Welcome to all our Year 10, 11 and 12 students to the 2023 school year. It has been a great start to the term, with students settling into their new classes and programs. As a new member of staff to Fairhills, I have been particularly impressed with the way in which our senior students in year 10, 11 and 12 have conducted themselves, both in and outside the classroom. Of particular note was the return to school interviews conducted by staff on the first day of term. This is a concept I have not experienced in other schools, but I can certainly see the many benefits with starting off the school year in such a way. Importantly, students and parents/carers had the opportunity to speak face to face with teachers about the expectations for the year ahead and have any questions answered quickly and efficiently. To many, these interviews lessoned the ‘first day of term’ nerves and allowed students the time to get into the right headspace for a successful start to the school year.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the first few weeks at Fairhills and it is clear the staff at the school care greatly about the students’ learning and wellbeing. On my first day I had the privilege of meeting the student leadership team and discussing important matters, like the Year 12 Common Room and Dress up days! These young adults are a great asset to the school and I am looking forward to working with them for the remainder of 2023.
I am also looking forward to continuing to work with key teachers of the Senior School. Mr Stokes (Year 12), Ms Henderson (Year 11) and Mr Hitchman (Year 10) are all working hard to ensure our senior school students are on track with their start to the new school year.
I encourage families to keep the communication links open with their children! The following tips may be helpful:
- Sleep – A good night’s sleep before school is always important in maintaining positive health and wellbeing.
- Uniform – As always, students must wear their full school uniform. Further information on uniform can be found here:
https://fairhillshs.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2023-Fairhills-High-School-Dress-Code.pdf - Classwork – Being up to date with the work that has been set.
- Laptop – Making sure the students’ laptop is in good working order and fully charged. The IT Technicians are available if support is needed.
On behalf of all senior school staff, we wish our students all the very best for the year ahead.
Bill Exton
Assistant Principal Senior School
Firstly I would like to introduce myself, Elizabeth (Liz ) Rundle.
As Pathways Coordinator my role is to provide assistance and support to members of our school community with the challenging decisions in relation to pathways/programs.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at, Liz.Rundle@education.vic.gov.au or 0n 9758 5022.
Just a few notes from the Careers and pathways office.
Compass Careers News:
This information is published every fortnight on the Compass news feed.
I would encourage you to scan the document and follow up on anything that relates to you and your family.
The Compass News feed is also used to advertise / promote upcoming careers events and share any jobs opportunities that come across my desk.
Upcoming events:
All VET in school programs will have commenced as of February 8. It is critical that all students check their emails weekly for communication from their Trainers. Email and SMS is the preferred line of communication and it is up to the individual student to carefully check.
Students who are unhappy with their VET program and wish to withdraw MUST do so before the last week of February.
Year 12 Pathways Interviews will start as of week 4 term 1. These interviews will be used to discuss pathways and start the process of planning.
New VCE Vocational Major & Structured work placement learning
Both staff and students are excited about the opportunity to be part of this exciting new Senior Certificate.
As part of the program students require 1 day a week in the work place – Structured workplace Learning (Work Experience). If anyone in our school community is able to provide a work placement please contact me – Liz Rundle
The Thrive program which has replaced Tutorial is designed to provide Self exploration, career exploration and Career management, for all year levels. This program will provide students with the opportunity to develop Pathways skills and knowledge making them better prepared for lifelong learning.
2023 Year 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in Morrisby Career Insights program. This program provides a comprehensive aptitude and Career report which helps them to better understand their strengths and plan their future. This program is invaluable for pathways planning and is provided free of cost by the Department. It is an opt in program and Compass consent will open soon. Testing is scheduled for the end of March and with follow up interviews will be in term 2.
Year 10 students are encouraged to start planning 1 week of compulsory Work Experience for the final week of term 2, 19 – 23 June. There will be more information to follow but students are encouraged to start thinking and networking.
Year 11 & 12 students will be attending the VCE Careers expo in May at Caulfield racecourse on Friday 5 May. Details to follow.
Please don’t hesitate in contacting me any questions or concerns.
Liz Rundle