Fairhills High School is committed to providing accurate, timely, transparent and specific assessment for all students. Assessment and Reporting is an essential measure of teaching and learning, and as a staff collective we use a range of informal and formal assessments to determine student growth.
Our assessment and reporting guidelines allow for staff to collect, drill down and interpret the level of achievement and progress for all students. We then reflect on these findings collaboratively to inform us of our next steps in our teaching and learning. These findings allow our staff to make reflective judgements about where our students sit within the Victorian Curriculum.
We ensure that our curriculum provides multiple opportunities for deep learning and inquiry-based tasks. Within our teaching and learning documentation and our instructional model, we embed a range of assessments to ensure we are assessing and reporting in a meaningful way. These types of assessments include:
- Assessment FOR learning – occurs when teachers check for student understanding about a concept to inform their teaching. These tasks are embedded in our day to day teaching practice and our utilised within all aspects of our LEARN model.
- Assessment AS learning – occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals. These assessments allow for students to evaluate what their next steps are in their learning and how they are progressing and what they have achieved in a unit of work.
- Assessment OF learning – occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards. This type of assessment is reflected in our common assessment tasks (CATs) which take place at the end of unit of work.
Our findings on student learning and assessments are shared with our school community in the following ways:
Learning Tasks are continually posted on Compass throughout each semester. These outline tasks that students are required to do. Feedback on these tasks is ongoing and can be accessed by students and carers.
Semester reports are issued twice a year at the end of each semester. They include attendance information, learning culture information and CAT results.
Learning Conferences are also held each semester to provide constructive feedback to students and carers to help our learners improve their learning performance.