National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence
Friday 18 August is The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence- with this year’s theme being “Growing Connections”. This is a campaign that schools all over Australia participate in as a way of taking positive action against bullying and violence.
As a school we will be participating in a number of bullying prevention activities throughout the month of August that have been organised by Mariani, our Mental Health Practitioner. These will include in-class activities on growing connections and how this can work to prevent bullying and a whole school lunchtime activity to facilitate all members of the school community to take a pledge in preventing bullying and violence.
We have workshops being delivered to our Year 8’s and 9‘s by external group Project Rockit to elevate students’ confidence in taking positive action against (cyber)bullying as well as presentations for our Year 10’s by The Pat Cronin Foundation, addressing the impact and consequences of social violence.
We would like to encourage all students to become involved in the NDA activities this month- we all have the power to create positive and lasting change. It starts with every one of us.
Students and families are also reminded about STYMIE- the online anonymous reporting platform that we use as a school. Students can use this online tool to anonymously report if they are worried about someone at school experiencing harm. This will ensure the person you are worried about will be spoken to by a Year Level Leader of someone from Wellbeing and offered the support they might need. #say something
International Youth Day
August is also the month where we celebrate International Youth Day. It’s the day to bring youth issues to the attention of the international community and to celebrate the amazing capabilities and potential of our young people to contribute to the global community. This day is a reminder for us in the Wellbeing Team of the privilege we have to do the work that we do to support the wellbeing of our students. We are grateful to be part of the journey of Fairhills High School students as they navigate the challenges of youth, and also to celebrate with them the fun that comes too.
The Man Cave & Mirror Program
As part of our whole school Respectful Relationships program, last week our Year 10’s had full day interactive programs on healthy relationships, gender stereotypes, healthy masculinity and emotional awareness. The boy’s program was delivered by the amazing facilitators from the Man Cave who delivered an inspiring day of connection and reflection. The girl’s program was delivered firstly by facilitators from the REACH foundation and then by Kaye, our Health Promotion Nurse. Feedback from students was that the day was hugely powerful and inspiring.
These full day programs will be rolled out to our Year 11 and Year 12 students in September.
R U OK? Day Poster Competition
Our next whole school wellbeing campaign is RUOK? Day on 12 September. The national RUOK? campaign is about encouraging people to have helpful conversations- not just on this one day, but every day. A helpful conversation can make a world of difference to another person and might be the conversation that links them in with the support they really need. Stay tuned for more information about activities to come!
As part of our campaign this year, we are running a Poster Competition – see the attached flyer for details. There is a $100 voucher up for the prize, so all students are invited to get their creative hats on for this one. All queries to Mariani in the Wellbeing Team.
Peta Cartwright | Student Wellbeing Coordinator
The Team
Reminder: Bridge Builders Retreat
The Retreat is open to young women 13-15 years old and will run in the September school holidays. It is aimed to support, inspire and empower young women. Students who attended the information session in July were given expression of interest forms to have signed by a parent/carer. If parents or students are still interested in hearing more about the retreat please speak to someone in the Wellbeing Team.
What’s On: Term 3 Calendar Activity
Local and Online Services/Webinars for Families and Young People
For registration:
Knox Youth Career Expo 2023 Tickets, Thu 24/08/2023 at 5:30 pm | Eventbrite
For registration:
For registration:
One on One Support | To help you support your teenagers through a tough time. – ReachOut Parents

Cybersecurity: Resources
eSafety’s express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including:
- Setting up parental controls
- Digital technologies and mental health
- Cyberbullying and online drama
- Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
Cyber Safety Project provides a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using digital technologies for work, life and play. To create safer communities our educational programs and proactive teaching strategies will engage the whole community with learning how to participate safely and responsibly in a digitally-engaged world. To learn more about family workshops and webinars for parents or carers, please visit
Accessing support through Wellbeing: Students
The Wellbeing Team can support students to navigate challenges that may be impacting on their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of wellbeing. This can include: transitions and adjusting to change, family or relationship difficulties, grief and loss, mental health concerns, drug and alcohol concerns, and many other challenges that young people encounter.
An initial appointment with a member of the wellbeing team will be an assessment of need with the student or family which will help to decide the best support option for the student. Support options available through the Wellbeing Team are:
- Individual short term counselling, psychoeducation and skills development
- group programs
- referrals to external support agencies.
- students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources.
Referrals to see someone from the team are made through year level leaders. Parents, students or teachers with concerns are encouraged to speak to their year level leader. Students or parents can also make an appointment directly with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre, calling the school office or contacting us via email at
Year level leaders who are made aware of concerns by a teacher will always endeavour to make contact with parents before referring a student to the Wellbeing team.
All counselling sessions with students are confidential and information is only shared if a student is deemed to be at risk of harm.
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.
What’s on in Wellbeing?
The Wellbeing Centre is open at recess and lunchtime for students who need a quiet, safe place to regulate or access support. The centre is also used for lunchtime group programs which are advertised through compass or on notice boards.
Q-Squad, our LBGTQIA+ group runs every Thursday lunchtime.
More groups to come!
Accessing Support: Families
Most families, at some stage, need a little extra support to manage the normal challenges of life as well as the more difficult situations that arise. If you are experiencing hardship, stress or circumstances that are impacting on the wellbeing of your family life or your ability to cope, the Wellbeing Team can help to connect you with community services that can provide support. Please contact the Wellbeing Team via the school phone number or via email at
Clothing Support: Thread Together
We recently partnered with Thread Together to provide free and brand clothing for students in need. Thread Together collects brand new unsold clothing from all around the country, saving it from landfill. Thread Together believe that people in need deserve the dignity and choice of new clothing, without judgement. If your children need any help with clothing, please contact the Wellbeing team for further assistance.
Breakfast Club
With the support of volunteers from local churches- Knox Baptist and Hillsong Church we are able to provide a breakfast club 5 days a week for our students, including a Pancake Breakfast every Thursday morning. All students are welcome.
Food Support for families in need
Each fortnight on a Tuesday after school from 2:48pm – 3:08pm we have food support available for families who may be in need, for whatever reason. We have a selection of frozen meals and pantry items that families can collect from the former school canteen area without question or judgement. We know that access to food can be a real challenge for some families and we feel strongly about supporting the basic needs of our students and families. Watch out for compass posts each fortnight.
External Food Support Options
The following community agencies provide food support for families in need.