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Principal’s Message

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Capital Works

The re-tender of the $8 million construction works at Fairhills High School is under way. There are five construction companies who have put in a tender for the project. If this tender process is successful we should be able to start construction during the Term 3 holidays.

In the meantime the Learning Excellence team will continue to develop inspiring and engaging programs to implement within the new spaces. e.g. robotics program!


The library will reopen in early Term 3. The library will still be used for the Year 9 Connect program but outside of these times students can access our spacious library. This is great news considering the wet and cold weather at the moment.

Attendance Process

90%+ Attendance Expectation

The Department of Education (DET) is very clear on their attendance expectations – ‘Every day counts.’

“There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes. Each missed day is associated with falling behind in subject topics and assessment tasks, and lead to fewer subject choices and may impact on achievement in years 11 and 12 and post-school pathways.” – DET website

One of my biggest successes at my former school was reducing absenteeism by half. I did this by creating a process that was clear, supportive, built stronger relationships with parents/carers and provided every reasonable opportunity for students to have attendance success. As a result, students on average had an extra 12 days of learning every year. This led to a significant increase in engagement and learning outcomes. For example, ATAR scores increased by 15 points and went above the state average. If students are in class, they are learning.

Over the holidays, Paul Donaldson, Silvana La Leggia and I developed a similar process.

All relevant information has been sent directly to the school community via Compass.

The attachments include:

  • Attendance process
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you have read the attachments and still require further information on the new process please email Silvana La Leggia (Middle School Leader) or Paul Donaldson (Senior School Leader)and they will get back to you within 48 hours.

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Physical Education is a core subject at Fairhills High School from Year 7-10. Research clearly shows the link between physical activity, mental health and learning.

Exercise has many benefits, not only for your physical health but also your mental health. In your brain, exercise stimulates chemicals that improve your mood and the parts of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improve your mood. It can also get you out in the world, help to reduce any feelings of loneliness and isolation, and put you in touch with other people.
If you exercise regularly, it can reduce your stress and symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and help with recovery from mental health issues.

It can also improve your sleep, which is important in many different ways.

Exercise and the mind

Exercise pumps blood to the brain, which can help you to think more clearly.  It increases the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory.

It also increases the connections between the nerve cells in the brain. This improves your memory and helps protect your brain against injury and disease.

Moderate to vigorous physical activity

Specialists recommend children and young people do at least 60 minutes each day of moderate to vigorous physical activity that makes the heart beat faster. More is better.

It doesn’t have to be a full 60 minutes at once – several shorter sessions through the day work too.

At least 3 days per week, children and young people should incorporate vigorous activities and activities that strengthen muscle and bone in the 60 minutes.

It has been great to see some of our students playing down ball in the court yards. Keep up the excellent work!


Ian Van Schie



Teaching and Learning Excellence

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The end of Term 2 and the beginning of Term 3 are always very busy times for schools.

Semester 1 Reports

The last few weeks of Term 2 witnessed a flurry of activity with students in Years 9-11 completing Semester 1 Exams. I would like to commend our teaching team who worked so diligently to write, mark, provide feedback and finally prepare the students’ reports.

Students across the school can be congratulated for the positive attitude they demonstrated in the preparation of the exams. The reports provide comprehensive details of students’ progress together with information, for students in Years 7-10, on their current Victorian Curriculum (VC) achievement level, measured against age-expected levels, and their progress since the last report.

Academic Excellence Awards

We are in the process of working through the reports to recognize those students who will be eligible to receive 2022 Semester 1 Academic Excellence Awards. These Awards are presented to students who have achieved beyond their expected levels. Details will be posted about this event in the coming weeks.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

As part of the 2022 Annual Implementation Plan, the school has as its focus a concentrated effort to support teachers as they use collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning for all students. The PLC teams, are in the process of developing a more rigorous and systematic examination of a wide range of data to be used as a catalyst to improve teaching and learning outcomes for all students.

Year 9 Connect Program

The Year 9 Connect Program spent the day of exploration in the city – see the Middle School report for more information.


Karen Dean
Associate Principal, Staff Development/Leadership


Senior School Report

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Semester 1 Reports

By now students and parents will have had the opportunity to review the subject reports from Semester 1 and reflect on the specific CAT and SAC results achieved. Apart from the grades for each assessment task, it is important to consider the learning culture standards across the board and consider the focus and effort being applied to their studies. It was a difficult semester for some, with episodes of illness and we have had issues with attendance requirements not being met. We are focusing our efforts on improving each student’s attendance – if they are not in class for at least 90% of the time then it is very difficult to complete assessments successfully. The 90% attendance rate for each subject is a VCE/VCAL requirement. Students need to consider how they might continue with the successful achievements they made in Semester 1, and for some how they may increase their level of learning success to support their promotion opportunities for the following year.

Subject Selection for 2023

Preparation is now underway as students in the Senior School begin the process of selecting subjects for 2023.

Year 10 and 11 Subject Information Night – for parents/students

Parents of Year 10 and 11 students have been sent an email with details of the Subject Information Night being held on Thursday 21st July. Information will be provided about the new integrated senior learning certificate to be introduced by the Education Department in 2023 that will bring together the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). These significant reforms will ensure that every student has the skills they need to find rewarding careers and reach their full potential in their chosen pathway. Attending this information night will be an important part of the process in deciding on the next step in their educational journey.  See below for more information.

Paul Donaldson
Assistant Principal and Senior School Leader

Year 10 Work Experience

In the last week of term 2, Year 10 students participated in a week of Work Experience.

This program has proven to be invaluable; enabling students to gain real insight into the world of work, develop practical knowledge and skills, begin establishing networks in the world of work and of course help decide their future direction.

Work experience can also be documented in student resumes and help to build a demonstrated interest in an area of work.

Our Students proved themselves to be positive members of the work force and are to be congratulated on their willingness to participate and learn.  Well done everyone.

Pictured below – Kodie at Target / Daniel at Mc Cormack Homes


Year 10 – 11 and 11 – 12 Subject Selection for 2023

Year 10 and 11 students will be undertaking subject selection and course counselling in the first few weeks of Term 3.  All times and events will be communicated via Compass, and parents are encouraged to check this regularly.

Key dates:

Year 10-11 Student Subject Selection for 2023

Monday 18 JulyPresentation – Introducing the new VCE for 2023Period 1
Tuesday 19 JulyPresentation – English and Maths requirements unpackedPeriod 2
Thursday 21 JulyVCE Subject Expo – opportunity for students to talk to all VCE subject teachersPeriod 5
Thursday 21 JulyParent information Evening – all information presented to students will be delivered to Families

Subject Expo will be open for families

Students will pick up their subject selection pack / survey link

6 – 7pm Subject Expo – Library
7- 8pm Presentation – C Block
Sunday 24 JulyPreliminary subject preferences to be registered online


Year 11-12 Student Subject Selection for 2023

Thursday 14 JulyPresentation – introducing the New VCETHRIVE Class
Thursday 21 JulyParent information Evening – all information presented to students will be delivered to Families

Subject Expo will be open for families

Students will pick up their subject selection pack / survey link

6 – 7 pm Presentation – C Block

7 – 8 pm Subject Expo – Library

Sunday 24 JulyPreliminary subject preferences to be registered online
Thursday 11 AugustIndividual Subject selection interviews at allocated times between 1-8pmTo be confirmed


This is an exciting time for our senor students and one that needs the input and support from all of their key allies.

Students will be provided with a resource pack and survey link at the Parent Information sessions and additional resources will be shared in School documentation; Subject Selection Year 10 – 11 and 11- 12.

Don’t hesitate in contacting the school if you have any concerns –

Planning for Transition into the community – Year 12 VTAC and Employment

The VTAC website will open for applications to TAFE and University on the 1 August. Timely applications must be made before the 29 September – after which the cost increases.

ALL Year 12 students will be interviewed individually – at allocated times to assist them with this process, including job applications etc.

Applying for University or TAFE is not just a matter of listing courses, it also involves applying for SEAs – Special Entry Scheme and Scholarships both on VTAC and directly with the tertiary providers.

Not all applications are through the VTAC system and students need to be aware of the process pertinent to their selected provider.

Open Days are critical as part of the planning process. A summary of Open Day Events has been posted on Compass. If students can’t make it to Open Days they must spend time on provider websites to unpack the details of programs they are considering.

Early Entry offers – many providers have programs that give students some certainty in the form of early offers before ATAR’s come out. These programs enable students to gain recognition for activities and involvement they might have outside of school, eg: sports coaching, volunteering with St Johns Ambulance. Students need to check with the provider they are considering has such a program and start the application asap, as these programs close before applications on VTAC.

We will be holding a Parent briefing – via Webex for VTAC and Year 12 transition to work on Thursday 28 July. Details will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks.

Term 3 is always a crazy busy but awarding time in Careers and Pathways. I look forward to working with our students and families. – Liz Rundle

Year 11 Studio Art

The Year 11 Studio Art students have presented some amazing artworks on display outside the office and in the gallery space near the entrance. We had lots of teachers and students vote for the People Choice Award with the following results:

1st Prize – Arshia Talebi for his artwork “Trade at Night.” Congratulations and enjoy spending your $20 Zart Art voucher

2nd Prize – Lee-Tysha Badon for her artwork “Sunflower Field.” Congratulations and enjoy spending your $10 prize for art supplies or tasty trucks.

3rd Prize – Clint Obille for his landscape painting. Congratulations and enjoy spending your $5 prize for art supplies or tasty trucks

Year 12 Formal

On Friday 10 June, our Year 12 students celebrated their Formal, held at Skyhigh Functions in Mt Dandenong.  Everyone looked amazing and had a wonderful time dancing the night away and hitting up the photo booth. The staff of the venue complimented our students on their impeccable presentation and behaviour. Thanks to our staff members who attended the event.

Year 12 Amazing Race

Year 12 students spent the last Tuesday of Term 2, racing around Melbourne visiting Key Tertiary Providers. This event was designed to provide students with the opportunity to find out exactly where Tertiary Providers are located, build skills in navigating public transport and work as a team find key landmarks at each venue.

With the freedom to select the venues they visited, the race enabled students to find out exactly where they might find themselves studying in the future.

A lot of fun was had on the day and comments such as – ‘Melbourne University is so big’! and ‘La Trobe Bundoora is a long way away’ all identified how important such an event is.

Teams had a lot of fun, bonding and planning their adventures. The team challenge at Lunchtime also tested the ability of the team to work together and solve problems.

Congratulations to the winning team who managed to visit 8 different venue around Melbourne CBD and the Eastern Suburbs.

2023 Year 12 Jumper

Year 11 students voted for their preference of either a Year 12 Rugby Jumper or a Year 12 Jacket for 2023.  The Year 12 Rugby Jumper was the winner with 85% votes.

Designs will be worked on by a team of students and after approval from the Principal Group, Year 11 will vote on their favourite design.


Middle School Report

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As our first full semester of learning since 2019 concludes it is a great opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the achievements of our middle school students and highlight the successes of our learning programs.


After an 18 month delay we finally launched Stymie. Rachel Downie Founder and Director delivered powerful and inspiring workshops to all our students and staff at the end of Term 2.

Stymie is an anonymous harm reporting tool that proactively supports students to say something without fear.

Students feel empowered to stand up for themselves, their friends and our entire school community. Congratulations to all our students on their impeccable and respectful behaviour throughout today’s event. Go to Stymie Notification to make a notification.




Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader

Positivity Award Winners

Year 7 and 8 students who have received positive reports from teachers on Compass are entered into a raffle to win a chocolate from the  Year 7 and 8 Team Leaders.

Congratulations to the following students for winning last month’s Positivity Awards:

Daniel B – Year 7
Jack S – Year 8

Year 7 and 8 Make and Build

Last Term, Year 7/8 Make & Build employed all the digital design, and design process knowledge they’d been working on in Term 1 to design a range of games – digital and traditional – in groups.

Students used the design process to conceptualise a game theme, develop their design ideas, and resolve their work for presentation. From games with vikings and centaurs, traveling through time, and lurking in graveyards, to scaling mountains with capybara, the class developed a wide breadth of game themes.

All teams then spent a lesson playing and reviewing each other’s games. This task was a fantastic success with groups developing their design skills, working in collaboration, problem solving, and working reflectively.
Great work Year 7/8 Make & Build!

Year 9/10 Cars of the Future Elective

Students in the Year 9/10 Cars of the Future elective last term were given the task to design and build model cars using only a motor and a battery pack along with cardboard, popsicle sticks, bottle caps, straws and hot glue. Students enjoyed the challengers of this task .

For additional STEAM fun students can join the STEAM club which runs every Monday lunch time.

Year 9 Connect City Exploration and Research

Year 9 Connect students spent the day exploring a wide range of sites across the city from Federation Square/ACME, to Graffiti Laneways to the beauty of St. Paul’s Cathedral Armed against the cold and the rain, they managed to explore, interview and prepare to further develop their knowledge, in coming weeks, of the City of Melbourne.


Year 9 Career Week

In the last week of Term 2 the Year 9 Careers Program focussed on Career Investigation.

Students were given the opportunity to investigate in detail at least three possible pathways of their choice.

Using the Fairhills Careers Website (Careertools) and focussing on subjects they enjoy at school students were able to identify possible career pathways and investigate job options linked to that area of study (go to For Students tab – Career Targets)

This investigation task provided them with details such as the personal qualities they need to have, the daily duties in the role, training pathways, wages, and employment growth.

Students had a lot of fun considering their wages package and holidays, alongside the training pathway they need to start planning for.

Students embraced this opportunity, and developed a real insight into the pathways and planning as they move into the senior school.

The final step in the program was for students to complete their online Career Action Plan – this is a dynamic document that allows students to build a picture of themselves and match this to possible pathways.

We encourage parents/guardians to talk to your child about their Career Action plan – discussion with Allies is invaluable and often helps students identify skills and abilities they don’t see in themselves.




Important Dates

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Monday 18 JulyYear 12 Psychology Sleep Lab – KIOSC
Monday 18 JulyYear 10 & 11 VCE/VM/VET Information Session – parent information session
Tuesday 19 JulyVCAL Basketball Marathon
Tuesday 19 JulyYear 10 VCE/VM/VET Course Information Session 1 – students
Thursday 21 JulyYear 10 VCE/VM/VET Course Information Session 2 – students
Monday 25 JulyYear 10 Subject Selection Sheet to be returned
Tuesday 26 JulyYear 9 & 10 Australian Synchrotron Excursion
Tuesday 26 July7A Bike Ed
Wednesday 27 JulyYear 9 Understanding Indigenous Culture Excursion
Wednesday 27 July8A Bike Ed
Thursday 28 JulyYear 12 & 12 Safe Parties Session
Friday 29 July7B Bike Ed
Friday 29 JulyWizard of Oz Musical – Trivia Night
Monday 1 AugustYear 9 Preliminary Subject Choice
Tuesday 2 August7C Bike Ed
Wednesday 3 AugustVET Dance Industry Day
Wednesday 3 AugustYear 8 Preliminary Subject Choice
Wednesday 3 August8B and 8G Bike Ed
Friday 5 AugustState School Spectacular Rehearsal
Friday 5 AugustStudio Art Gallery Visit
Wednesday 10 AugustYear 9 Mission to Mars Excursion
Thursday 11 AugustYear 12 Escape Room Excursion
Thursday 11 August2023 Year 11 Subject Counselling
Friday 12 August2023 Year 10 Subject Counselling
Monday 15 AugustYear 10 Peer Training 1
Tuesday 16 AugustYear 10 Peer Training 2
Friday 19 AugustYear 9 & 10 Basketball
Monday 22 AugustDiversity Week
Monday 22 AugustVCAL Market Day
Tuesday 23 AugustYear 9 & 10 Outdoor Ed – Tree Adventure
Wednesday 24 AugustYear 9 MCG Excursion
Friday 26 AugustYear 8 Science Excursion
Friday 26 AugustVCE/VCAL GAT Intro Session
Monday 29 AugustWizard of Oz Rehearsal Day
Tuesday 30 AugustYear 8 Basketball
Tuesday 30 AugustWizard of Oz Primary School Performance
Thursday 1-4 SeptemberWizard of Oz Performances
Tuesday 6 SeptemberKnox Athletics
Wednesday 7 SeptemberVCE/VCAL GAT
Wednesday 7 SeptemberYear 9 & 10 Man Cave / Healthy Relation Day
Thursday 8 SeptemberRUOK Day
Thursday 8 SeptemberYear 8 Man Cave / Healthy Relation Day
Thursday 8 SeptemberState School Spectacular Rehearsal
Friday 9 SeptemberState School Spectacular Rehearsal
Saturday 10 SeptemberState School Spectacular Event
Thursday 15 SeptemberYear 10 & 11 Social
Friday 16 SeptemberLast day of Term – 2.30pm Finish


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to seeing you and showing you around the school.

2022 Term Dates

Term 131 January to 8 April 2022
Term 226 April to 24 June 2022
Term 311 July to 16 September 2022
Term 43 October to 20 December 2022


General News

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General Office

The General Office hours are: 8.15am-4.15pm. 

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.


Compass is the communication portal for Fairhills –

Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:

  • Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with teachers
  • Update contact details
  • View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions

Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend.  Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.

Click here for the Compass Parent Guide

Parent Carpark – pick up and drop off

Just a reminder for parents/carers to use the Parent Car Park at pick up and drop off times.  The staff/visitors car park should not be used.

Lunchtime Clubs and Groups

Students have the opportunity to join any of the Clubs and Groups offered during lunchtime.  Details are provided in the link below.  Any suggestions for other lunchtime activities can be forwarded to the wellbeing team.

Click here for Whats on at Lunchtime Club/Groups

Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Click here for the Uniform Price List

Click here for the 2022 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

Click here for Uniform – what to wear

2022 Bell Times

8:40amLocker Bell (10 min)
8:50amPeriod 1 (57 min)
9:47amHouse Group (Year Level on Wed) (15 min)
10:02amRecess (25 min)
10:27amPeriod 2 (57 min)
11:24amTransit (2 min)
11:26amPeriod 3 (57 min)
12:23pmStart of Lunch (25 min)
12:48pmMiddle of Lunch (25 min)
1:13pmPeriod 4 (57 min)
2:10pmTransit (2 min)
2:12pmPeriod 5 (57 min)
3:09pmStudents finish
3:11pm– 4:08pmPeriod 6 Monday and Tuesday some VCE subjects (57 min)


Team Leaders

Year LevelStaff Leaders
7 and 8Kate Parker & Sarah Power
9Greg Baker
10Robyn Grunberg
VCEJulian Stokes


Sustainable School Shop

Looking to buy or sell secondhand books or uniforms?  Visit: 

You can also find the following items:

  • Calculators
  • Sporting items
  • Musical items
  • Electronics & DVD’s
  • Stationery

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline is available on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Student’s arriving to school late should report to the General Office.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.


If your child or any family member has COVID, please ring or email the school so we can record their absence accordingly.

Students who have close contacts must wear a mask whilst indoors and onsite.

Contact Details

If you have changed any of your personal details (phone numbers / address / place of employment) – please email your changes to: or phone the office for assistance on 03 9758 5022.  It is important to ensure our records are current. Thank you for your cooperation.


House Points

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House Points Term 2 Results

GREEN HOUSE are the winners for the most house points accumulated in Term 2!!

Well done green house for your amazing comeback especially with the Lid4Kids points! Full details of points are below.


HouseASRC Food DriveSchoolwide Positive Behaviour Lids 4 KidsTotal

ASRC Food Drive – thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed items to our ASRC/FHS food drive during Term 2.

Due to the thoughtfulness and generosity of our school community we were able to exceed our goal of one item per student.

Congratulation to green house, but also to the other houses for making the 2022 food drive such a success.

Look out for information about the 2023 ASRC/FHS food drive early in the new school year

Lids 4 Kids is continuing Term 3

Lids 4 Kids is continuing in Term 3 so keep these coming.

What to collect: bread tags and lids – (milk/UHT bottle lids, water bottle lids, soft-drink bottle lids)

Where to drop off: The General Office – House-colour containers are located on the Reception Desk

Where do the lids go: These will be donated to a fantastic foundation called Lids4Kids, the plastic lids will be created into mobility aids and toys among many other things for young kids and the bread tags will be used to create wheelchairs. Head to Lids 4 Kids for more information:

How are points counted: For every lid or bread tag donated you will earn one house point for your house.  The winning house will also be awarded and extra 20 points.



Interschool Sports

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State Cross Country

Congratulations to Dominic Allison who ran in the State Cross Country on 14 July.  With a finish time of 11 minutes 23 seconds he came  57th.  An amazing effort – the Fairhills Community is very proud of you!!!  Keep running Dominic.


Congratulations to our senior boys basketball team who made it to the grand final of the Knox District competition last term. Unfortunately we lost the final by two points on the buzzer. It was an amazing effort by the team and we are proud of their achievements.






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Term 3 will be busy for the Wellbeing Team as we run exciting new programs across all the year levels.

We are starting with Red Frogs Australia in Week 2, who will present their Party Safe program to our Year 11’s & Year 12’s. The program leaves students aware and equipped to navigate many of the situations they may be confronted with in various party environments. They will explore issues such as Alcohol, Drugs and the Australian drinking culture, Mental Health, Peer Pressure, Social Media, and Making positive choices. The Party Safe curriculum is based on the latest research and the years of experience Red Frogs has in supporting young people in party environments such as university parties and end-of-school celebrations.

Elephant Ed will also visit our Year 7’s-10’s throughout Term 3 & Term 4 to discuss issues commonly faced by adolescents including safety, identity, body image, social media, and other issues. They deliver age-appropriate workshops that are tried and tested across all relevant age groups and are mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. They work towards empowering young people to make informed, positive and safe decisions about sexuality, relationships and growing up.

Some great scholarships are coming up. ABCN scholarships are open to Year 10 students with $7,000 in financial assistance for school expenses over 3 years.  Variety believes all kids should have the chance to follow their dreams and reach their full potential, and they are offering scholarships up to the value of $5,000 in the areas of Education, Sports and the Arts. Please read below for more information.

“Everyone you admire was once a beginner.” – Jack Butche

Amal Saleh-Zada| Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Scholarship Opportunity for Year 10 Students

ABCN Accelerate Scholarships 2022

Applications are open for a scholarship supporting Year 10 students facing economic, family or social challenges that impact their studies or capacity to achieve their tertiary pathway. The Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) Accelerate Scholarship program provides students with a dedicated corporate mentor and financial support.

This includes time with the mentor to help set goals and develop valuable workplace skills and $7,000 in financial assistance, for school expenses, over 3 years.

Eligibility requirements

All Year 10 students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply.

Students must also meet 2 out of the 3 categories to be eligible:

  1. demonstrated academic commitment and high engagement
  2. demonstrated responsibility and organisation as a leader at school or in extra-curricular activities
  3. demonstrated commitment and dedication to community service and sports, including to others in need, to their extended family unit or sporting team

How to apply

Interested students should speak to their Year Level Team Leader about the application process and their eligibility.

As part of the application, students must submit a short essay addressing ‘the difference this ABCN scholarship will make to my life and the community around me’, and include the following responses:

  • the benefits of having a mentor
  • what the student would use the scholarship funds for
  • the impact they would have in their community

The principal must submit the application on behalf of the student.

Applications close Friday 19 August 2022.

Scholarship recipients will be informed in late October 2022.

For further information about the essay and eligibility, refer to the application guide:

All kids deserve a fair go

Variety believes all kids should have the chance to follow their dreams and reach their full potential, so they have created two kinds of Variety Heart Scholarships to help kids do just that.

Existing Talent is designed to support children with a demonstrated talent who are living with disability or illness or experiencing disadvantage, to reach the next stage of development in their talent.

Educational is designed to support children who are experiencing disadvantage assistance to cover the basic educational needs.

All kids deserve to follow their dreams.

Whether it’s a dream to compete at a higher level in sport or wow a crowd on a stage – Variety Heart Scholarships can cover items such as travel, accommodation, equipment, coaching, competition fees and much more.

Scholarships are awarded up to the value of $5,000 in the areas of Education, Sports and the Arts.

Who can apply?

Australian citizens, permanent residents or residents of Victoria, aged 6 to 17 years and able to demonstrate an existing talent with Education, Sport or the Arts.

Please read the guidelines and refer to their list of Frequently Asked Questions before you apply –

All submissions received by the end of each month will be assessed in the following month until our allocation is exhausted.

For more info visit:

Be Kind to your Beautiful Mind!

#stymie #saysomething #healtheharm #wegotyou #youvegotthis #educationforall

Lunch Time Groups

Explore, facilitated by Gail, our School Chaplain, is a group for Year 7/8 girls and students who identify as female to connect through games, crafts, activities and discussion. The group will explore themes of friendships, personal strengths, coping and lots more. It runs Tuesdays at lunchtime in the Wellbeing Centre. Interested students can speak to the Year Level Leader or pop in to see Gail on a Monday or Tuesday for more information.

? Squad – our LGBTQ+ group continues to run on Thursday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing Centre and is open to all students.


Fathering Project

The Fathering Project is coming to Fairhills! The Fathering Project educates, connects and mobilises fathers and families to create brighter futures for all children. It is research-based prevention and early intervention programs and resources that engage, inform, inspire, equip and support fathers, families, schools, corporates and community-based organisations. It’s simple, fathers and father figures play a critical role in preventing long-term social, emotional and cognitive difficulties and creating the conditions for children to thrive.

If you are interested in participating in this fantastic upcoming project, please contact our Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada ( or 0456 416 431).

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is held in J2 – entrance from the Canteen Courtyard) as follows:

  • Monday – recess – basic breakfast
  • Tuesday – recess – basic breakfast
  • Wednesday – before school – basic breakfast
  • Thursday – before school – pancakes
  • Friday – before school – basic breakfast

Families in need – External Food Options

For families in need please see the following services that support the community:


Student Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada
Chaplain – Gail Ackroyd
Mental Health Practitioner – Peta Cartwright
University Placement Students: Elli, Kerrie, Michelle

Accessing Support through Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of Wellbeing. For example, the Wellbeing Team can engage the student or family in an initial assessment of need, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.

We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level leaders for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting us via email at

Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.

If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.



Fairhills Musical Production

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Musical Production Camp

At the end of Term 2, the wonderful musical students headed up to Healesville to Ferngully Lodge Camp for there annual production camp.

Organised was an intensive rehearsal weekend, with team building and fun activities. All students who attended where exemplar and the production team couldn’t be prouder them all.

The Wizard of Oz is looking fabulous and we can’t wait to get to the Knox Community Theatre in September. Ticket information will go out shortly.

Trivia Night

Trivia Night is fast approaching. We are still looking for donations of items, services, or hampers for our silent auction.

As the musical is fully self-funded all funds raised goes towards the lighting, sets and costumes for the students.

We are very thankful for the Eagle Family who are running this event for us!







Ms Power
Production Coordinator

Fairhills High School Alumni

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