We are proud of the progress our students make while undertaking studies at Fairhills High School, and our NAPLAN growth data shows we have some of the highest growth in Numeracy in the area from years 7 to 9.
The Maths Department have implemented a number of initiative and interventions to achieve this excellent outcome and to improve student outcomes and engagement in their learning.
- The development of “Hands On” learning program through construction, art, design and data analysis to better understand the rationale for algebra, measurement and statistics in everyday life.
- The incorporation of technology in the classroom. With the use of technology we are better able to demonstrate important mathematical concepts quickly and to include students in the development of the lesson. Including student laptops in class we can help students in assessments, engage students in coding and provide access to wonderful internet based learning.
- Targeting interventions. We do not want our students to ‘fall through the cracks’ in Mathematics and Numeracy and support them by providing;
- Individualised Programs developed for a student’s prior abilities in consultation with the student and their families.
- Use of Software (Education Perfect, Jacaranda LearnOn, Essential Assessments and Edrolo) to provide online student support and tutoring.
- Maths
- Maths
- Algebra
- Art of Maths
- Mathematical Methods
- General Maths
- Mathematical Methods
- General Maths
- Further Maths