The end of any term is a time to reflect on the successes, improvements and initiatives that have been implemented this term. As many of you know the diverse range of Year 9 and 10 electives are well established this term, and the staff are providing stimulating learning environments that ensure the students are engaged in their learning. The Tutor Learning Initiative, supporting students in literacy and numeracy, has witnessed a large number of students in Years 7-12 benefiting from, small group and one-on-one, support. In addition, preparation is almost complete for the introduction of the Student Excellence Program next term. This DET initiative supports high ability learners in a range of subjects. I am pleased to announce that Liv Johnson will be coordinating this program and she is keen to ensure that selected students are challenged, engaged and extended in their learning. We are also in the process of introducing the Quick Smart – an online Maths program that supports students to build skills and confidence in this subject.
Respectful Relationships
Work will be undertaken on continuing the DET Respectful Relationship initiative. This program, that will be introduced across the school later in the year, will ensure that students have a better understanding of respectful and non-violent relationships, and how to prevent violence with their community. The school will develop a common framework for understanding and responding to respectful relationships, deliver an effective curriculum and evaluate the impact of strategies on the whole-school community. The approach the school will take is identified in the diagram below.
Naplan Testing
Preparation is underway for NAPLAN testing in Years 7 and 9. Year 7 students undertook a trial test last week. We aim to ensure that students build up their confidence as they approach the formal tests in mid-May. More information will be sent to Year 7 and 9 parents as we get closer to the testing phase.
Year 9 Connect Program
I am pleased to report that the Year 9 Connect Program is being enjoyed by students, staff and mentors. Students have responded well to the diverse range of guest speakers and student-based learning projects. The highlight of the term has been a day at Zone Bowling where students could relax and celebrate the end of the term – for more on this head to the Middle School page.
Learning Walks (by Michelle Nickels)
What is a Learning Walk?
This is a process that can be used by school leadership teams to observe instruction and student learning in order to make informed decisions about educator feedback, professional learning, and schoolwide instruction.
At Fairhills, members of the Staff Coaching Team have been undertaking learning walks into our classes. As a collective staff we are keen to improve our practice, so that we can improve the learning outcomes of our students.
Our students have become familiar with visitors to their classrooms, observing and moving amongst them. Our students are learning to verbalise the Learning Intention and Success Criteria of their lessons.
What are Learning Intentions?
Learning Intentions are created by the teacher and are brief statements that explicitly describe what students should know, understand and be able to do as a result of the learning and teaching in the lesson.
What are Success Criteria?
Success Criteria are linked to Learning Intentions and they describe what success looks like.
At the end of each lesson, we hope that the students can self-evaluate how successful their learning for the lesson has been, and provide some feedback to their teacher. This can be used to plan for the next steps in the learning continuum.
A goal of the school is that our students will be sharing some of their learning successes with their families. So please, ask your students to share some of this with you.
Karen Dean
Associate Principal, Staff Development/Leadership