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Principal’s Message

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As we come to the end of another busy and productive term, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible efforts of our staff and students. This term has seen challenges, successes, and countless moments of learning and growth.

To all our staff, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your hard work and commitment to fostering an inclusive, dynamic learning environment continue to make Fairhills a place where every student is encouraged to explore their potential. Your ability to adapt to change, support each other, and keep student wellbeing at the forefront of all you do has been inspiring.

As we pause to reflect on the term, I encourage everyone—students, staff, and families—to take some time for rest and recharge over the holidays. Let’s return with renewed energy, ready to continue our journey of empowering our community.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity Week at Fairhills High School has been a fantastic celebration of the rich variety of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives that make up our school community. Throughout the week, students and staff engaged in activities designed to foster understanding, respect, and appreciation for the differences that make each of us unique. From Cultural day where students and staff celebrated (and ate!) food around the globe, to LGBTQIA+ activities such as the flag run and bracelet reminds us of the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms. Recognising and valuing diversity not only strengthens our community but also empowers us to be more curious, creative, and confident—key elements of our school’s vision. By appreciating the diversity within us all, we learn to see the world through different lenses, becoming more empathetic and prepared for the challenges of a global society.

How to Help Your Child Who is Stressed

Different children handle stress in various ways, but the key is to encourage them to talk about their feelings. If they don’t want to talk to you, urge them to speak with someone they trust. Bottling up emotions only increases stress. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Lifestyle Check: Assess your child’s lifestyle. Are they eating healthily? Getting enough sleep? Exercising? You might need to discuss these factors with them.
  • Balance: Ensure your child has time for fun with friends, activities they enjoy, and some downtime to relax. If they have too many extracurricular activities, it may be overwhelming. Discuss with them if necessary.
  • Writing Exercise: Have your child write down everything troubling them. Ask them to rank these concerns from 1 to 100 and discuss ways to reduce the stress from each factor.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Exercise and sports are excellent for burning off stress and nervous energy.
  • Organisation and Help: Help your child get organised and find support for any difficult subjects.
  • Journaling: Encourage them to keep a diary or journal to express their thoughts.
  • Laughter: Find out what makes them laugh and incorporate more of that into their life.
  • Direct Support: Ask your child what specific help they need and what life would look like if they weren’t stressed.
  • Relaxation Techniques: See if they are interested in learning relaxation or meditation techniques.
  • Stress Management: Guide them through stress management strategies to find what works best for them.
  • Professional Help: If you’re concerned, consider seeking professional help. Consult with the school for further actions.

Electronic device use at Tasty Trucks

We would like to thank you for your continued support with the Personal Mobile Devices Policy. We have noticed students trying to utilise their phones as a payment method at the Tasty Truck and ask that families look to make other arrangements.

Mobile phones are not to be used at the Tasty Truck as they are not allowed to be in use between the school hours of 8.40am and 2.48pm.  Students can make payment via an EFTPOS card or cash.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ian Van Schie



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Civil Construction excursion to Holmesglen Tunnel Training Centre

On Friday 6 September, six of the Year 10 students attended a Civil Construction Immersion Day at Holmesglen Tunnelling Centre.

This amazing experience provided students with an insight into careers within the construction industry from the hands-on trades to the Higher Education designers.

Students were able to see and experience the equipment used and walk into a section of tunnel.

Overall, a fantastic opportunity.

Can I congratulate our students for the way they actively participated in all the workshops – they did themselves and Fairhills proud.


Learning Conferences

A special ‘thank you’ to families for partnering with the school and supporting the learning journey of their child(ren) by attending the online learning Conferences on Monday 2 September. This was an opportune time to hear from teachers and for students to reflect on their participation and engagement in class. This reflection provides students with an ideal opportunity to set new goals and create schedules that further support their learning.

Learning Resource Hub

With the theme ‘Reading is Magic’, it was great to celebrate Children’s Book week recently.

Students across the School completed Reading is Magic Word Searches whilst students from Middle School searched under desks, chairs and in the Library for miniature books which had been hidden. All participants received House points for their endeavours.


Learning Walks

Over the last three weeks, members of the ‘School Improvement Team’ (SIT) have been taking part in ‘learning walks’. Learning walks are one way we can improve the learning that is taking place in our classrooms, through listening and hearing the thoughts of our students. Learning walks involve a School Leader making a short visit to a classroom (either at the beginning, middle or end of a lesson) and asking two students about the learning that is taking place. By getting a snapshot of the teaching and learning environment, we aim to build learning relationships and gather evidence related to our school goals. The findings of the learning walks will be used by teachers to collectively refine and enhance the learning in our classrooms.

Student Forums

Last week saw the running of a series of student forums as a way to gain a deeper perspective on student experiences at Fairhills High School. These student forum groups (conducted separately with students in each year level) focused on getting a student perspective on responses from the Attitudes to School Survey that took place earlier in the year. In the past, student feedback has informed improvements to student toilets, yard duty staffing, improving facilities and the ongoing development of our LEARN Model and lesson plans.

Year 7 and 8 Reading Awards

As a part of the 2024 Book Week celebrations students who have demonstrated a passion for reading both in their English classes and in their own time were presented with a Reading Award.

We would like to congratulate these students for excellence in reading so far this year. Serene, Sylvia, Esjay, Aiden, Callum, Evie and Sarah.

Well done to all these students.

Year 11 VM

On Thursday 22 August Year 11 Vocational Major students participated in a Wheeltalk session presented by Disability Sport and Recreation. Our presenter for the session was Peter Ogunyemi who is an inspiring Paralympian and Richmond wheelchair AFL player. Peter talked to us about his path to becoming a sports person and how he lost the use of his legs. Peter’s inspiring message to us was to see past appearances and to not let adversity stand in the way of achieving our dreams.

After his presentation Peter invited us to play wheelchair basketball. This was both challenging and a lot of fun. We quickly learnt the rules of the game and competed as teams. Wheelchair basketball is a quick game that required us to bounce the ball, while still moving our wheelchair. This was a great experience for everyone! Thank you Peter for this excellent and inspiring session.

Year 12 Biology

Unit 4 Biologists had their final visit to KIOSC, where they used cutting-edge genetic techniques to investigate Madagascan Lemurs. While they didn’t manage to track down King Julien’s ancestry or identify his exact species, our students immersed themselves in a real-world scientific detective story, contributing valuable information to help protect these fascinating creatures.

The KIOSC staff were impressed by the students’ technical expertise, a testament to the strong partnership we have with KIOSC. As always, our students exemplified respect and high-level engagement, reflecting our school values.

Wellbeing and engagement

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Diversity Week

International Food Festival

Diversity Week kicked off today with a mouth watering feast from around the globe! With dishes representing South Africa, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Holland, Mexico, Japan, China, Greece, and many more, students were thrilled to sample the diverse flavours.

Even Scout had his paws crossed for a taste! A huge thank you to all the students, parents, and teachers for cooking up such an amazing variety.


Tuesday’s Diversity Week spotlight was on mental health and the RUOK? initiative. Melbourne blessed us with a stunning spring day, perfect for students to enjoy lunchtime activities.

Year 11 and 12 students faced off in a lively dodgeball competition, while a movie screening took place in the Thrive Hub. A big thank you to Knox City Council for providing valuable wellbeing information and badge making.

Kudos to our amazing wellbeing team for organising a fantastic day of activities and checking in on all of us!

Middle School Report

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It’s been a busy few weeks in the Middle School at Fairhills High School, with students engaging in a whirlwind of activities. We recently showcased our incredible talents in the school musical, Matilda Junior, celebrated diversity during our Diversity Week, and took part in the State School Spectacular. Students also embraced the outdoors with Outdoor Education and orienteering, while our Year 9 students dove into the Connect program, producing road safety advertisements for the Road to Zero initiative. The energy and dedication of our students have been nothing short of inspiring!

At Fairhills, we are also proud of the specialisms that continue to fuel student engagement and creativity. These specialisms not only provide pathways for personal growth but also allow students to explore potential future careers and develop lifelong skills.

In Year 8 Media, students are in the final stages of creating their own short films. This project has pushed them to think like filmmakers—writing scripts, directing scenes, and editing their footage into a polished piece. The pride in their final product reflects their growing mastery of storytelling through visual media.

Year 8 Art students are currently exploring the beauty of landscapes. Through brushstrokes and colour palettes, they are learning the nuances of perspective, composition, and how to bring a natural scene to life on canvas. Their works show a deep appreciation of the environment and the power of artistic expression.

Meanwhile, Year 8 Visual Communication and Design (Viscom) students have been delving into product design. From brainstorming initial concepts to creating prototypes, they’re learning how design shapes the products we use every day. Their innovative ideas and creative solutions are truly inspiring.

Year 9 Music students have embarked on an exciting journey to learn how to write their own pop songs. From crafting lyrics to composing melodies, they are discovering the building blocks of music creation. These students are gaining valuable insights into the music industry and developing their own unique voices through sound.

In the kitchen, Year 9 Food students are taking part in a “Race Around the World,” exploring global cuisines. They’ve been challenged to re-create traditional dishes that reflect various cultures while focusing on using wholesome ingredients. Through the “Cook for Life” program, they are learning essential cooking techniques and the importance of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle.

These specialisms give our students the opportunity to engage deeply with subjects they are passionate about while acquiring practical skills that extend beyond the classroom. We are proud of the enthusiasm and creativity they bring to these specialisms, and we look forward to seeing their continued growth.

As we approach the end of Term 3, we wish all our students a well-deserved break. With the final countdown to Term 4 underway, we are excited for the transition to Headstart, where students will complete classes for next year and choose their new specialisms. It’s an exciting time as they embark on the next stage of their learning journey!


Silvana La Leggia
Assistant Principal – Middle School


Senior School Report

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VCE Unit 3 & 4 Trial Examinations & Knox School Exam Preparation Session

A reminder that VCE Unit 3 & 4 Trial Examinations will be conducted on the last day of Term 3 and during the first week of the upcoming school holiday break. As a result, there are no scheduled Year 12 classes running on the last day of term (Year 11 classes will run as normal). Students are expected to attend these examination sessions in order to best prepare for the VCAA Examinations beginning in October. The examination sessions will take place in the Fairhills Performing Arts Centre (PAC), providing an authentic experience for students prior to their end of year examinations. Please refer to the communication sent home to families for timetables and further information.

Additionally, in the first week of the September Holidays, the Knox partnership of schools are running ‘exam preparation sessions’ for a large majority of the Unit 3 & Unit 4 subjects that are being studied by students. These sessions will be delivered by VCAA assessors and will be invaluable in providing exam tips to our students. It is essential that all students register their attendance via the try booking link sent out to families. These sessions will be held at the Knox Community Arts Centre.

I would like to wish all our senior students the very best of wishes in the lead up to the end of Term 3.


Bill Exton
Senior School Assistant Principal


Important Dates

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Friday 20 SeptemberYear 11 Social
Friday 20 SeptemberUnit 3/4 Practice Exams begin (continue over the holidays)
Friday 20 SeptemberLast Day of Term 3
Wednesday 25 SeptemberVET Dance Mock Exam
Monday 7 OctoberFirst Day of Term 4
Thursday 17 OctoberYear 9/10 Outdoor Ed – Surfing
Friday 18 OctoberEMR Intermediate Girls Netball
Monday 21 OctoberLast day of Year 12 Classes
Tuesday 22 OctoberYear 12 Celebration Breakfast
Tuesday 22 OctoberYear 12 Valedictory Dinner
Thursday 24 OctoberYear 9/10 Outdoor Ed – Bike Ride


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our great school.


2024 Term Dates

Term 130 January to 28 March 2024
Term 215 April to 28 June 2024
Term 315 July to 20 September 2024
Term 47 October to 20 December 2024

General News

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School Savings Bonus

The School Saving Bonus for Government school students can be accessed via the School Saving Bonus online system in November 2024.

Families can choose how they spend the School Saving Bonus. It can be used towards 2025 school costs, which may include:

  • camps, trips, excursions and incursions
  • swimming and sporting programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • graduations
  • school uniforms
  • textbooks

The School Saving Bonus will be emailed directly to parents and carers in November 2024. Please check your junk folder if you cannot locate the email. If you do not receive information by 25 November 2024, please contact your school for support.

Families can allocate all or part of the bonus to help with the cost of school activities. This allocation will be made within the online system.

The bonus can also be used at your school’s designated textbook or uniform suppliers in-store or online until 30 June 2025.

If any amount allocated to textbooks or uniforms is unspent as at 1 July 2025, it will become a school activities credit for you to use through your school.

Student eligibility

The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of each Victorian government school student from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home-schooled students, and TAFE students.

There is no application required for eligible government school parents to receive the School Saving Bonus, however there are a few required actions for parents and carers.

Actions for parents and carers

To receive the School Saving Bonus, parents and carers of children who are attending a Victorian government school in 2025 are required to do the following by Friday 18 October 2024:

  • Check your contact information: Ensure your phone number and email address is up to date with your school.

You need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:

  • in October, to verify your email address
  • in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus. You will be able to access it via an online system.

Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.

General Office Details

The General Office hours are: 8.00am-4.00pm

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.


Compass is the communication portal for Fairhills –

Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the General Office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:

  • Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with teachers
  • Update contact details
  • View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions

Compass Events / Payment Centre / Course Confirmation

Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend.  Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.

Click here for the Compass Parent Guide

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Student’s arriving to school late are required to sign in (using their Student ID Card) on the Compass Kiosk machine at the General Office.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.  If they need to call home, they should come to the office.  Students should not use their mobiles.

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Parent Carpark – pick up and drop off

If you drop/pick up your children please ensure you:

  • use the parent car park – not the staff/guest car park, except for those with a disability parking permit
  • pull into a parent parking spot to let your child out/pick them up
  • when exiting turn left onto Scoresby road (as per the sign)

Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Uniform details

Uniform Price List

2024 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

2024 Bell Times

Two different bell times run during the week:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Monday and Thursday (includes House Group)



Period 18:40am – 9:39am8:40am – 9:39am
Period 29:39am – 10:38am9:39am – 10:38am
Recess10:38am – 10:58am10:38am – 10:58am
Period 310:58am – 11:57am10:58am – 11:57am
Period 411:57am – 12:56pm11:57am – 12:56pm
Lunch12:56pm – 1:36pm12:56pm – 1:36pm
HomegroupN/A1:36pm – 1:49pm
Period 51:36pm – 2:35pm1:49pm – 2:48pm


2024 Team Leaders

Year LevelTeam Leaders
Sarah Power
8Sarah Power
9Greg Baker
10Marguerite Kuhne
11Leanne Henderson
12Leanne Henderson


Extracurricular Activities

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Instrumental Music

Congratulations to the following students who were recognised at the annual instrumental music concert at Swinburne University Theatre.

Encouragement Awards

Flute – Vyom
Clarinet – Chanelle
French Horn – Joseph
Guitar – Honiesath
Bass Guitar – Camden
Percussion – Aby
Drums – Mitch
Trumpet – Jelena
Trombone – Alfie
Voice – Audrey

North Eastern Regional Representation

Anja – Clarinet
Abby – Flute
Tayla – Clarinet
Cheryl – Clarinet
Isabelle – Trumpet
Caine – Clarinet

Any questions regarding the instrumental music program please email Nicole McAlister

Matilda The Musical JR

This year’s school production of Matilda Junior was a resounding success, delighting audiences across six spectacular shows! We kicked off with two special performances for local primary schools, followed by four public shows.

Our talented cast and crew worked tirelessly to bring the magic of Matilda to life, showcasing their dedication, creativity, and passion. The students’ performances were nothing short of brilliant, delivering memorable moments that kept the audience entertained from start to finish.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the parents and ex-students who generously volunteered their time and skills, helping with everything from costumes and backstage support to stage management. Your contributions were invaluable, and this production wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Thank you also to everyone who attended and supported the show. The positive energy and enthusiasm from the audience made each performance a truly unforgettable experience!
We look forward to welcoming you back for more amazing productions in the future. Stay tuned!

Sarah Power & Greg Baker
Co-Directors of Matilda Jn.

2024 Victoria State School Spectacular

Fairhills High School students are excited to be performing in the Victoria State School Spectacular.

🎟️ Tickets on sale now –
📅 Dates: 14 September 2024
📍 Location: John Cain Arena

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