House Points Term 2 Results
GREEN HOUSE are the winners for the most house points accumulated in Term 2!!
Well done green house for your amazing comeback especially with the Lid4Kids points! Full details of points are below.
House | ASRC Food Drive | Schoolwide Positive Behaviour | Lids 4 Kids | Total |
Green | 269 | 266 | 4466 | 5001 |
Blue | 76 | 253 | 4488 | 4817 |
Red | 83 | 258 | 1079 | 1420 |
Yellow | 183 | 261 | 900 | 1344 |
ASRC Food Drive – thank you!
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed items to our ASRC/FHS food drive during Term 2.
Due to the thoughtfulness and generosity of our school community we were able to exceed our goal of one item per student.
Congratulation to green house, but also to the other houses for making the 2022 food drive such a success.
Look out for information about the 2023 ASRC/FHS food drive early in the new school year
Lids 4 Kids is continuing Term 3
Lids 4 Kids is continuing in Term 3 so keep these coming.
What to collect: bread tags and lids – (milk/UHT bottle lids, water bottle lids, soft-drink bottle lids)
Where to drop off: The General Office – House-colour containers are located on the Reception Desk
Where do the lids go: These will be donated to a fantastic foundation called Lids4Kids, the plastic lids will be created into mobility aids and toys among many other things for young kids and the bread tags will be used to create wheelchairs. Head to Lids 4 Kids for more information:
How are points counted: For every lid or bread tag donated you will earn one house point for your house. The winning house will also be awarded and extra 20 points.