Middle School Report
In the midst of all that is going on this term, our wonderful Middle School team continues to work tirelessly, supporting our students with their wellbeing, attendance, individual education plans, and encouraging engagement through various lunchtime clubs.
We’re thrilled to announce the re-launch of the Art Club, the continued interest in the ever-popular Dungeons and Dragons sessions every Friday afternoon and robotics solar car challenge on Tuesday afternoon.
These clubs offer a fantastic opportunity for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and build friendships.
Careers Program
This term, the Careers Program has been a significant focus, providing our Middle School students with the tools and knowledge to make informed career decisions and prepare for the world of work. Our Years 7 and 8 students have been introduced to the DET Careers Program, while Year 9 students have begun the Morrisby Program. A big thank you to our Careers and Pathways Coordinator, Elizabeth Rundle, for her dedication and expertise in providing the necessary resources to both students and staff. Elizabeth’s guidance has been invaluable in helping our Middle School students develop their career action plans and set goals for their futures.
Year 9 Career Insights / Morrisby Profiling
On the 29 April and 2 May the Year 9 students began their Career insights program by completing the online profile quiz. To date 32 of the 67 students in Year 9 have completed the quiz and are ready for their one on one interview in June.
For students to have a one on one interview and receive a copy of their report they must have parent permission to be part of the program. Parents can still provide permission on compass or you can do this by sending an email to Liz Rundle in Pathways- Liz.Rundle@education.vic.gov.au
Can I also please ask that parents encourage their student to complete the quiz online so that they can access this amazingly insightful program.
Anzac Day Tribute
To honour Anzac Day, Year 9 students took part in a meaningful history lesson by walking the 1000 Steps Kokoda Trail. This challenging trek not only provided a physical test but also served as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by Australian soldiers during World War II. It was an enlightening and moving experience for all involved.
We are immensely proud of our Middle School team and students for their ongoing dedication, enthusiasm, and achievements. Stay tuned for more updates and highlights as we continue through this busy and rewarding term.
Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader