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Principal’s Message

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Student Outcomes

I bring you some exciting news on our students’ learning and wellbeing progress. I want to thank the staff who played an important role in making this happen.

Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) Results

The Attitudes to School Survey, conducted annually by the Department of Education, gathers valuable feedback from students about their school experiences. It covers various aspects, including student engagement, wellbeing, and the overall learning environment. This data helps us listen to our students, make informed decisions, and continuously strive for excellence in education.

This year’s results are similar to last year’s, showing that our students’ positive perceptions are well above those of similar and network schools, as well as the state average. It is particularly pleasing to see that differentiated learning improved by 2%, an area we have targeted through the LEARN model lesson plans and inclusion priorities.


NAPLAN growth data provides valuable insights into our students’ progress in key areas such as literacy and numeracy, regardless of their starting points. By prioritizing growth, we recognize and celebrate each student’s efforts and improvements, fostering a growth mindset that values perseverance and continuous learning. This approach helps us identify effective teaching strategies, allocate resources where they are most needed, and ultimately enhance the learning experience for all our students.

2024 Year 9 & Year 7 Growth

Year 9:

Reading: 81% medium and high growth
Numeracy: 72% medium and high growth

Year 7: (Reflecting their Grade 5 & 6 journey)

Reading: 66% medium and high growth
Numeracy: 60% medium and high growth

Our next step is to identify the students who had low growth so we can implement individualised targeted support to increase their learning growth.

Upstander & Kindness movement

An Upstander is someone who acts when they see something wrong. There are many ways an Upstander can act to support others.

Every year in THRIVE students explore ways to be an Upstander and show kindness. I encourage the school community to utilise the ones they feel most comfortable implementing. Behaviour ignored is behaviour accepted.

Fairhills High School Upstander strategies

Call the Bullies out

If you see friends or classmates laughing along with the bullying, tell them that they are contributing to the problem. Never join in.

Lend a hand

Ask the person who is being left out or picked on to join you and fellow Upstanders.

Alert and adult

When possible, notify a staff member whenever you see someone being bullied. There are many ways to report. Stymie notifications are an anonymous way. You can also inform a parent/carer who can report it to the school.

Stop the spread of hurtful messages

If someone sends you a message or tells you a rumour that is untrue, speak out. Let them know that this behaviour is not funny or cool.

Be a friend

Welcome new students. Make friends outside of your circle. Eat lunch with someone who is eating alone.

Respect differences

Remind others that differences are something to be celebrated, not used to hurt others or make others feel inferior.

2025 STEM academy

I am excited about our STEM future and the opportunities and possibilities that a thriving STEM program will provide.

We now:

  • Have amazing spaces and inspiring STEM leaders and teachers.
  • Are developing an engaging and innovative STEM program.
  • Are building our collection of resources and equipment, such as VEX Robotics.

These advancements will support us in becoming the school of choice for STEM in the Outer East region (and dare I say it… across Melbourne).

In 2025, Year 7 and 8 students will participate in VEX Robotics through their Science classes, and Year 9 students will do so through Robotics and coding courses. Year 7 students selected for the STEM academy will also compete in VEX Robotics championships against other schools across the state, nationally, and, before long, internationally.

At the Hydrogen Car Grand Prix last week, our students achieved an incredible third place in Victoria. In doing so, we outperformed Independent, Catholic, and State schools, finishing just 18 laps away from heading to the World Final Hydrogen Grand Prix in California. Considering this was our first-ever attempt, it was an incredible effort. I want to congratulate the team of students and their mentors, Dr. Dan Kilgore and Mr. Lee Luo.

Ian Van Schie



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Hydrogen Car Grand Prix

We are excited to share the fantastic results from the Hydrogen Car Grand Prix held at the Toyota Centre of Excellence in Altona on Tuesday 23 July. Out of 17 schools from Victoria and NSW, Fairhills High School secured a brilliant 6th place overall and an impressive 3rd place among Victorian schools!

Over the past 6 months, our students have been hard at work designing, building and perfecting their hydrogen-powered remote-control car. They competed in a gruelling 4-hour endurance race, overcoming numerous mechanical issues and a major setback. Thanks to their determination and teamwork, they managed to get back on track and were among just 6 teams to successfully finish. At the end of the race, the team had completed a total of 404 laps—just 18 laps less than the team in first place.

A huge shout out to Seth, Diesel, Wyatt, Charles, Elissa and Mitchelle for their outstanding performance, and a big thanks to Mr. Luo for his support. Well done, team Fairhills!

NAPLAN Results

Each year students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 across Australia undertake the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The results of these assessments give parents/carers and teachers an indication of how students are progressing over time. They also allow schools the opportunity to identify areas of strength and improvement for both individual students and year levels.

At Fairhills High School NAPLAN results are used by teachers, alongside frequent school assessments, classwork and Progressive Achievement Tests to measure learning growth and inform teacher planning for their students, so they are best able to meet their needs.

From a whole school perspective, NAPLAN is used as one of our indicators of the impact of our school improvement work and implementation of the Fairhills Instructional LEARN Model. Once again, this year our NAPLAN results are very encouraging and show that our students are achieving growth in their learning.

People’s Choice Award

We are thrilled to share the amazing achievement of Seb, Kai, and Alfie from Year 8 who participated in the KIOSC STEM Communication Conference on 27 June.  This conference brought together students from across the Knox area to showcase their STEM projects, and our students truly shined!

Seb, Kai, and Alfie presented their innovative work on VEX robots, a new addition to our Year 8 curriculum this term. Their presentation highlighted the goals of their project, their scientific research, and how they utilised robotics and coding to solve challenges. They impressed the audience not only with their knowledge but also with live demonstrations of their robots’ capabilities.

Throughout the day, our students engaged confidently with approximately 130 visitors, explaining their project’s intricacies and sharing their passion for STEM. Their hard work paid off tremendously as they were awarded the “People’s Choice Award” for the most engaging and interesting presentation!

Seb, Kai, and Alfie, you have demonstrated exceptional dedication and talent both in the classroom and at the conference. Your achievement reflects your commitment to learning and innovation. Well done!

Resource Learning Hub

Olympics time is always a fun time in the Library. Students have been enjoying our displays promoting our extensive sport and exercise book collection as well as a range of new graphic novels based on various sports including soccer, basketball, BMX and surfing. At lunchtime, we have also been watching highlights and replays of the Games.

Staff Professional Learning Day

Monday 22 July was a pupil free day to allow staff to work together on Curriculum planning and documentation. The day also involved a workshop from Resolution Education who work with schools across Australia on various wellbeing topics and strategies.

I would like to thank our Teaching and Learning Excellence Team at Fairhills for their preparation and planning that led to a productive day for all Learning Areas.

Year 7 Ready Steady Cook

As the weather cools down, our Year 7 Ready, Steady, Cook students have been heating things up in the kitchen! Class 7A recently prepared their first main meal. From mastering meat preparation to cooking al dente pasta and collaborating as a team, every lesson has been bustling with activity! They’ve been having a blast while learning valuable culinary skills!

Year 9 City Experience

From 24 to 26 July, our Year 9 students embarked on the city experience that promised adventure, learning, and unforgettable memories. This three-day event was a perfect blend of education and fun, providing our students with a unique opportunity to explore and experience the vibrant city life.

The adventure began on Wednesday, with students eagerly setting off to explore the city’s renowned landmarks. The students were tasked with taking photos of landmarks around the city from a monopoly board in order to win an amazing prize

On the second day, students enjoyed a packed schedule of activities. The morning started with a visit to the Eureka Skydeck, where students marvelled at the breathtaking panoramic views from the tallest observation deck in the Southern Hemisphere and an interactive and inspiring visit to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), where students delved into the world of digital art, film, and creative storytelling.

The day concluded on a high note with an ice skating session. For many, it was their first time on the ice, and the rink was filled with laughter, excitement, and a few playful tumbles. The ice skating experience was a fantastic way for students to bond and support each other, creating lasting memories.

The final day the students headed into Melbourne Zoo to explore the activities provided to them. This included watching the seals being trained, watching the orangutangs being fed and seeing some of the native animals including platypus and dingos. This was added to by their pre-excursion learning about endangered species and how the zoos can assist with these.

Throughout the three days, our Year 9 students displayed exemplary behaviour, curiosity, and enthusiasm. The trip was a resounding success, thanks to the meticulous planning and dedication of our staff and the positive attitude of our students. This excursion has undoubtedly broadened their horizons and provided them with experiences that will be cherished for years to come.

Year 9 Cranbourne Botanic Gardens

On Wednesday 31 July, our Year 9 students set off on an exciting botanical journey to the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne. This excursion was designed to immerse the students in the natural beauty and biodiversity of one of Australia’s most significant native plant gardens.

Upon arrival, the students were greeted by the stunning landscapes of the Cranbourne Gardens, renowned for their collection of Australian native plants. They had a chance to explore a variety of themed gardens, including the Red Sand Garden, the Eucalypt Walk, and the Weird and Wonderful Garden. Each area showcased unique plant species adapted to Australia’s diverse climates and soils.

Throughout the day, the students reflected on the role of plants in our ecosystem and the importance of preserving native species. They discussed the challenges posed by climate change and habitat loss, and how initiatives like the Royal Botanic Gardens play a crucial role in conservation efforts. This excursion not only enriched their botanical knowledge but also inspired a sense of environmental stewardship.

In addition to their exploration of native flora, the Year 9 students delved into the diverse biomes represented within the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne. They traversed landscapes mimicking arid deserts, lush rainforests, and temperate woodlands, gaining insights into the unique plant communities and ecosystems that define each biome. By observing the distinct characteristics and adaptations of plants in these varied environments, the students developed a comprehensive understanding of how different biomes support a wide array of plant life. This hands-on experience brought their classroom lessons to life, reinforcing the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the importance of preserving our planet’s biodiversity.

The visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne was a memorable and enriching experience for our Year 9 students. It provided them with a unique opportunity to connect with nature, learn about Australia’s native flora, and understand the significance of conservation. This exploration of the native Australian landscape will be continued in two weeks when we visit Wallin Warrin exploring indigenous culture.

Year 9/10 Aesthetics of Food

Our Aesthetics of Food students really nailed their assignment! They were tasked with designing an entire birthday party, including theme, menu, decorations, budget, and baking a cake to match their vision. Here’s a sneak peek of their yummy cakes they created!

Year 12 Food Studies

Evaluating the Nutritional Efficacy of the Mediterranean diet.

A delicious learning opportunity.

Wellbeing and engagement

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School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) Lessons

This term we are excited to reintroduce our School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) lessons aimed at fostering a positive school culture and enhancing student engagement and wellbeing. Starting in Week 2, all Year 7-10 students will participate in two School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) lessons per week. These lessons will be seamlessly integrated into core subjects, providing an innovative approach to reinforcing our school’s core values: Build Relationships, Show Respect, Act Responsibly.

The SWPB lessons are designed to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel valued and empowered. By focusing on these key values, we aim to cultivate a school culture that encourages positive behaviour, strengthens relationships, and fosters a sense of community. These lessons will provide practical strategies for students to apply these values in their daily interactions, both inside and outside the classroom.

Building Relationships is at the heart of a positive school experience. Through these lessons, students will learn the importance of connecting with their peers and teachers, understanding diverse perspectives, and working collaboratively. These skills are essential not only for academic success but also for personal growth and development.

Showing Respect is fundamental to creating a safe and supportive school environment. The SWPB lessons will emphasize the importance of respecting oneself, others, and the school community. Students will explore topics such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication, all of which contribute to a respectful and harmonious school culture.

Acting Responsibly is a key component of positive behaviour. The lessons will encourage students to take ownership of their actions, make thoughtful decisions, and contribute positively to the school community. By developing a sense of responsibility, students will be better equipped to navigate challenges and build resilience.

We believe that these SWPB lessons will have a profound impact on our students’ engagement and wellbeing. By integrating these important values into everyday learning, we aim to create a positive and inclusive school environment where all students can thrive. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss these lessons with their children and support them in practicing these values at home.

Let’s work together to make this initiative a success and continue building a vibrant, respectful, and responsible school community!

Year 12 Dress up day

The Year 12’s recently enjoyed a dress up day as a character starting with their initial. A great effort was made by all but we were particularly impressed when we had a visit from the famous Michelle Obama and Ariana Grande.


Middle School Report

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Welcome back to Term 3.

It’s been a thriving and exciting start to Term 3 for our Middle School students. The spirit of connectedness and belonging has been evident, as students have eagerly engaged in a variety of activities that showcase their talents and foster a strong sense of community.

The highlight of the term so far has been our impressive performance in the Hydrogen Grand Prix, where our students secured 3rd place in the state. This achievement is not just a testament to their hard work and innovation but also to the strong teamwork and camaraderie that has developed among them.

Meanwhile, the school is buzzing with energy as students madly rehearse for the upcoming school musical, Matilda Jr. The rehearsals are not just about perfecting lines and songs; they are a time for students to come together, support each other, and create something magical. The excitement and teamwork involved are building lasting friendships and memories.

Our Year 8 students are also preparing for the much-anticipated Year 8 Camp at The Ranch. This camp promises to be an incredible opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones, try new activities, and bond with their peers in a supportive environment.

In addition, our Year 9 students have just completed a three-day city experience, providing them with the opportunity to explore urban environments, gain real-world insights, and strengthen their connections with classmates. This hands-on learning experience has not only expanded their horizons but also deepened their understanding of city life and its complexities.

Outside the classroom, our vibrant extracurricular scene continues to thrive. Lunchtime and after-school clubs offer students a chance to explore their interests and connect with like-minded peers. One particularly popular club is the Dungeons and Dragons group, where students can immerse themselves in imaginative adventures while building friendships and teamwork skills. Participation in the State School Spectacular also provides another platform for students to shine, contributing to a collective sense of pride and accomplishment.

All these activities are deeply interwoven with our students’ sense of connection and belonging. Whether through collaborative projects, creative endeavours, or shared experiences, each opportunity allows students to form meaningful relationships and feel part of a larger community. This sense of belonging is crucial for their well-being and success, as research shows that a strong connection to school is a significant predictor of academic resilience (Gonzalez & Padilla, 1997) and a protective factor against risky behaviours, including sexual violence and drug use (Catalano, Haggerty, Oesterle, Fleming & Hawkins, 2004).

As we continue through Term 3, it’s clear that our Middle School community is stronger than ever, united by these shared experiences and a mutual commitment to making the most of every opportunity. Our students’ sense of belonging at Fairhills High School is not only a foundation for their growth and success but also a cornerstone of our vibrant and inclusive school culture. We look forward to the many more achievements and memories to come!

Silvana La Leggia
Assistant Principal – Middle School


Senior School Report

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We welcome back our students, staff, and parents/carers to the second half of the school year. I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break with family and friends.

Despite the chilly start to Term 3, our senior school students have had a vibrant start to Semester 2. Our current Year 10 and Year 11 students have been busy choosing their subjects for 2025. In the first two weeks of term we held two information nights. On Thursday 18 July our Year 11 students were provided with information about Year 12 subjects for 2025 and important pathway information. The following week our Year 10 students and parents/carers also had the opportunity to hear about possible opportunities for study in 2025. Our Year 10 students were also provided with the time to speak to VCE and VCE VM teachers about their options. I would like to thank Liz Rundle, our amazing Pathways Manager for planning and delivering presentations to our students. I would also like to thank our amazing Learning Area Coordinators for their time in speaking to our students and parents over the last three weeks. Additionally, Ms Nansen has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create the 2025 timetable and ensure students can easily input their subject choices into the online portal. If you have any questions relating to specific subjects for your child, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following staff at the school:

Dr KilgoreMaths/Science
Ms McGillicuddyEnglish/Humanities
Ms O’ConnorArts/Technology
Mr BurrowsPE/Health
Ms WinstoneLanguages
Ms RundlePathways & VM


On Thursday 22 August, we will be holing our Course Counselling sessions through out the day. Shortly, parents/carers will receive instructions on how to book an appointment via Compass. It is important that parents/carers and students schedule a time to meet with a teacher to discuss subject choices for 2025.

Finally, I would like to wish all our senior students the very best for the remainder of Term 3.

Bill Exton
Senior School Assistant Principal

Year 10 Work Experience 2024

In the last week of Term 2, Year 10 students headed out into the community for Work Experience.

Work experience is a critical step in Careers education enabling students to gain a better understanding of the world of work and what their preferred future looks like.

Our students were amazing ambassadors for the school – receiving positive feed back and some offered part time positions.

Huge thank you to all the local businesses for supporting this important program.

Well done Year 10!!!

Pictured below: Guy – Coldchester Garden Centre, Jordana – Basin Primary School, Lexi – Peter Stevens Motorcycles

Year 12 – University / TAFE Applications / Transition from school

Applications for University and TAFE are now open via VTAC. Timely applications close 30 September at 12 midday. Timely applications cost $60 – a one-off fee. A small investment for the possibilities on offer.

Students need to apply via the VTAC portal for most of courses Some TAFE providers require students to apply directly to the institute.

Step 1: VTAC requires students to create an account and to do this they will need to have the VCE number (available from Liz Rundle) and a USI. All students who have participated in VET will have a USI already. To create a USI go to

Step 2: Apply for courses – listing up to 8 in preference order.

Step 3: Apply for SEA’s – Special Entry Access Scheme

Step 4: Apply for Scholarships

Students can find all they need to know about their application process on Compass – School Documentation – Year 12 Transition.

Once an application has been made, students are able to change it as many times as they like, free of cost.

Open days are a crucial part of decision making moving forward. The list of Open days is available on Compass.

All students are encouraged to have an appointment with Pathways to map out their transition from school; University, TAFE, Apprenticeships, Work or Travel. We encourage all Year 12’s to have plan A & B.

Liz Rundle – Pathways

Important Dates

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Monday 5 AugustYear 8 Basketball
Monday 5 AugustYear 7B and 7C KIOSC
Monday 5 AugustInstrumental Music Concert
Wednesday 7 AugustYear 9/10 Visit to the Courts
Thursday 9 AugustYear 9/10 Outdoor Ed – Kayaking
Thursday 9 AugustYear 7A and 7D KIOSC
Thursday 9 AugustYear 11 VM Voices of Knox Interviews
Friday 10 AugustState School Spectacular Rehearsal
Monday 12 AugustYear 10 Be Wise Presentation
Monday 12 AugustYear 11 and 12 VM Amazing Race
Tuesday 13 AugustStudent Voice Planning Day
Wednesday 14 AugustYear 9 Willum Warrain Cultural Exploration
Wednesday 14 August – Friday 16 AugustYear 8 Camp
Thursday 15 AugustYear 12 Chemistry – KIOSC
Thursday 15 AugustYear 11 VM Voices of Knox Interviews
Tuesday 20 AugustYear 12 Art Excursion
Tuesday 20 AugustNational Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Wednesday 21 AugustVET Dance Industry Day
Thursday 22 AugustYear 8 KIOSC
Thursday 22 AugustYear 11 VM Wheeltalk
Thursday 22 AugustVCE/VM 2025 Course Counselling
Friday 23 AugustYear 9/10 Basketball


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our great school.


2024 Term Dates

Term 130 January to 28 March 2024
Term 215 April to 28 June 2024
Term 315 July to 20 September 2024
Term 47 October to 20 December 2024

General News

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Fairhills High School Beanies

As the temperatures drop, it’s officially Beanie season!

Just a friendly reminder that the only Beanie permitted is the Fairhills High School Beanie, conveniently available at the General Office for $20.

General Office Details

The General Office hours are: 8.00am-4.00pm

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.


Compass is the communication portal for Fairhills –

Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the General Office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:

  • Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with teachers
  • Update contact details
  • View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions

Compass Events / Payment Centre / Course Confirmation

Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend.  Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.

Click here for the Compass Parent Guide

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Student’s arriving to school late are required to sign in (using their Student ID Card) on the Compass Kiosk machine at the General Office.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.  If they need to call home, they should come to the office.  Students should not use their mobiles.

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Parent Carpark – pick up and drop off

If you drop/pick up your children please ensure you:

  • use the parent car park – not the staff/guest car park, except for those with a disability parking permit
  • pull into a parent parking spot to let your child out/pick them up
  • when exiting turn left onto Scoresby road (as per the sign)

Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Uniform details

Uniform Price List

2024 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

2024 Bell Times

Two different bell times run during the week:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Monday and Thursday (includes House Group)



Period 18:40am – 9:39am8:40am – 9:39am
Period 29:39am – 10:38am9:39am – 10:38am
Recess10:38am – 10:58am10:38am – 10:58am
Period 310:58am – 11:57am10:58am – 11:57am
Period 411:57am – 12:56pm11:57am – 12:56pm
Lunch12:56pm – 1:36pm12:56pm – 1:36pm
HomegroupN/A1:36pm – 1:49pm
Period 51:36pm – 2:35pm1:49pm – 2:48pm


2024 Team Leaders

Year LevelTeam Leaders
Sarah Power
8Sarah Power
9Greg Baker
10Marguerite Kuhne
11Leanne Henderson
12Leanne Henderson


Extracurricular Activities

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Instrumental Music Concert

Instrumental Music students are busy preparing for the annual music evening on Monday 5 August at the Swinburne University Theatre.  There are over 60 students performing in ensembles and/or solos on flute, clarinet, voice, trumpet, trombone, bass guitar, acoustic guitar and drums. It will be a wonderful night to showcase and celebrate the achievements of instrumental music students. No tickets required – free concert.

Any queries regarding this concert or lessons please email Nicole McAlister

Japanese Student Visit

Fairhills High School is once again hosting our yearly visit by Japanese students from the youth organisation KSKK. We have been involved in this exchange for over 40 years.

The students arrived on a cold rainy Sunday morning. However, that didn’t dampen their excitement to start their jam-packed program. They met host families, and on Monday began their first school day by meeting with our Principal Mr. Van Schie. This meeting was accompanied by Tim Tam tasting; a very necessary Australian custom. They then met their school buddies, and spent the day in classes.

The Japanese students and their buddies enjoyed a welcome lunch together; a time to get to know each other better as well as enjoy some yummy food.

On Tuesday the Japanese students did a tour of the stunning Mornington Peninsula. The view from Arthurs Seat was spectacular, and they visited the beach suburbs of Sorrento and Dromana.

We thank the host families and student buddies for their major contribution to this program, and for our staff welcoming them into their classrooms. A huge thank you goes out to Ma sensei who stepped in at the very last moment to replace Winstone sensei.

Jessica Winstone
Integrated Learning Area Coordinator – Languages


Matilda The Musical JR

Fairhills High School will be filled by the smell of rebellion when our students present Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR.

Based on the beloved book “Matilda” by Roald Dahl and adapted from the award-winning full-length musical, Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR. tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny.

🎟️ Tickets on sale now –
📅 Dates: 29-31 August 2024
🎟️ Ticket Prices: $30 Adults, $20 Children under 12
📍 Location: Fairhills High School PAC

Don’t miss this enchanting production! Secure your seats today and support our young performers.

2024 Victoria State School Spectacular

Fairhills High School students are excited to be performing in the Victoria State School Spectacular.

🎟️ Tickets on sale now –
📅 Dates: 14 September 2024
📍 Location: John Cain Arena

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