Middle School Report

Middle School Report It’s hard to remember everything about my middle or high school years – a few really amazing teachers, some awesome chemistry experiments, and having friends over after school. But what I can tell you about are the school events that happened. Athletic Day, Sports, camps, dances, guest speakers, theme days… these are […]

Our Virtual International Student Arrives

International Student – Gus Bacareza finally arrives On 3 December 2019 the school received an email from Mrs Bacareza about enrolling her son Gustave Bacareza. The Bacareza family was looking for a year 11/12 educational study plan in Australia and chose Fairhills High School. Then COVID hit – you may remember his story in previous […]

Important Dates

  Date Event Thursday 10 March Whole School Athletics Day Monday 14 March Labour Day – Public Holiday Monday 21 March Year 7 Immunisations Thursday 24 March Fairhills Discovery Night Friday 8 April Last day of Term 1 – 2.30pm finish   Discovery Night Join us at our Discovery Night – bookings can be made […]

Senior School Report

2021 Year 12 Valedictory Afternoon Tea   On the afternoon of Thursday 24th February we were able to gather together with the Year 12 class of 2021 and celebrate the successful completion of their VCE studies. Students and staff mingled and were able to catch up with each other and hear about their post-schooling plans for […]

Athletics Day

Athletics Day Our Annual Athletics Day was held Thursday 10 March 2022.  Students arrived dressed in their house colours and had the opportunity to participate in individual and group activities.  Even our Support Dog Scout enjoyed the day.  Thanks to Ms Bishop for organising the day along with the teachers and support staff which ensured […]

Teaching and Learning Excellence

New Staff I am pleased to introduce two new members of staff to our school community. We are delighted to have the following members of staff join our team: Mrs. Laura Blackson, who has transferred from Cranbourne East and comes to the school in her capacity as a Learning Specialist. Laura will be teaching Health […]

Principal’s Message

Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) The AIP supports the school to achieve its strategic plan’s targets. Below are some of the important actions and activities we will be undertaking to support student outcomes. Implement QuickSmart numeracy program in Year 7 and 8 Develop and monitor high expectations strategies within the school’s new structures Student Representative Council […]

2022 School Captains

We are excited to announce our 2022 School Captains are Michaela and Caitlyn. They are looking forward to representing Fairhills High School this year. Congratulations Michaela and Caitlyn.  

Discovery Night

Join us on Thursday 24th March 2022 and Discover what Fairhills High School has to offer. Bookings can be made through: https://www.trybooking.com/BXPWW

School Council Elections

School Council Elections School Council elections are upon us again. Term of office is for two years with half of members retiring each year but eligible for re-election. Two parents, two staff members, one community member and one student end their term of office in March 2022. There is a number of retiring members: Silvana […]

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