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Civil Construction excursion to Holmesglen Tunnel Training Centre

On Friday 6 September, six of the Year 10 students attended a Civil Construction Immersion Day at Holmesglen Tunnelling Centre.

This amazing experience provided students with an insight into careers within the construction industry from the hands-on trades to the Higher Education designers.

Students were able to see and experience the equipment used and walk into a section of tunnel.

Overall, a fantastic opportunity.

Can I congratulate our students for the way they actively participated in all the workshops – they did themselves and Fairhills proud.


Learning Conferences

A special ‘thank you’ to families for partnering with the school and supporting the learning journey of their child(ren) by attending the online learning Conferences on Monday 2 September. This was an opportune time to hear from teachers and for students to reflect on their participation and engagement in class. This reflection provides students with an ideal opportunity to set new goals and create schedules that further support their learning.

Learning Resource Hub

With the theme ‘Reading is Magic’, it was great to celebrate Children’s Book week recently.

Students across the School completed Reading is Magic Word Searches whilst students from Middle School searched under desks, chairs and in the Library for miniature books which had been hidden. All participants received House points for their endeavours.


Learning Walks

Over the last three weeks, members of the ‘School Improvement Team’ (SIT) have been taking part in ‘learning walks’. Learning walks are one way we can improve the learning that is taking place in our classrooms, through listening and hearing the thoughts of our students. Learning walks involve a School Leader making a short visit to a classroom (either at the beginning, middle or end of a lesson) and asking two students about the learning that is taking place. By getting a snapshot of the teaching and learning environment, we aim to build learning relationships and gather evidence related to our school goals. The findings of the learning walks will be used by teachers to collectively refine and enhance the learning in our classrooms.

Student Forums

Last week saw the running of a series of student forums as a way to gain a deeper perspective on student experiences at Fairhills High School. These student forum groups (conducted separately with students in each year level) focused on getting a student perspective on responses from the Attitudes to School Survey that took place earlier in the year. In the past, student feedback has informed improvements to student toilets, yard duty staffing, improving facilities and the ongoing development of our LEARN Model and lesson plans.

Year 7 and 8 Reading Awards

As a part of the 2024 Book Week celebrations students who have demonstrated a passion for reading both in their English classes and in their own time were presented with a Reading Award.

We would like to congratulate these students for excellence in reading so far this year. Serene, Sylvia, Esjay, Aiden, Callum, Evie and Sarah.

Well done to all these students.

Year 11 VM

On Thursday 22 August Year 11 Vocational Major students participated in a Wheeltalk session presented by Disability Sport and Recreation. Our presenter for the session was Peter Ogunyemi who is an inspiring Paralympian and Richmond wheelchair AFL player. Peter talked to us about his path to becoming a sports person and how he lost the use of his legs. Peter’s inspiring message to us was to see past appearances and to not let adversity stand in the way of achieving our dreams.

After his presentation Peter invited us to play wheelchair basketball. This was both challenging and a lot of fun. We quickly learnt the rules of the game and competed as teams. Wheelchair basketball is a quick game that required us to bounce the ball, while still moving our wheelchair. This was a great experience for everyone! Thank you Peter for this excellent and inspiring session.

Year 12 Biology

Unit 4 Biologists had their final visit to KIOSC, where they used cutting-edge genetic techniques to investigate Madagascan Lemurs. While they didn’t manage to track down King Julien’s ancestry or identify his exact species, our students immersed themselves in a real-world scientific detective story, contributing valuable information to help protect these fascinating creatures.

The KIOSC staff were impressed by the students’ technical expertise, a testament to the strong partnership we have with KIOSC. As always, our students exemplified respect and high-level engagement, reflecting our school values.

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