The end of Term 2 and the beginning of Term 3 are always very busy times for schools.
Semester 1 Reports
The last few weeks of Term 2 witnessed a flurry of activity with students in Years 9-11 completing Semester 1 Exams. I would like to commend our teaching team who worked so diligently to write, mark, provide feedback and finally prepare the students’ reports.
Students across the school can be congratulated for the positive attitude they demonstrated in the preparation of the exams. The reports provide comprehensive details of students’ progress together with information, for students in Years 7-10, on their current Victorian Curriculum (VC) achievement level, measured against age-expected levels, and their progress since the last report.
Academic Excellence Awards
We are in the process of working through the reports to recognize those students who will be eligible to receive 2022 Semester 1 Academic Excellence Awards. These Awards are presented to students who have achieved beyond their expected levels. Details will be posted about this event in the coming weeks.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
As part of the 2022 Annual Implementation Plan, the school has as its focus a concentrated effort to support teachers as they use collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning for all students. The PLC teams, are in the process of developing a more rigorous and systematic examination of a wide range of data to be used as a catalyst to improve teaching and learning outcomes for all students.
Year 9 Connect Program
The Year 9 Connect Program spent the day of exploration in the city – see the Middle School report for more information.
Karen Dean
Associate Principal, Staff Development/Leadership