Principal’s Message

As the Easter break draws near, I want to extend heartfelt wishes to our school community. May this time bring you happy times, rejuvenation, and opportunities for contemplation. Whether you’re connecting with family, exploring new adventures, or simply taking time to unwind, I urge you to cherish the special moments this time can offer. Let’s take this chance to replenish our energy and return with a renewed sense of purpose, prepared to tackle whatever awaits us. From our school family to yours, I wish you all a tranquil and delightful Easter break.
Open Night
Our 2024 Open Night on March 21 marked a significant milestone in our school’s journey, boasting unparalleled success and exceeding all expectations. The turnout was truly remarkable, with an impressive attendance of approximately 350 individuals, showcasing the local community’s overwhelming interest and support.
Moreover, the meticulous planning and execution of the event ensured a seamless and enriching experience for our prospective Fairhills High School community members. Through the introduction of a novel approach, featuring staggered tours throughout the night and smaller, more intimate presentations, attendees were afforded the opportunity to explore our school in depth, fostering meaningful connections and insights.
This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of numerous individuals who tirelessly contributed to the night’s success. Special recognition is due to Silvana La Leggia, our Assistant Principal of the Middle School, whose visionary leadership and unwavering commitment played a pivotal role in orchestrating the event.
Furthermore, I extend my gratitude to all staff and students who lent their support, whether through guiding tours or showcasing the vibrant spirit of our school community. Once again the night demonstrated what responsible and respectful students, we have at Fairhills High School.
It is through our collective collaboration and shared dedication that we were able to present Fairhills High School in its best light, highlighting the rich tapestry of opportunities and experiences for all students. As we reflect on the resounding success of our Open Night, let us continue to strive for excellence and inclusivity, ensuring that every individual feels welcomed and valued in our school community.
Progress Reports and Learning Conferences
On the last day of term, parents will be able to access ‘Progress Reports’. These interim reports will provide students and parents with information on how individuals are tracking in each of their subjects, with a specific focus on learning behaviours. The ‘Progress Reports’ will provide a useful starting conversation for the ‘Learning Conferences’ which will take place in the first week of Term 2 (Wednesday 17 April between 11.15am and 7.00pm). Bookings for the Learning Conferences will open on the last day of Term 1 and parents will be able to book a 10-minute face to face appointment with classroom teachers, via Compass (information on how to book conferences is also in the News Feed on Compass). It is important that students attend these ‘Learning Conferences’ as the information provided by the teachers is most relevant to them.
Term 2 Learn Maps
In Term 2 we will introduce learn maps (seating maps) in Years 7-10 classrooms from day 1. In Semester 2 2023 learn maps were introduced to FHS to good effect. These maps are carefully designed to enhance learning by promoting collaboration, focus, and student engagement. By strategically arranging seats, teachers can create optimal environments for effective instruction and peer interaction. Research shows that well-planned seating arrangements can improve academic performance and foster positive classroom dynamics. We believe this initiative will greatly benefit your child’s educational experience. We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of seating maps at home. Together, let’s create an environment where every student can thrive.
Ian Van Schie