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Principal’s Message

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Welcome to Term 2

Thankfully it has been a smooth start to Term 2 with the relaxation of isolation restrictions helping considerably. Close contacts do not have to isolate for 7 days. This means that our student and staff can still come to school as long as they are wearing a mask indoors and testing five out of seven days.

Due to current circumstances that are outside of our control (all schools unfortunately are in the same situation) we have some gaps to fill with our teaching staff. We have had to be innovative to overcome some of these issues. I want to thank our teaching staff who have stepped up once again and taken additional extras, yard duties and prepared work for classes outside their normal allotments. What great staff we have at Fairhills!

Staff Changes


I am pleased to welcome Jacinda Thadanabath into the teaching fold. Jacinda has been an incredible integration aide at the school and has now been given permission by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) to teach at Fairhills. Jacinda is teaching Year 7-10 Math and Science classes and has started off very positively.  Jacinda creates positive relationships with all students which is essential in supporting student growth. She will be extremely busy as whilst teaching she is completing her degree! However, I know with all of our support and kindness she will overcome all challenges and thrive.

I would also like to welcome Kelly Taylor to the Fairhills High School community who will begin on 24 May.  Kelly comes from a high performing school and her focus areas are English and Humanities. Kelly currently leads the tutoring and MYLNS programs at her current school and is very adept at teaching at each student’s point of need. Kelly will be teaching in the Year 7 and 10 levels.


We are sad to announce that Sharon Cocks from the General Office is leaving after 14 years of service to the school. Many of you will know Sharon as she has had a lot of contact with our students and families. Over the years she has assisted students and families with day to day queries, sickbay support, ensuring students are safe and in classes, following up with absences and supporting teachers. Her dedication to the school and the wonderful energy she brings to the office will certainly be missed. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours. On behalf of the staff, students and families, thank you Sharon for all the wonderful work and support you have provided to our Fairhills community.  Her last day will be 27 May so pop by the office to say goodbye.

Capital Works

I am pleased to inform our community that the tender process has now be completed. We have two building companies vying for the building contract. By next week it should be determined which company will construct our new STEAM building, music hub and landscaping projects. Building is expected to commence in June. This is a little later than expected but we are very happy none the less.

High Expectations

As a part of our Annual Implementation Plan one of our Key Improvement Strategies is to create high expectations for all. As a part of this process we asked students and staff to complete a high expectations survey to evaluate our current perceptions.

Some of the results are below.

QuestionsStudent Positive %Teacher Positive %Questions
My teachers expect me to do my best84100I expect students to do their best
My teachers encourage all students to do their best6465All teachers at Fairhills encourage students to do their best
My teachers believe that all students can have success6192I believe that all students can have success
My teachers get to know students as people44100I get to know students as people

As staff we examined the survey data as well as previous data linked to high expectations by completing a ‘I notice and I wonder’ activity. This is a great activity to ensure you examine data without making judgements. The next step will be to dig deeper to discover why there are some noticeable differences. For example, speaking to students on how they would like teachers to get to know them. Is it knowing their hobby, or much more? We will set up some student workshops to find out!

Knox Empowering Community Forum

The State Government has granted Knox approximately $700,000 to develop proactive strategies to tackle violence in the Knox region. I am a member of the committee who will oversee the whole project. This is a three year commitment, and am excited to see the impact we can have on reducing violence in our council area.

On 5 May, a forum was held at Hyatt Park hotel. The forum had over 100 attendees from different aspects of Knox life. This included Susan Laukens – Mayor of Knox, Natalie Hutchins – Minister for Crime Prevention and most importantly Mia and Taylor – two of our incredible students. There were some great discussions and conversations held throughout the day. Stella Smith, CEO of Crime Stoppers told me I should be proud of Mia and Taylor for their positive contributions. Indeed, I was. So much so I have invited them both to be committee members. It is so important to hear the voice of our youth in Knox. Well done Taylor and Mia!


Ian Van Schie



Teaching and Learning Excellence

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One of my main focuses has been the organisation and management of 2022 NAPLAN tests for students in Years 7 and 9. NAPLAN, The National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy, covers skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy for all students across the State. The rich data from these tests is primarily used for assessing student learning against the national minimum standards, which provides valuable information that will assist the school to further improve students’ literacy and numeracy learning outcomes.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Our recent online Parent/Teacher Interviews were a success with a large number of parents contacting teachers. It was a pleasure to speak to the parents and report on the progress of the students. Parents/carers who were unable to attend the interviews are welcome to contact teachers and arrange another meeting time.

Professional Development Day

The school’s Professional Development Day will be held on 20 May 2022. This is an opportunity for staff to be briefed on the school’s teaching and learning initiatives including, School Wide Positive Behaviour protocols, mandated Respectful Relationship units and coaching and training initiatives. These days provide much needed time for staff to collaborate, share best practices and further develop their skills.

Year 9 Connect Program

There are a range of exciting programs that have been organised this Term for the Year 9/10G Connect students. Head to the Middle School page to see what they have been doing so far.

The next event for our Year 9 Connect program will be spent at the Glenfern Valley Bushland where much of the day will involve replanting hundreds of trees that suffered significant damage during the dry summers of 2018 and 2019. A range of speakers have been organized to ensure that students develop a better understanding about local environmental and conservation issues.

Karen Dean
Associate Principal, Staff Development/Leadership


Senior School Report

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Last week we were able to take all the Year 11 students to a Careers Expo, held at the Caufield Racecourse. Having not attended one of these events for many years I was amazed to see the variety and range of opportunities available to students once they finish their secondary schooling. It was a valuable chance for students to gain knowledge and ideas and continue their thinking and planning for their future pathways.

A conversation I had with my Year 12 Thrive class also reminded me of the difficulties of the last few years. In the past many students in their senior years would have already visited University and TAFE open day events but this has been hard to do during lockdowns. Actually physically visiting and exploring a campus is an important step in planning future study plans, and we recommend students and families take the opportunity to investigate the courses and facilities they are considering applying for. Most of these Open days are held in August. For more information on Open Days visit:

We are planning a special event for the Year 12’s in the last week of term to help provide them with experiences and ideas about future pathways. More details to come.

Paul Donaldson
Assistant Principal and Senior School Leader

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience placement will run the last week of term 20th – 24th June and is for all Year 10 students.

Work Experience is a pivotal component of the Year 10 Careers Program providing knowledge about the workplace and career opportunities that can’t be delivered in a formal classroom.

With only 5 weeks to go before this program is launched it is critical that Work Experience arrangement form is completed and signed off with the employer, student and guardians. This form needs to be up loaded to Compass Learning tasks for Thrive (or a hard copy handed to Ms Grunberg or Ms Rundle for final signature of the Principal).  Please ensure you have done this by 14 May 2022.

You can download a Work Experience Arrangement form here:

In addition students must complete their Safe@work certificate which is attached to their Placement form. This is an online task:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me,

Careers Expo

On 28 April, Year 11 students attended the Resources for Courses Careers Expo at Caulfield Racecourse. This excellent event provided students with the opportunity to talk to Tertiary providers, Industry representatives and attend VCE / Careers Seminars. The students had many fruitful conversations and came away well resourced to make decision about their next step.

Senior School Career Action plans – THRIVE – Planning the next step.

Years 10, 11 and 12 have been introduced to the My Career Portfolio website. The goal is for all senior students to have a documented Career Action plan by the end of Term 2.

Having a documented plan is critical because it encourages students to focus, and be proactive in their future plans; researching and set goals. Success comes to those who make things happen.
Goal setting and future planning provides students with motivation and purpose at school. Giving students a reason to achieve their very best, no matter what their goal is; University, TAFE, Apprenticeships, Work.

The My Career portfolio website also allows students to build a portfolio with spaces to store their resumes, achievements/awards, and exemplary work samples.

It is vital that students establish these resources digitally ready for their launch into the changing world of work.

The My Career portfolio website also provides excellent links to access links to current information and resources to support course and career exploration.

In order to access this brilliant resource, it is critical that student have activated their Department of Education email address. All students have been provided their link and access code and should have activated this address by now.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate in contacting me:

Compass Careers News

Parents and Students are encouraged to check out the Compass careers News letter published every 2 weeks. This resource contains details about Careers events, industry profiles and Training profiles for a new Career every addition.  Grab a coffee, log onto Compass and check it out.

Year 11 Studio Art 

Year 11 Studio Art class had a ‘special’ guest artist demonstrating how to use the pottery wheel. Our special guest – Mr Stokes (Year 11 and 12 Coordinator) gave a demonstration and shared some tips to inspire the students to use the pottery wheel as an idea for their sculpture task.

Year 12 Formal

Students and staff are looking forward to the Year 12 Formal.  This is a night for our senior students to get dressed up and make memories surrounded by their friends, cohort and teachers in an external venue.  Parents please make sure you have paid/consented through Compass Events by 24 May 2022.

DATE: Friday 10 June 2022
LOCATION: Sky High Restaurant, 26 Observatory Rd, Mount Dandenong VIC 3767
TIME: 6:30pm-10:30pm

Middle School Report

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Firstly a warm welcome back to Term 2!

This term we launched a School wide positive behaviour (SWPBS) acknowledgement system where students can earn points for their house groups by demonstrating the following behaviours :

  • Above and beyond expectations
  • Full school Uniform
  • Showing Kindness or being an upstander
  • Staying focused in class
  • This is a fantastic opportunity for students to be recognised for their efforts and rewarded for their positive behaviour.

This week I have also witnessed many examples in the middle school of teachers and support staff acting as positive role models to our students.

“Teachers can act as key role models, who can influence the attitudes, values and behaviours of their students.  A positive role model serves as an example–inspiring children to live meaningful lives. Teachers are a constant presence in a child’s life. They influence children as much as—if not even more than—parents do.”

Inspired by Jesse Harberger in the PE team I thought that I would lead by example and practice my role modelling by joining the 7C students in a game of bench netball. Fun was had by all.

Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader

Positivity Award Winners

Year 7 and 8 students who have received positive reports from teachers on Compass are entered into a raffle to win a chocolate from the  Year 7 and 8 Team Leaders.

Congratulations to the following students for winning this month’s Positivity Awards:

  • Cooper Steen Year 7
  • Ella Gartner Year 8

Year 7 Humanities

Year 7 Humanities students have been studying about water; the uses, its importance in our lives, and how to conserve it.

Edrolo, an educational consultancy company, selected Fairhills High School to trial some teaching materials on water. The Edrolo consultants were very impressed by 7A’s willingness to engage with the materials via class discussion.

7A students Tori, Maya, Scarlett, Claire, and Declan produced some awesome posters explaining and promoting uses, conservation methods, and water safety methods.

Year 8 Statistics Project – Maths

Year 8 students were given a Statistics Project for Maths where they had to come up with a lot of fun and creative questions to ask their peers, teachers and family.  After collecting the data for their questions, they analysed it using frequency tables and histograms.  From this activity they learned a lot of interesting facts about the people, including:

  • someone spent 10 hours per day on tiktok 
  • some people only sleep for four hours on average
  • someone owns 40 pairs of shoes
  • someone has 30 doors in their house

It was a great way to engage every student, and apply the mathematical concepts to their interests and hobbies. It also helped students build better relationships with each other.

Japanese connection with Star Wars

Wednesday last week was May 4 – Star Wars Day! (may the fourth be with you!)

Did you know that Japanese culture heavily influenced Star Wars?

  • George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, was inspired by the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, who directed many period/historical dramas, including The Seven Samurai and The Hidden Fortress. In Japanese, the word for ‘period drama’ is JIDAI GEKI. The term ‘JEDI’ came from this.
  • The helmet worn by Darth Vader was designed based on a samurai helmet.
  • In Star Wars, the light sabres used in battles are long and narrow like samurai swords. The style of fighting with the light sabres looks like the Japanese martial art of Kendo (Japanese fencing).
  • The character, Yoda, speaks using word order similar to Japanese. (English: He is playing in the park. Japanese: He in the park is playing.)

Year 9 Connect

1000 Steps

Our first all day excursion for the term was held at 1000 steps in Upper Ferntree Gully. This day provided students with an opportunity to socialize outside normal school hours and to participate in some rigorous climbing activities.

Foothills Community Centre

The Connect students have been approached by Foothills Community Centre to make a range of soups for some of the more needy local Ferntree Gully residents. The students have enthusiastically collaborated and made a selection of soups over the last two weeks. Their enthusiasm and willingness to make a significant contribution to the wider community is to be commended. I can see we have some budding Year 9 chefs.

Year 9 Careers interviews rescheduled

Year 9 students who have completed their Morrisby Online Careers quiz but have not yet had their follow up interview are scheduled to complete this task on 12 May and 10 June.  Check Compass for more details.

Each student who has completed their quiz and interview will receive a comprehensive printed report. Reports will be sent home with students. Could parents/carers please ask to see these reports and spend time talking to your child about the content. Career planning and management start with a comprehensive understanding of self. Often students don’t recognise their strengths and focus on their weaknesses. This program provides a positive focus and information to helping to open up the conversation and enable students make informed decisions in the future.


Important Dates

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Tuesday 17 MayYear 7 Parent/Student Information Evening 6pm-8pm
Tuesday 17 MayIDAHOBIT Day – Rainbow Free Dress – Gold coin donation
Wednesday 18 MayYear 7 Girls Netball
Friday 20 MayStudent Curriculum Day – STUDENT FREE DAY – no classes running
Tuesday 24 MayYear 9/10 Food Excursion
Tuesday 24 MayBoys Netball
Wednesday 25 MayVCC Intermediate Basketball
Thursday 26 MayInter Girls Netball and Badminton
Monday 30 MayKnox Division Cross Country
Monday 30 MayYear 11/12 VCAL City Excursion
Friday 3 JuneVCC Junior Basketball
Monday 6 JuneYear 11 Exams
Tuesday 7 JuneYear 11 Exams
Thursday 9 JuneYear 11 Exams
Friday 10 JuneYear 11 Exams
Friday 10 JuneYear 9 & 10 Exams
Friday 10 JuneYear 12 Formal
Monday 13 JuneQueen’s Birthday – STUDENT FREE DAY – no classes running
Tuesday 14 JuneYear 9 & 10 Exams
Wednesday 15 JuneYear 9 & 10 Exams
Thursday 16 JuneYear 9 & 10 Exams
Friday 17 JuneTeacher Report Writing Day – STUDENT FREE DAY – no classes running
Friday 17 JuneSenior Basketball
Saturday 18-Sunday 19 JuneProduction Camp (Wizard of OZ)
Monday 20 JuneYear 10 Work Experience
Tuesday 21 JuneYear 10 Work Experience
Tuesday 21 JuneYear 12 Amazing Race Excursion
Wednesday 22 JuneYear 10 Work Experience
Thursday 23 JuneYear 10 Work Experience
Friday 24 JuneYear 10 Work Experience
Friday 24 JuneLast Day of School – 2.30pm finish
Friday 24 JuneSchool Reports Distributed


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to seeing you and showing you around the school.

2022 Term Dates

Term 131 January to 8 April 2022
Term 226 April to 24 June 2022
Term 311 July to 16 September 2022
Term 43 October to 20 December 2022


General News

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General Office

The General Office hours are: 8.15am-4.15pm. 

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.

Lunchtime Clubs and Groups

Students have the opportunity to join any of the Clubs and Groups offered during lunchtime.  Details are provided in the link below.  Any suggestions for other lunchtime activities can be forwarded to the wellbeing team.


Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Uniform Price List

2022 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

2022 Bell Times

8:40amLocker Bell (10 min)
8:50amPeriod 1 (57 min)
9:47amHouse Group (Year Level on Wed) (15 min)
10:02amRecess (25 min)
10:27amPeriod 2 (57 min)
11:24amTransit (2 min)
11:26amPeriod 3 (57 min)
12:23pmStart of Lunch (25 min)
12:48pmMiddle of Lunch (25 min)
1:13pmPeriod 4 (57 min)
2:10pmTransit (2 min)
2:12pmPeriod 5 (57 min)
3:09pmStudents finish
3:11pm– 4:08pmPeriod 6 Monday and Tuesday some VCE subjects (57 min)


Team Leaders

Year LevelStaff Leaders
7 and 8Kate Parker & Sarah Power
9Greg Baker & Mitchell Burrows
10Robyn Grunberg
VCEJulian Stokes


Sustainable School Shop

Looking to buy or sell secondhand books or uniforms?  Visit: 

You can also find the following items:

• Calculators
• Sporting items
• Musical items
• Electronics & DVD’s
• Stationery

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline is available on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Student’s arriving to school late should report to the General Office.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.

If your child or any family member has COVID, please ring or email the school so we can record their absence accordingly.

Contact Details

If you have changed any of your personal details (phone numbers / address / place of employment) – please email your changes to: or phone the office for assistance on 03 9758 5022.  It is important to ensure our records are current. Thank you for your cooperation.


House Points

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House Points competition is now on!!  There are currently three ways for students to earn house points for their house group.

  1. Lids 4 Kids 
  2. ASRC Food Drive
  3. Teachers can recognise your amazing efforts and qualities in the new School Wide Positive Behaviour points on Compass. You can get points for doing something “Above and Beyond Expectations,” “Showing Kindness or being an upstander,” or “Staying focussed in class.”

What does the winning house get?

Each Term the winning house will get a free sausage sizzle lunch at the end of the Term.  Term 1 winner was Green House – they enjoyed their sausage sizzle at the end of Term 1.

The point count has re-set for Term 2 so start collecting your lids, bring in some food for the ASRC Food drive and put your best foot forward in class.

Lids 4 Kids

What to collect: bread tags and lids – (milk/UHT bottle lids, water bottle lids, soft-drink bottle lids)

Where to drop off: The General Office – House-colour containers are located on the Reception Desk

Where do the lids go: These will be donated to a fantastic foundation called Lids4Kids, the plastic lids will be created into mobility aids and toys among many other things for young kids and the bread tags will be used to create wheelchairs. Head to Lids 4 Kids for more information:

How are points counted: For every lid or bread tag donated you will earn one house point for your house.  The winning house will also be awarded and extra 20 points.


Thanks to all the students and families who have contributed so far.  Well done to Angus who bought three bags full of lids and bread tags today (Friday 13 May).  What a fantastic effort and a great start for the blue team.  Other teams you need to catch up!

Stay tuned for updates on which house-colour is the lead…so far it’s Blue

ASRC Food Drive

During Term 2, Fairhills High School will again be running its annual food drive to support the terrific work being done by the Asylum-Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). We have been overwhelmed with the generosity of Fairhills families and staff the last two years we have run the food drive, and hope to be able to give even more this year. 

What to collect:  See the list below

Where to drop off: The General Office – there is a box located in the Reception area – be sure that you attach a house-coloured sticker to your items before you put them in the collection box. 

Where does the food go: The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre is a not-for-profit organisation which supports and empowers people seeking asylum who live in our community. Established in 2001 in a gifted space in Footscray, the organisation has grown from an informal foodbank to the largest independent humanitarian organisation in Australia supporting people seeking asylum.
The ASRC receives no funding from the federal government. More information about the ASRC can be found here:

How are points counted: Points are given for every item received (based on the house-coloured sticker)

Most-needed items

  • Tuna in oil 400g
  • Tinned tomatoes 400g
  • Honey small bottles
  • Raw unsalted nuts almonds, walnuts, cashews
  • Spices small packs cumin, turmeric, chilli
  • Coconut cream
  • Sweet and savoury biscuits
  • Dried fruit apricots, dates
  • Peanut butter
  • Jam
  • Full cream UHT milk 1 litre
  • Deodorant
  • Disposable razors
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Laundry power max 1kg
  • Dishwashing liquid 1 litre

Interschool Sports

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Interschool Sports

Congratulations to all of our teams who have participated in inter-school sport already this term.


Year 8 and Senior Girls Netball teams had competitive days out. Special mention to the Year 8 teams for happily playing in cold, rainy, conditions.


Our basketballers have been busy this term. All 3×3 Basketball teams had successful days.

Congratulations to the intermediate boys who made the quarters finals. Our big win so far this term has been the Senior Boys basketball team who made the grand final of the VCC tournament and will progress to the VCC finals next term.

Upcoming Sports Events

Year 7 Girls Netball – 18 May

Boys Netball – 24 May

VCC Basketball Intermediate – 25 May

Intermediate Girls Netball – 26 May

Intermediate Badminton – 26 May

Knox Division Cross Country – 30 May

Senior Basketball – 17 June


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The Wellbeing Team have hit the ground running! We have two new lunchtime groups that have started in Term 2. We are very excited to be launching Explore and Feel Good Fridays. We are also pleased to announce The Fathering Project! To find out more about these fantastic groups and projects, please read below.

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” —Albert Einstein

Amal Saleh-Zada| Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Lunch Time Groups

Explore, facilitated by Gail, our School Chaplain, is a group for Year 7/8 girls and students who identify as female to connect through games, crafts, activities and discussion. The group will explore themes of friendships, personal strengths, coping and lots more. It runs Tuesdays at lunchtime in the Wellbeing Centre. Interested students can speak to the Year Level Leader or pop in to see Gail on a Monday or Tuesday for more information.

Feel Good Fridays will also commence in Week 3, a series of 5 lunchtime sessions to explore the connection between physical health and mental health. The group will delve into nutrition, sleep, exercise, and relaxation and how keeping a healthy balance helps maintain good overall wellbeing. This group will be facilitated by Steph (one of our Social Work interns) and Peta (our Mental Health Practitioner). As the name suggests, the group will be on Friday lunchtime. Students from all year levels are welcome!

? Squad – our LGBTQ+ group continues to run on Thursday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing Centre, and it’s open to all students.


Fathering Project

The Fathering Project is coming to Fairhills! The Fathering Project educates, connects and mobilises fathers and families to create brighter futures for all children. It is research-based prevention and early intervention programs and resources that engage, inform, inspire, equip and support fathers, families, schools, corporates and community-based organisations. It’s simple, fathers and father figures play a critical role in preventing long-term social, emotional and cognitive difficulties and creating the conditions for children to thrive.

If you are interested in participating in this fantastic upcoming project, please contact our Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada ( or 0456 416 431).


This term, our whole-school wellbeing campaign is IDAHOBIT Day, 17 May – which is the International Day against LGBTQIA+ discrimination. We will be having a Rainbow Free Dress Day – where students can wear rainbow clothes for a gold coin donation. Money raised will go to Minus18 – the peak support, education and advocacy group for LGBTQIA young people in Australia. We are also having a Poster competition/exhibition where students are invited to enter a poster – digital or handcrafted- to raise awareness, education, inspire, challenge or advocate around the themes of Diversity- Inclusion- Respect. Entries close Friday 13th May and will be on display from IDAHOBIT Day. 

Initiated by the Student Representative Council, we have also just completed a student survey into Student Diversity, asking students about the use of inclusive language and ways that students would like to see Fairhills improve in the areas of gender, culture, and faith inclusion. We will be looking at student feedback to see what we can do to ensure all students feel like they are accepted and belong.

Breakfast Club

From Term 2, Breakfast Club (held in J2 – entrance from the Canteen Courtyard) will move time as follows:

  • Monday – recess – basic breakfast
  • Tuesday – recess – basic breakfast
  • Wednesday – before school – basic breakfast
  • Thursday – before school – pancakes
  • Friday – before school – basic breakfast

Families in need – External Food Options

For families in need please see the following services that support the community:


Student Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Amal Saleh-Zada
Chaplain – Gail Ackroyd
Mental Health Practitioner – Peta Cartwright
Student Support Services Psychologist – Emily Habard
University Placement Students: Bec, Maddy, Michelle, Petrina, Steph

Accessing Support through Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of Wellbeing. For example, the Wellbeing Team can engage the student or family in an initial assessment of need, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.

We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level leaders for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting us via email at

Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.

If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.




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2022 Student ID Cards

2022 Student ID Cards have been distributed to students. If students were away when they were given out, please see the following staff:

  • Year 7–11 students collect your card from Ms Kirby in the Pop-Up Library
  • Year 12 students collect your card from Mr Stokes

New students who did not have a photo taken, would not have received a card. These students will be invited to a catch up photo session in the coming weeks to allow a card to be generated for them.

Please ensure your Student Card is kept in a safe place.  If you lose your Student Card, a fee will incur to replace it.

Student Cards are used for:

  • School Library – to loan books
  • printing/photocopying – your card can be configured to allow ‘quick tap on’ access to the Library Photocopier. Please come to the Pop-Up Library at lunchtime and Library Staff can help activate your cards to allow quick printing/photocopying
  • Compass Kiosk (at Reception)
  • to verify your age with the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and at other venues which accept student concessions like Cinemas and some Restaurants


Fairhills High School Alumni

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“Fairhills High School Alumni Your School Needs You!”

Work experience is a crucial stepping stone for high school students between leaving school and entering the adult working world. It provides them with an opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in the public sector, and explore career options at the same time.

Following its cancellation for the past two years, the 2022 Year 10 student cohort at Fairhills High School are keener than ever to secure their week-long work placements as early as possible.

If you can support a current Year 10 student by offering them a placement, please reach out today and email Sally Davis at


Are you a former Fairhills student?

If you are a former student of Fairhills High School, we would love to hear from you.

Like our Alumni Facebook page to keep in touch:





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