Fairhills High School Alumni

Are you a former Fairhills student? If you are a former student of Fairhills High School, we would love to hear from you. Like our Alumni Facebook page to keep in touch: https://www.facebook.com/FairhillsHighSchoolKnoxAlumni        

KIOSC / Curriculum Matters / Competitions

KIOSC Happy 10th Birthday to KIOSC – Knox Innovation Opportunity and Sustainability Centre! Fairhills is proud to be one of the original partner schools and our association is now 10 years long. Our students get to attend KIOSC and use state of the art technology. KIOSC continues to provide STEM programs for our students and […]


The Wellbeing Team has had a busy Term 2! We have launched new lunchtime groups, celebrated IDAHOBIT Day, and are gearing up to launch our latest program: The Fathering Project! Please read below for more details! I want to welcome Kerrie and Elli – new counselling students from the Australian College of Applied Psychology, to […]


New LGBTQI Fiction In recognition of 2022 IDAHOBIT day, Library staff have developed a reading list of LGBTQI (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex) fiction which we hold within our Library. This reading list is available in hardcopy from the Library and on the Library’s Online catalogue. By providing these titles we hope LGBT […]

Middle School Report

Year 7 Parent Information Evening We were delighted to see some of our Year 7 families attend the Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 17 May to re-visit some of the important issues surrounding secondary school transitions and better understanding teenagers. Keynote speaker Catherine Manning from Seed workshops delivered an insightful and inspiring session of practical, […]

General News

General Office The General Office hours are: 8.15am-4.15pm.  Telephone: 9758 5022Email: fairhills.hs@education.vic.gov.au Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email. Compass Compass is the communication portal for […]

Important Dates

Date Event Monday 6 June Year 11 Exams Tuesday 7 June Year 11 Exams Thursday 9 June Year 11 Exams Friday 10 June Year 11 Exams Friday 10 June Year 9 & 10 Exams Friday 10 June Year 12 Formal Monday 13 June Queen’s Birthday – STUDENT FREE DAY – no classes running Tuesday 14 […]

Fairhills Musical Production

The Wizard of Oz Musical Production rehearsals are in full swing. Students have been working hard for two rehearsals a week preparing for the upcoming musical, The Wizard Of Oz in September. I am really proud of all the students and can’t wait for them to finally perform a musical after two years of no […]

House Points

House Points Competition Update Lids 4 Kids tally so far: House Tally Blue 2852 Green 1444 Red 797 Yellow 744   What to collect: bread tags and lids – (milk/UHT bottle lids, water bottle lids, soft-drink bottle lids) Where to drop off: The General Office – House-colour containers are located on the Reception Desk Where […]

Instrumental Music

Instrumental Music Discovery Night was an opportunity for our senior students to perform – well done to the following ensembles: Flute Ensemble Concert Band Violin Duet Solos VCE Music Performance Band Now is the time for our Year 7 students to develop their performance skills! Students will perform in a friendly encouraging environment to their […]

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