Wellbeing and engagement

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School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) Lessons

This term we are excited to reintroduce our School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) lessons aimed at fostering a positive school culture and enhancing student engagement and wellbeing. Starting in Week 2, all Year 7-10 students will participate in two School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) lessons per week. These lessons will be seamlessly integrated into core subjects, providing an innovative approach to reinforcing our school’s core values: Build Relationships, Show Respect, Act Responsibly.

The SWPB lessons are designed to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel valued and empowered. By focusing on these key values, we aim to cultivate a school culture that encourages positive behaviour, strengthens relationships, and fosters a sense of community. These lessons will provide practical strategies for students to apply these values in their daily interactions, both inside and outside the classroom.

Building Relationships is at the heart of a positive school experience. Through these lessons, students will learn the importance of connecting with their peers and teachers, understanding diverse perspectives, and working collaboratively. These skills are essential not only for academic success but also for personal growth and development.

Showing Respect is fundamental to creating a safe and supportive school environment. The SWPB lessons will emphasize the importance of respecting oneself, others, and the school community. Students will explore topics such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication, all of which contribute to a respectful and harmonious school culture.

Acting Responsibly is a key component of positive behaviour. The lessons will encourage students to take ownership of their actions, make thoughtful decisions, and contribute positively to the school community. By developing a sense of responsibility, students will be better equipped to navigate challenges and build resilience.

We believe that these SWPB lessons will have a profound impact on our students’ engagement and wellbeing. By integrating these important values into everyday learning, we aim to create a positive and inclusive school environment where all students can thrive. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss these lessons with their children and support them in practicing these values at home.

Let’s work together to make this initiative a success and continue building a vibrant, respectful, and responsible school community!

Year 12 Dress up day

The Year 12’s recently enjoyed a dress up day as a character starting with their initial. A great effort was made by all but we were particularly impressed when we had a visit from the famous Michelle Obama and Ariana Grande.


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