Senior School Report

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We welcome back our students, staff, and parents/carers to the second half of the school year. I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break with family and friends.

Despite the chilly start to Term 3, our senior school students have had a vibrant start to Semester 2. Our current Year 10 and Year 11 students have been busy choosing their subjects for 2025. In the first two weeks of term we held two information nights. On Thursday 18 July our Year 11 students were provided with information about Year 12 subjects for 2025 and important pathway information. The following week our Year 10 students and parents/carers also had the opportunity to hear about possible opportunities for study in 2025. Our Year 10 students were also provided with the time to speak to VCE and VCE VM teachers about their options. I would like to thank Liz Rundle, our amazing Pathways Manager for planning and delivering presentations to our students. I would also like to thank our amazing Learning Area Coordinators for their time in speaking to our students and parents over the last three weeks. Additionally, Ms Nansen has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create the 2025 timetable and ensure students can easily input their subject choices into the online portal. If you have any questions relating to specific subjects for your child, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following staff at the school:

Dr KilgoreMaths/Science
Ms McGillicuddyEnglish/Humanities
Ms O’ConnorArts/Technology
Mr BurrowsPE/Health
Ms WinstoneLanguages
Ms RundlePathways & VM


On Thursday 22 August, we will be holing our Course Counselling sessions through out the day. Shortly, parents/carers will receive instructions on how to book an appointment via Compass. It is important that parents/carers and students schedule a time to meet with a teacher to discuss subject choices for 2025.

Finally, I would like to wish all our senior students the very best for the remainder of Term 3.

Bill Exton
Senior School Assistant Principal

Year 10 Work Experience 2024

In the last week of Term 2, Year 10 students headed out into the community for Work Experience.

Work experience is a critical step in Careers education enabling students to gain a better understanding of the world of work and what their preferred future looks like.

Our students were amazing ambassadors for the school – receiving positive feed back and some offered part time positions.

Huge thank you to all the local businesses for supporting this important program.

Well done Year 10!!!

Pictured below: Guy – Coldchester Garden Centre, Jordana – Basin Primary School, Lexi – Peter Stevens Motorcycles

Year 12 – University / TAFE Applications / Transition from school

Applications for University and TAFE are now open via VTAC. Timely applications close 30 September at 12 midday. Timely applications cost $60 – a one-off fee. A small investment for the possibilities on offer.

Students need to apply via the VTAC portal for most of courses Some TAFE providers require students to apply directly to the institute.

Step 1: VTAC requires students to create an account and to do this they will need to have the VCE number (available from Liz Rundle) and a USI. All students who have participated in VET will have a USI already. To create a USI go to

Step 2: Apply for courses – listing up to 8 in preference order.

Step 3: Apply for SEA’s – Special Entry Access Scheme

Step 4: Apply for Scholarships

Students can find all they need to know about their application process on Compass – School Documentation – Year 12 Transition.

Once an application has been made, students are able to change it as many times as they like, free of cost.

Open days are a crucial part of decision making moving forward. The list of Open days is available on Compass.

All students are encouraged to have an appointment with Pathways to map out their transition from school; University, TAFE, Apprenticeships, Work or Travel. We encourage all Year 12’s to have plan A & B.

Liz Rundle – Pathways

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