt around the Middle School proudly showcasing the special programs and opportunities available to all our students. A Special thanks to all our teaching staff, […]


Library News This month we are showcasing the following new titles. If you would like a specific book purchased for the Library, please let us know. The Sad Ghost Club Books 1 and 2 by Lize Meddings A delightful graphic novel series about mental health, relationships, compassion and finding your friendship group.This is the story […]

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