Principal’s Message
It is hard to believe that we are almost halfway through the year. It is great that there have been no lockdowns and although there have been substantial absences due to Covid, the school is still able to operate a normal program. The school will provide learning to students who are absent due to Covid so they can stay relatively up to date.
Capital Works
Unfortunately, the Capital Works will be delayed as the tender bids were unacceptable. We will now re-tender with the hope that we receive three quality proposals from construction companies. However, this process does take time so building should commence by August/early September. It is a bit frustrating but something we have little control over.
In the meantime the Learning Excellence team will continue to develop inspiring and engaging programs to implement within the new spaces e.g. robotics program!
Out of Class Pass
The Out of Class Pass (OoCP) has been successfully implemented across the school. The aim of the pass is to:
- Maximise student learning time
- Help students to better prepare for class
- Minimise student roaming
The OoCP conditions are:
- No longer than five minutes
- One student at a time
- Pass is visible
- One use per student per class
- No toilet break for the first and last 10 minutes of the lesson
I would like to thank the staff and students for supporting this new process.
Respecting School Facilities
I would like to thank our Facilities and Maintenance team – Chris and John who both work tirelessly to keep the school clean, tidy and in working condition. They do this in a friendly and helpful manner.
Unfortunately, some of their tasks involves repairing damage to the school’s property resulting from students lack of judgement. It is not only disappointing, but creates significate repair costs that the school cannot afford.
Expectations for our students are high at Fairhills High School. Everything we do is underpinned by our three core values:
- Act Responsibly
- Build Relationships
- Show Respect
Please continue to reinforce with your children the importance of respecting their own and others property and showing respect.
Student Leadership – Principal Meeting
At Fairhills High School, student voice and leadership is authentic as every decision made focuses on student learning and wellbeing.
At the start of every term I meet with members of the Student Representative Council (SRC). The main actions from the Term 2 meeting are as follows:
- New detention process to be implemented in Term 3
- Evaluate healthier and wider range of options at breakfast club
- Possible pass for students who catch an early bus
- The school to examine concerns raised regarding the period 6 VCE/VCAL classes
- Signage to be placed across the school to identify learning spaces and staff room listings
- Further discussion into the former canteen being opened at recess and lunchtime so students can use hot water/microwave
Ian Van Schie