Year 12 Farewell Breakfast
It was nice to return to one of the traditions we have for our Year 12 students over a number of years and join with them to celebrate the end of formal classes with a breakfast at the Arboretum on Wednesday 19 October. The Year 12 students enjoyed a relaxing breakfast of fruits and bacon, egg, hash brown rolls beautifully cooked by Mr Chow and Mr Stokes. Students mingled with some of their Year 12 teachers in the warm morning sun to relax together and sign and write messages on their uniforms. A big thank you to Ms Rundle for organising the food and coming in on her day off to set up the event.
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
On Wednesday 19 October, Year 12 students and their parents joined together with staff at the Karralyka Venue in Ringwood to acknowledge the efforts of our Year 12 students. Special guests on the night were Jackson Taylor (State Parliamentary Member for Bayswater) and Nick Wakeling (State Parliamentary Member for Ferntree Gully) who made major presentation to students recognising their achievements throughout 2022. The evening has a number of major purposes – to recognise and make presentations to individual students who have performed well in their studies throughout the year. Academic Excellence and Merit Awards were given out for each VCE and VCAL subject, as well as awards for leadership in various areas of the school such as Wellbeing and VET. We also get to celebrate the hard work and support of the parents and carers of each of the Year 12 students.
However, the main focus of the evening is to acknowledge and celebrate together the achievement of all our Year 12 students, both VCAL and VCE, in successfully completing their final year of schooling. As I mentioned on the night, gaining your senior certificate is not easy achievement and only 56.8% of Australian people over the age of 15 have completed their Year 12 studies. Well done to each and every individual VCE and VCAL student – each one of you have worked hard, completed many SACs and assessment tasks, attended lessons, managed personal problems, juggled part-time employment, relationship issues and importantly worked with your teachers support to satisfactorily complete the course requirements. It is a big achievement (after some difficult years) and something the parents present on the evening were rightly proud of. The VCE students have a number of weeks of exams over the next month and we look forward to their continued efforts to gain the best results possible. Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and good luck with your future endeavours.
Paul Donaldson
Assistant Principal and Senior School Leader
Year 10 Social
The Year 10 and 11 Cohort attended their Social at Chateau Wyuna. Students had a most fabulous night on the dance floor with their friends. A great night was had by all!
Year 11 VCAL Share the Dignity Pink Day
On Monday 17 October, our Year 11 VCAL students held a Free Dress Day to support the ‘Share The Dignity’ Foundation. Our students dressed in shades of pink (the company colour of Share The Dignity) to raise money and support for women and children who need a little extra help this Christmas. The money will be put towards purchasing personal care products and sanitary items that will make someone’s life a little easier in the coming months. Thanks to those who dressed up and donated.

A Cut above the rest / The value of Work Experience & Part time work
Graduating student Riley started his senior program focused on an Electrical Career pathway. He completed VET Certificate II in Electro technology Pre apprenticeship and Electrical work experience as part of his Senior Vocational pathway. During year 12 Riley started to question his chosen pathway and was struggling to find a part of the trade he really liked.
Having secured a part time job in 2022 at a local butcher shop, Riley discovered a new industry and trade. Riley loved his part time job and began to investigate the training required to pursue a career in the Meat industry. Riley’s employer was suitably impressed with him offering of a full time apprenticeship at the end of 2022.
Before Riley made his final decision to take up the offer of the apprenticeship he competed 2 weeks of full time work experience, to help him confirm that this was the work environment and trade he wanted.
Riley will start his Career in the meat industry and full time apprenticeship at the completion of his senior year in November.
Congratulations Riley for using all the opportunities available to you to help you find your focus; VET in schools, Work Experience and part time work. Plus the research you undertook re the training and qualifications you would need.
You are a perfect example of a student who was proactive in taking up opportunities and making things happen.
We will wish you all the best in the next chapter of your journey.
Year 12 – Some Final reminders / dates
VTAC – University / TAFE applications:
12 December | ATAR’s will be released |
12 December | Change of preferences week |
21 December | December offers |
13 January 2023 | First round offers |
1 February 2023 | Second round offers |
Students can change their preferences between each offer round but must remember that only courses listed above their current offer can be considered in subsequent rounds.
For a complete list of critical dates go to;
Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if you have any questions or concerns; / 9758 5022.
Apprenticeships / Traineeships / Work
Students seeking employment are encouraged to register on job seeker websites and with registered training organisations to assist them. If students need any support in developing their resume / cover letters they are encouraged to go to – log in to their secure area and use the templates available. Or contact myself for support.
Official VCE / VCAL Certificates
Certificates will be available in the final week of Term 4. A Compass notification will be sent to students when they are available. These are only printed once and students must collect them from the General Office in person and sign for them.
Save the date – 2023 Graduates Afternoon Tea – 9 February 2023
2022 Year 12 students are invited back to school on 9 February at 4pm for Afternoon Tea. This is an informal event allowing students to catch up with staff and each other sharing 2023 plans. They will also have the opportunity to pick up their VCE / VCAL certificate if they have not already done so. To RSVP please go to:
VET in Schools – Vocational Education and Training as part of VCE & VCE VM
VET enrolments are now overdue.
If you have not submitted an application form and you want to be considered for a VET program for 2023 or you are continuing with your VET program next year please submit your application form to the General Office next week.
Application forms are available at the front office and on Compass under School Documentation – Subject Selection 10 / 11 – VET.
Students who have applied for a VET program will receive a confirmation letter by the end of October. Students entering first year VET 2023 are required to attend a Compulsory Orientation session on the 30 November between 2:00pm-3:30pm.
If you have any questions please contact / 9758 5022.
Job Opportunities on Compass
Many local businesses contact the school at this time of year with job opportunities for our students. These job opportunities are published on Compass, so we encourage students who are looking to secure holiday work to check Compass regularly.
Students looking to enrol in VCE Vocational Major for 2023
Students are reminded that Work Experience must be organised now for 2023. Students will need to complete one week of work experience with their prospective employer for the next year by the end of this year. VET enrolment must be completed for their Industry pathway before the end of the year as well..
Work Experience forms can be collected from Career Office.