As you may be aware all schools currently have staffing shortages. Fairhills High School is no exception. We are doing everything we can to ensure there is a teacher in front of each class. I do want to thank the teachers for going above and beyond the call of duty to make this happen. I am proud of the staff who are very resilient and supportive of our students’ learning and wellbeing.
Carleen Madden – retired
Carleen has been at the school for well over a decade and has been a valuable member of the English and Maths departments.
Paul McLeish – position at another school
Paul has been at the school since 2018. The last 12 months he has taken some time off and recently received an offer at another school. Paul’s experience and knowledge around facilities will be valuable contribution to the new school.
I wish them both all the best for the future.
New staff
Erin McGillicuddy – Teacher
I am pleased to announce that Erin McGillicuddy will replace Ms Madden from Week 5. Ms McGillicuddy comes to the school with lots of experience, skills, and enthusiasm. I know she will add lots of value to our school.
Danielle Perry – Education Support Staff
In the office, we welcomed Danielle Perry at the start of Term 3. Danielle has replaced Sharon Cox and her role includes the Daily Org – replacing teacher absences, looking after Reception and responding to phone calls. Please make her feel welcomed as she learns the ropes of a busy school office.
Advertising and Sponsorship
Fairhills High School has developed advertising packages to support local businesses. For example, the e-Sign is an incredible space to advertise as over 50,000 vehicles travel past the sign every day.
The content of advertisements on school grounds must be appropriate for children (aged 0 to 18 years) and must not depict nudity, sex, violence, horror or crude language or involve political parties, tobacco companies, gaming venues or companies selling or promoting alcohol.
Parents/carers of our students will be provided with VIP deals!
It is natural for us to want to believe that life is back to normal. It has been a very challenging two years so to have more freedom is something we all desire. However, to help stop the spread of the current Covid wave we all must do our part. The Department of Education are encouraging all staff and students to wear masks indoors. Thank you to those who are wearing the masks to help stop the spread. Your efforts will assist the community in general as well as frontline workers such as nurses, elderly care workers and paramedics.
There are also other ways we can contribute to stopping the spread and include:
cough or sneeze into your arm
use a tissue
wash your hands for 20 seconds
Beanie trial
It is also great to see so many students wearing the MND beanie. The school has extended the wearing of the MND beanie until the end of Week 5.
I am pleased to announce that the School Council has agreed to trialing a black beanie for the rest of Term 3.
it must be all black with no labels
cannot be worn indoors (MND beanie as well)
only worn in Term 3
If there are no major dress code issues regarding the beanie, the School Council may look at endorsing a 2023 FHS beanie.
FHS Dress Code
It is an expectation that all students comply with the FHS dress code. This includes travelling to and from school. Information regarding our uniform and where to purchase is available at:
If a student is not compliant, we ask parents/carers to write a note. The student is required to take it to their sub-school to receive an authorised pass for 1-3 days (depending on the situation).
Examples of reasonable and unreasonable excuses are below.
Reasonable Excuse
uniform damaged/ripped
waiting on uniform stock
financial concerns (please speak to General Office who may be able to support you)
Unreasonable (students will receive a uniform infringement)
I am pleased to announce that the top 10% of students across the school have been recognized for achieving the highest academic results for their assessment tasks. The students who received awards achieved a significant number of ‘outstanding’ and/or ‘excellent’ grades with equal weighting given in all subjects. In addition, we are pleased to award Learning Culture Certificates to the top 10% of students at each level whose efforts and engagement in classes displayed characteristics that are considered to be essential to promote a positive learning culture. Congratulations to all the worthy recipients.
Award recipients received a pizza lunch on Friday 29 July in recognition for their good work.
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Curriculum Day will be held on Thursday 4 August. The day will be dedicated to further developing the school’s whole school curriculum. A guaranteed and viable curriculum is defined as a combination of opportunities and time for students to learn (What works in schools: Translating research into action Marzano). The school’s curriculum must be implicit, explicit and it must be coherent.
Teachers will spend the day working towards further developing an enduring and dynamic, discipline-based learning approach that include capabilities that are based on discreet knowledge and skills.
In addition to developing a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, the school is working to further develop a whole school approach to Building Respectful Relationships. Fairhills is committed to driving a school wide commitment and action to promote gender equality; delivering the curriculum to ensure staff are able to respond to disclosures; developing students’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to engage in respectful relationships and building strategies to prevent violence against women.
The five-step implementation plan is outlined below.
Any parent/guardian or student who would like to join the Respectful Relationships committee, is welcome to contact me or the school at your earliest convenience.
Year 9 Connect Program
This week, the Year 9/10G Connect students visited The Willum Warrain Aboriginal Gathering Place in Hastings. See the Middle School report for more information.
Karen Dean
Associate Principal, Staff Development/Leadership
As part of our ongoing efforts to acknowledge the positive learning behaviours of our students, Mr Van Schie initiated the awarding of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) beanies to the student at each year level who had received the most positive posts on Compass from staff. Parents and students will have noticed green posts highlighting their positive behaviours appearing regularly on their individual Compass page and hopefully students will continue to strive to make positive contributions to their classroom learning. This is part of our broader development of the School Wide Positive Behaviours program that the school community will continue to hear more about. Congratulations go to Olivia R (Year 10), Nikita R (Year 11) and Michaela L (Year 12) who received their beanie this week.
VCE Subject Selection Process for 2023
Thank you to those students and families that attended the VCE Information evening last Thursday evening. Ms Rundle was able to provide an overview of the VCE and the changes being made for 2023 (see Year 10 and 11 Students – Pathways and Subject Selection Expo below). We have collected the student preferences for subjects and are in the process of developing the best blocking system that provides most students to get their choices. Please note there is no perfect blocking system that allows all students to get every subject they want. The variety of combinations of subjects just does not allow this to happen. We will holding individual student/parent interviews on the 11 August (2022 Year 11) and 12 August (2022 Year 10), to discuss their subject selections and how they fit into the VCE blocking for next year.
Paul Donaldson
Assistant Principal and Senior School Leader
Year 10 Careers Expo and Swinburne University Campus Tour
On Friday the 14 July, Year 10 students kicked off Pathways Planning Week by attending the Melbourne Careers Expo at the Convention Centre.
With over 150 exhibitors from Industry and training providers, seminars and stage presentations, this event provided students with not only information but inspiration. Given 2 hours to tour the event students had the opportunity to talk to the key stakeholders and learn about relevant training and pathways.
In the afternoon the students had the opportunity to hear a presentation from Swinburne University/TAFE. Walking around the Hawthorn Campus of Swinburne was a real eye opener for students, highlighting the size and offerings provided by such an institution.
The day provided amazing opportunities to start a conversation and spark ideas for future planning.
Year 10 and 11 Students – Pathways and Subject Selection Expo
On Thursday 21 July, students and parents were invited to the 2023 Pathways and Subject selection evening. Students and parents were provided with information about the new senior school certificates and given the opportunity to speak to teachers.
Families who were unable to attend can access the presentation on Compass under school documentation – Subject Selection.
Students have now made their preliminary program and subject selections and this information will be used to build the timetable for 2023.
Students and families will be invited to confirm programs and subjects on the 11/12 August in an interview with the Senior School Team.
Families will be provided instructions later this week on how to lock in an interview time.
Year 12 Students – Term 3 is time to lock in some plans for 2023
All Year 12 students will have a Face to Face Pathways Interview in Term 3 to assist them in planning and organising their next step as they transition into the community.
Every destination requires preparation and students to be proactive and the role of Careers and Pathways is to do exactly that. Every option; University and TAFE, Apprenticeships / Traineeships, full time employment and travel needs to planned and prepared for.
Open days – are a critical step in Year 12 planning. Open Days are also extremely important for Years 10 and 11. Attending Open Days before Year 12 can help to establish focus and inspire excellence.
A full timetable of all the Open Days has been posted to Compass. Please try to make these a priority. Plan your trip by checking when the course/faculty you are interested in is presenting.
VTAC Important Dates and details
VTAC – the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre – is the central body that takes applications on behalf of a number of universities, TAFE’s and private colleges
primarily in Victoria. Below is a summary of important dates. For a complete list of dates, fees and information please go to the VTAC website –
Year 12 Psychology
Last week, Year 12 Psychology students had an exciting session at KIOSC Sleep Lab with a sleep scientist from Monash Hospital. This session was aimed to help students understand how sleep data can be gathered and interpreted.
Thanks to Caitlyn who volunteered to be a participant and have her brain and muscle activity recorded while she was sleeping. The scientist attached sensors to her to record electrical activity in her brain, the muscles around her eyes and face as well as her pulse and blood oxygen levels. Caitlyn was put in a quiet room to try to fall asleep. She was great and did manage to fall asleep. During this time the data was relayed to a computer and displayed on a large screen. We could see the waves produced on the screen change as she moved into a different state of consciousness. As this was occurring the scientist explained what these recordings showed.
This week students in the Middle School during their Thrive classes have completed report reflections based on their Semester 1 Reports.
Students were encouraged to reflect on their achievements and focus on their learning habits and set some short-term and long-term goals for learning growth. Goals were centered around organisation, completing homework tasks on time and behaviours in the classroom.
Semester 1 Growth and Recognition Awards
This week at our level assembly, we celebrated our students who achieved the top 10% in academic excellence and demonstrated exemplary learning practices. Well done to those students who were recognised and congratulated by their peers. These students enjoyed a celebratory pizza lunch on Friday 29 July.
Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader
Positivity Award Winners
Year 7 and 8 students who have received positive reports from teachers on Compass are entered into a raffle to win a chocolate from the Year 7 and 8 Team Leaders.
Congratulations to the following students for winning last month’s Positivity Awards:
Year 7 – Zaydah N
Year 8 – Lukas B
Congratulations to Daniel B, Jack S and Jovo J on their positive learning behaviour points in Semester 1 – as a result they received a FightMND beanie.
Year 7 and 8 – Make and Build
Year 7 and 8 – Make and Build students have made a fantastic start to Term 3 whilst learning some technical digital design skills. Throughout the semester the students will apply technical design processes to create a variety of works.
Teacher: Ms Kate Parker
Year 9 Connect
This week, the Year 9/10G Connect students visited The Willum Warrain Aboriginal Gathering Place in Hastings. It was a day to better understand our First Nations culture. We were briefed about The Stolen Generation and celebrated the powerful story of this unique, indigenous gathering place and how it connects cultures, communities and Country. Our students had the unique opportunity to hear the stories of our First Nations People. They developed a better understanding of past living conditions, the importance of understanding native plants for food and medicinal purposes, and a range of indigenous customs and traditions.
Year 9 and 10 – Japanese Anime and Manga
This elective ran for the first time this year. Students studied about the history and significance of anime and manga both in Japan and across the world. They then put their creative talents to work to design an anime or manga character. Once they had done this, they designed a storyboard featuring their character in a section of a storyline. They were also challenged to incorporate Japanese sound effects or expressions.
Some students wowed with their creativity both in terms of design and storyline.
Please enjoy their efforts, which might inspire you to read some manga or watch some anime.
Teacher: Ms Jessica Winstone
Year 9 and 10 – Into the Universe
On the 26 July, students from Year 9/10 elective – Into the Universe had an excursion to the Australian Synchrotron, which is connected to Monash University. Students were given a tour of the Particle Accelerator and were shown how it is used for medical imaging, Forensic Science and also looking for a cure for cancer and Covid. Students performed experiments where they used magnets and filters to bend and control laser beams. The final session was a Q&A with two PhD students that do their research at the Synchrotron. One researcher is looking at cancer research and the other into liquid metals to help reduce climate change and pollution. It was an enjoyable day and the students worked well.
Poetry Workshops
Are you interested in writing poetry? If so, you could join in on a poetry writing workshop run by a spoken word artist and winner.
Workshops will support students’ participation in the upcoming Interschool Poetry Slam Tuesday 25 October. This opportunity provides students with a platform to share and express creativity in a safe space. One performer is invited per school.
If you are interested please see Ms. Winstone in the Middle School Staffroom by Friday 5 August .
Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.
Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.
Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:
Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
Communicate with teachers
Update contact details
View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
Monitor homework and assessment tasks
Download and view semester reports
Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions
Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend. Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.
Just a reminder for parents/carers to use the Parent Car Park at pick up and drop off times. The staff/visitors car park should not be used.
Lunchtime Clubs and Groups
Students have the opportunity to join any of the Clubs and Groups offered during lunchtime. Details are provided in the link below. Any suggestions for other lunchtime activities can be forwarded to the wellbeing team.
Period 6 Monday and Tuesday some VCE subjects (57 min)
Team Leaders
Year Level
Staff Leaders
7 and 8
Kate Parker & Sarah Power
Greg Baker
Robyn Grunberg
Julian Stokes
Sustainable School Shop
Looking to buy or sell secondhand books or uniforms? Visit:
You can also find the following items:
Sporting items
Musical items
Electronics & DVD’s
Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy
ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.
If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.
Student Absences
If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:
Phone the absence hotline is available on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
Student’s arriving to school late must report to the General Office.
If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.
COVID Absences
If your child or any family member has COVID, please ring or email the school so we can record their absence accordingly.
Students who have close contacts must wear a mask whilst indoors and onsite.
Contact Details
If you have changed any of your personal details (phone numbers / address / place of employment) – please email your changes to: phone the office for assistance on 03 9758 5022. It is important to ensure our records are current. Thank you for your cooperation.
During 22-26 August – we will be holding a number of activities celebrating Diversity.
On Monday 22 August we will be celebrating Cultural Diversity – which will include a Food Festival. Students will be able to buy food from different cultures.
All families are welcome to cook a dish to sell at the food festival to help celebrate all our different cultures. Look out for a Compass post for more information.
Lids 4 Kids
It is great to see our school community get behind this good cause and bring their lids and bread tags to the school for house points. We have had so many items come in. Thanks to our students – Felicity, Ameisha and Swastika who have the fun job of counting these!
To make it a bit fairer with all other house point initiative we have decided that for Term 3 – 10 lids will count for 1 point.
For items more than 10 – can you please count the items and indicate the number of lids/tags on the bag to help with the counting.
What to collect: bread tags and lids – (milk/UHT bottle lids, water bottle lids, soft-drink bottle lids)
Where to drop off: The General Office – House-colour containers are located on the Reception Desk
Where do the lids go: These will be donated to a fantastic foundation called Lids4Kids, the plastic lids will be created into mobility aids and toys among many other things for young kids and the bread tags will be used to create wheelchairs. Head to Lids 4 Kids for more information:
How are points counted: For every lid or bread tag donated you will earn one house point for your house. The winning house will also be awarded and extra 20 points.
Last week a fantastic team of Fairhills students helped coach and manage 13 Grade 5/6 ‘Hooptime’ basketball teams for Knox Gardens Primary School. To quote Mr George (the Knox Gardens PE teacher AND ex Fairhills student) “The Fairhills students made the day easy for everyone. They made what could have been a dysfunctional day, functional!” We also had a member of the public call the school to say we should be so proud of how our students helped out.
Congratulations to all our Hooptime Students!!!
Basketball Marathon Fundraising Event
As part of the VCAL curriculum students have to do a fundraising project. Year 12 students Dakota, Jacinta and Charisma planned a Basketball Marathon as a fundraising event for our Basketball Team who will be participating in the December Queensland Basketball competition.
The Basketball Marathon was held last week and was a huge event. Students and staff participated throughout the day and the stadium was filled with lots of laughter, sweat and banter. The event could not have gone ahead without the following teachers help – Ms Power, Mr Harberger and Mr Burrows.
On behalf of the Queensland Basketball Team a huge thanks to the VCAL students for coming up with the idea and running the event which raised just over $500 to go towards their registration costs.
QLD Basketball Team
The Senior Boys Basketball Team will be attending this year’s Australian School Championships, which is to be held in Gold Coast, Queensland at the end of November. The Australian School Championships are the highest level of Australian school basketball competition and present the only opportunity for schools to compete against teams/schools from across the country. This is a week long tournament that exposes students to high quality basketball. Congratulations to the following players for being selected to the team:
Bailey S
Cody B
Harley M
Jacob C
Jaden V
Kahu M
Matt P
Patrick G
Tyson S
Will T
Looking for Sponsors
We are looking for sponsors for this event. If you are interested, please contact the school on 9758 5022.
Due to skeleton staff, Wellbeing services have been limited the past couple of weeks. When we are back in full capacity appointments will be rescheduled. Thank you for all your patience.
We were however, very fortunate to have the following programs run last week which they were very well received by the students.
Red Frogs Australia presented their Party Safe program to our Year 11’s & Year 12’s. The program explored issues such as Alcohol, Drugs and the Australian drinking culture, Mental Health, Peer Pressure, Social Media, and Making positive choices. The Party Safe curriculum is based on the latest research and the years of experience Red Frogs has in supporting young people in party environments such as university parties and end-of-school celebrations.
Elephant Ed also visited the Year 8 students last week and discussed issues commonly faced by adolescents including safety, identity, body image, social media, and other issues. The students loved the workshops which worked towards empowering young people to make informed, positive and safe decisions about sexuality, relationships and growing up.
“Everyone you admire was once a beginner.” – Jack Butche
Amal Saleh-Zada| Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Bridge Builders Retreat Opportunity for Girls 13-15 years
Once again we have the opportunity to send 5 girls (13-15yrs) to the amazing UR Retreat run by BridgeBuilders Youth Charity from Monday 19 – Thursday 22 September in Toolangi. The camp aims to create an environment where young women are immersed and empowered to transform into all that they can be, through guest speakers, engaging workshops and activities. Students who have attended the retreat in the past have always said what an amazing time and experience they had and talked of the lasting friendships and impact the retreat had on them.
If your daughter is interested in attending the camp please email Gail Ackroyd, School Chaplain on or speaker to your Year Level Leader for more information and an expression of interest form. You will need to do this as soon as possible so we can confirm places with the Retreat. The cost of the Retreat is $99 per student. However, if cost is a barrier, please speak to Gail about options for this.
Scholarship Opportunity for Year 10 Students
ABCN Accelerate Scholarships 2022
Applications are open for a scholarship supporting Year 10 students facing economic, family or social challenges that impact their studies or capacity to achieve their tertiary pathway. The Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) Accelerate Scholarship program provides students with a dedicated corporate mentor and financial support.
This includes time with the mentor to help set goals and develop valuable workplace skills and $7,000 in financial assistance, for school expenses, over 3 years.
Eligibility requirements
All Year 10 students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply.
Students must also meet 2 out of the 3 categories to be eligible:
demonstrated academic commitment and high engagement
demonstrated responsibility and organisation as a leader at school or in extra-curricular activities
demonstrated commitment and dedication to community service and sports, including to others in need, to their extended family unit or sporting team
How to apply
Interested students should speak to their Year Level Team Leader about the application process and their eligibility.
As part of the application, students must submit a short essay addressing ‘the difference this ABCN scholarship will make to my life and the community around me’, and include the following responses:
the benefits of having a mentor
what the student would use the scholarship funds for
the impact they would have in their community
The principal must submit the application on behalf of the student.
Applications close Friday 19 August 2022.
Scholarship recipients will be informed in late October 2022.
Variety believes all kids should have the chance to follow their dreams and reach their full potential, so they have created two kinds of Variety Heart Scholarships to help kids do just that.
Existing Talent is designed to support children with a demonstrated talent who are living with disability or illness or experiencing disadvantage, to reach the next stage of development in their talent.
Educational is designed to support children who are experiencing disadvantage assistance to cover the basic educational needs.
All kids deserve to follow their dreams.
Whether it’s a dream to compete at a higher level in sport or wow a crowd on a stage – Variety Heart Scholarships can cover items such as travel, accommodation, equipment, coaching, competition fees and much more.
Scholarships are awarded up to the value of $5,000 in the areas of Education, Sports and the Arts.
Who can apply?
Australian citizens, permanent residents or residents of Victoria, aged 6 to 17 years and able to demonstrate an existing talent with Education, Sport or the Arts.
Explore, facilitated by Gail, our School Chaplain, is a group for Year 7/8 girls and students who identify as female to connect through games, crafts, activities and discussion. The group will explore themes of friendships, personal strengths, coping and lots more. It runs Tuesdays at lunchtime in the Wellbeing Centre. Interested students can speak to the Year Level Leader or pop in to see Gail on a Monday or Tuesday for more information.
? Squad – our LGBTQ+ group continues to run on Thursday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing Centre and is open to all students.
Feel Good Fridays
Feel Good Fridays- is a series of lunchtime workshops that runs in the Wellbeing Centre on Fridays. The workshops are focussed on helping students to understand the connection between their bodies and their minds- and how keeping healthy routines for physical health supports our mental wellbeing as well. The series started last week looking at Nutrition/Hydration. Topics to be addressed in coming weeks are Sleep, Exercise, Relaxation and Personal Strengths.
Fathering Project
The Fathering Project is coming to Fairhills! The Fathering Project educates, connects and mobilises fathers and families to create brighter futures for all children. It is research-based prevention and early intervention programs and resources that engage, inform, inspire, equip and support fathers, families, schools, corporates and community-based organisations. It’s simple, fathers and father figures play a critical role in preventing long-term social, emotional and cognitive difficulties and creating the conditions for children to thrive.
If you are interested in participating in this fantastic upcoming project, please contact our Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada ( or 0456 416 431).
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is held in J2 – entrance from the Canteen Courtyard) as follows:
Monday – recess – basic breakfast
Tuesday – recess – basic breakfast
Wednesday – before school – basic breakfast
Thursday – before school – pancakes
Friday – before school – basic breakfast
Families in need – Internal Food Options
Tuesday 2 August and every fortnight after (Tuesday 16 August, Tuesday 30 August etc) our Frozen meal and Pantry is open to students and families that this is helpful for. Please meet our Chaplain Gail in the Canteen after school, from 3:09pm to 3:45pm. All Welcome.
Families in need – External Food Options
For families in need please see the following services that support the community:
Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada Chaplain – Gail Ackroyd Mental Health Practitioner – Peta Cartwright University Placement Students: Elli, Kerrie, Michelle
Accessing Support through Wellbeing
The Wellbeing Team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of Wellbeing. For example, the Wellbeing Team can engage the student or family in an initial assessment of need, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.
We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level leaders for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting us via email at
Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.
Good Selfie – Tips and Tools for Teens to Nail Life – Turia Pitt
This book contains simple strategies to help teens build self-confidence, get through hard times and go after massive goals. The author, Turia Pitt was caught in a grassfire while competing in a 100km ultramarathon in the Australian outback. With burns to 65% of her body, Turia has had to rebuild her life and establish her confidence again. Turia shares her voyage and advice using a boldly designed, straight talking funny approach.
What Shape is Space – Giles Sparrow
This book sets out to answer a simple question however measuring and interpreting the shape of space has huge implications for cosmology – the science of the past, present and future of the Universe itself. With a unique visual approach, this book makes complex concepts easy and interesting and gives you the tools to join the debate.
Always – Morris Gleitzman
The much anticipated final journey in the story of Felix – hero of Once, Then, After, Soon, Maybe and Now. It’s fifteen years since readers were first introduced to Felix across six celebrated books and our brave young hero has survived many unforgettable and emotional journeys but there is one more!
The Silver Eyes – Scott Cawthon
A Graphic novel adaptation of the #1 New York Times Bestseller. Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbears Pizza, Charlie and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place. Things are not what they seem however and the friends must overcome their own terrifying experience. Based on the popular computer games.
The Library is moving back to it’s old home
Reminder that we will be moving back to the old Library from 5 August 2022 – see you there!