Principal’s Message

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Student Outcomes

I bring you some exciting news on our students’ learning and wellbeing progress. I want to thank the staff who played an important role in making this happen.

Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) Results

The Attitudes to School Survey, conducted annually by the Department of Education, gathers valuable feedback from students about their school experiences. It covers various aspects, including student engagement, wellbeing, and the overall learning environment. This data helps us listen to our students, make informed decisions, and continuously strive for excellence in education.

This year’s results are similar to last year’s, showing that our students’ positive perceptions are well above those of similar and network schools, as well as the state average. It is particularly pleasing to see that differentiated learning improved by 2%, an area we have targeted through the LEARN model lesson plans and inclusion priorities.


NAPLAN growth data provides valuable insights into our students’ progress in key areas such as literacy and numeracy, regardless of their starting points. By prioritizing growth, we recognize and celebrate each student’s efforts and improvements, fostering a growth mindset that values perseverance and continuous learning. This approach helps us identify effective teaching strategies, allocate resources where they are most needed, and ultimately enhance the learning experience for all our students.

2024 Year 9 & Year 7 Growth

Year 9:

Reading: 81% medium and high growth
Numeracy: 72% medium and high growth

Year 7: (Reflecting their Grade 5 & 6 journey)

Reading: 66% medium and high growth
Numeracy: 60% medium and high growth

Our next step is to identify the students who had low growth so we can implement individualised targeted support to increase their learning growth.

Upstander & Kindness movement

An Upstander is someone who acts when they see something wrong. There are many ways an Upstander can act to support others.

Every year in THRIVE students explore ways to be an Upstander and show kindness. I encourage the school community to utilise the ones they feel most comfortable implementing. Behaviour ignored is behaviour accepted.

Fairhills High School Upstander strategies

Call the Bullies out

If you see friends or classmates laughing along with the bullying, tell them that they are contributing to the problem. Never join in.

Lend a hand

Ask the person who is being left out or picked on to join you and fellow Upstanders.

Alert and adult

When possible, notify a staff member whenever you see someone being bullied. There are many ways to report. Stymie notifications are an anonymous way. You can also inform a parent/carer who can report it to the school.

Stop the spread of hurtful messages

If someone sends you a message or tells you a rumour that is untrue, speak out. Let them know that this behaviour is not funny or cool.

Be a friend

Welcome new students. Make friends outside of your circle. Eat lunch with someone who is eating alone.

Respect differences

Remind others that differences are something to be celebrated, not used to hurt others or make others feel inferior.

2025 STEM academy

I am excited about our STEM future and the opportunities and possibilities that a thriving STEM program will provide.

We now:

  • Have amazing spaces and inspiring STEM leaders and teachers.
  • Are developing an engaging and innovative STEM program.
  • Are building our collection of resources and equipment, such as VEX Robotics.

These advancements will support us in becoming the school of choice for STEM in the Outer East region (and dare I say it… across Melbourne).

In 2025, Year 7 and 8 students will participate in VEX Robotics through their Science classes, and Year 9 students will do so through Robotics and coding courses. Year 7 students selected for the STEM academy will also compete in VEX Robotics championships against other schools across the state, nationally, and, before long, internationally.

At the Hydrogen Car Grand Prix last week, our students achieved an incredible third place in Victoria. In doing so, we outperformed Independent, Catholic, and State schools, finishing just 18 laps away from heading to the World Final Hydrogen Grand Prix in California. Considering this was our first-ever attempt, it was an incredible effort. I want to congratulate the team of students and their mentors, Dr. Dan Kilgore and Mr. Lee Luo.

Ian Van Schie


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