Principal’s Message

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As we come to the end of another busy and productive term, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible efforts of our staff and students. This term has seen challenges, successes, and countless moments of learning and growth.

To all our staff, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your hard work and commitment to fostering an inclusive, dynamic learning environment continue to make Fairhills a place where every student is encouraged to explore their potential. Your ability to adapt to change, support each other, and keep student wellbeing at the forefront of all you do has been inspiring.

As we pause to reflect on the term, I encourage everyone—students, staff, and families—to take some time for rest and recharge over the holidays. Let’s return with renewed energy, ready to continue our journey of empowering our community.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity Week at Fairhills High School has been a fantastic celebration of the rich variety of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives that make up our school community. Throughout the week, students and staff engaged in activities designed to foster understanding, respect, and appreciation for the differences that make each of us unique. From Cultural day where students and staff celebrated (and ate!) food around the globe, to LGBTQIA+ activities such as the flag run and bracelet reminds us of the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms. Recognising and valuing diversity not only strengthens our community but also empowers us to be more curious, creative, and confident—key elements of our school’s vision. By appreciating the diversity within us all, we learn to see the world through different lenses, becoming more empathetic and prepared for the challenges of a global society.

How to Help Your Child Who is Stressed

Different children handle stress in various ways, but the key is to encourage them to talk about their feelings. If they don’t want to talk to you, urge them to speak with someone they trust. Bottling up emotions only increases stress. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Lifestyle Check: Assess your child’s lifestyle. Are they eating healthily? Getting enough sleep? Exercising? You might need to discuss these factors with them.
  • Balance: Ensure your child has time for fun with friends, activities they enjoy, and some downtime to relax. If they have too many extracurricular activities, it may be overwhelming. Discuss with them if necessary.
  • Writing Exercise: Have your child write down everything troubling them. Ask them to rank these concerns from 1 to 100 and discuss ways to reduce the stress from each factor.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Exercise and sports are excellent for burning off stress and nervous energy.
  • Organisation and Help: Help your child get organised and find support for any difficult subjects.
  • Journaling: Encourage them to keep a diary or journal to express their thoughts.
  • Laughter: Find out what makes them laugh and incorporate more of that into their life.
  • Direct Support: Ask your child what specific help they need and what life would look like if they weren’t stressed.
  • Relaxation Techniques: See if they are interested in learning relaxation or meditation techniques.
  • Stress Management: Guide them through stress management strategies to find what works best for them.
  • Professional Help: If you’re concerned, consider seeking professional help. Consult with the school for further actions.

Electronic device use at Tasty Trucks

We would like to thank you for your continued support with the Personal Mobile Devices Policy. We have noticed students trying to utilise their phones as a payment method at the Tasty Truck and ask that families look to make other arrangements.

Mobile phones are not to be used at the Tasty Truck as they are not allowed to be in use between the school hours of 8.40am and 2.48pm.  Students can make payment via an EFTPOS card or cash.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ian Van Schie


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