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Principal’s Message

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As the Easter break draws near, I want to extend heartfelt wishes to our school community. May this time bring you happy times, rejuvenation, and opportunities for contemplation. Whether you’re connecting with family, exploring new adventures, or simply taking time to unwind, I urge you to cherish the special moments this time can offer. Let’s take this chance to replenish our energy and return with a renewed sense of purpose, prepared to tackle whatever awaits us. From our school family to yours, I wish you all a tranquil and delightful Easter break.

Open Night

Our 2024 Open Night on March 21 marked a significant milestone in our school’s journey, boasting unparalleled success and exceeding all expectations. The turnout was truly remarkable, with an impressive attendance of approximately 350 individuals, showcasing the local community’s overwhelming interest and support.

Moreover, the meticulous planning and execution of the event ensured a seamless and enriching experience for our prospective Fairhills High School community members. Through the introduction of a novel approach, featuring staggered tours throughout the night and smaller, more intimate presentations, attendees were afforded the opportunity to explore our school in depth, fostering meaningful connections and insights.

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of numerous individuals who tirelessly contributed to the night’s success. Special recognition is due to Silvana La Leggia, our Assistant Principal of the Middle School, whose visionary leadership and unwavering commitment played a pivotal role in orchestrating the event.

Furthermore, I extend my gratitude to all staff and students who lent their support, whether through guiding tours or showcasing the vibrant spirit of our school community. Once again the night demonstrated what responsible and respectful students, we have at Fairhills High School.

It is through our collective collaboration and shared dedication that we were able to present Fairhills High School in its best light, highlighting the rich tapestry of opportunities and experiences for all students. As we reflect on the resounding success of our Open Night, let us continue to strive for excellence and inclusivity, ensuring that every individual feels welcomed and valued in our school community.

Progress Reports and Learning Conferences

On the last day of term, parents will be able to access ‘Progress Reports’. These interim reports will provide students and parents with information on how individuals are tracking in each of their subjects, with a specific focus on learning behaviours. The ‘Progress Reports’ will provide a useful starting conversation for the ‘Learning Conferences’ which will take place in the first week of Term 2 (Wednesday 17 April between 11.15am and 7.00pm). Bookings for the Learning Conferences will open on the last day of Term 1 and parents will be able to book a 10-minute face to face appointment with classroom teachers, via Compass (information on how to book conferences is also in the News Feed on Compass). It is important that students attend these ‘Learning Conferences’ as the information provided by the teachers is most relevant to them.

Term 2 Learn Maps

In Term 2 we will introduce learn maps (seating maps) in Years 7-10 classrooms from day 1. In Semester 2 2023 learn maps were introduced to FHS to good effect. These maps are carefully designed to enhance learning by promoting collaboration, focus, and student engagement. By strategically arranging seats, teachers can create optimal environments for effective instruction and peer interaction. Research shows that well-planned seating arrangements can improve academic performance and foster positive classroom dynamics. We believe this initiative will greatly benefit your child’s educational experience. We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of seating maps at home. Together, let’s create an environment where every student can thrive.

Ian Van Schie


Middle School Report

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Dear Parents/Carers

As the first term of the school year comes to a close, the Middle School has been abuzz with activity. Interim reports will be posted at the end of term, highlighting the progress and achievements of students thus far. Parent conferences scheduled for Wednesday 17 April are on the horizon, providing an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s academic journey with teachers. Please book in your appointments.

Students have also had a chance to bond with their peers through camps , house group events and the Connect and Thrive programs.

As the Easter holidays draw near, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation for a well-deserved break.

Wishing everyone a joyous and happy Easter break filled with rest, laughter, and happiness.

Please stay safe.
Silvana La Leggia


Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader

Open Night Success

Fairhills High School’s Open Night was a resounding success, with over 350 people in attendance to witness the school’s impressive STEM programs, Basketball Academy, and newly opened Music Hub. The event showcased the school’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education that focuses on both academic excellence and extracurricular opportunities.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the unveiling of the state-of-the-art Music Hub, which will serve as a creative space for students to explore their musical talents and passions. The community spirit was palpable throughout the night, as parents, students, and teachers came together to celebrate the achievements of Fairhills High School.

We would like to extend a big thank you to all the staff and students who dedicated their time and effort to make the event a success. From setting up displays to guiding visitors around the school, your hard work did not go unnoticed. Without your help, we could not have showcased our school in such a positive light. Your commitment and enthusiasm truly made a difference. Thank you!

Year 7 Ready Steady Cook

A taste of what our Year 7’s have been cooking in ‘Ready Steady Cook’ in Term One. We’ve been concentrating on so many different aspects of food safety and food presentation, plus trying out some new skills and working on our team work.

Year 9 – Reach Peer Dynamics workshop

The Reach foundation delivered their Peer Dynamics workshop to our year 9 students during Connect this week.

The 90-minute workshop aims to shift the peer dynamic in a year level to encourage mutual respect, empathy and awareness of self and others.
Students were given the opportunity to connect on a deeper level, gaining perspective on how we all experience different circumstances, but very often feel similar things. Whether that be judgement from others, sadness that you can’t quite pin-point, butterflies for a crush, fear of failure or being misunderstood by others. The workshop explores the impact that individual behaviours, attitudes and judgements can have on others.

Throughout the session, students were able to achieve a variety of outcomes that have positively impacted their personal growth and development. One key outcome was gaining an understanding of how judgement affects confidence, allowing students to become more self-aware and confident in their own abilities. Additionally, students developed a greater awareness of their individual behaviour and its impact on those around them, leading to increased empathy for others. This newfound empathy has also contributed to a sense of belonging and self-belief among students. Furthermore, students have enhanced their ability to communicate effectively and make choices that have a positive impact on themselves and others. Overall, these outcomes have empowered students to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and compassion. A big thank you to the REACH foundation for inspiring our students with their presentation.


Senior School Report

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The last three weeks of Term 1 has seen our senior students completing their first major assessments. Our Year 11 and 12 VCE students have now completed their first SAC in nearly all their subjects and our VM students are working towards completing their first major projects.

On Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 March, as part of our Vocational Major ‘Student Voice Cafe Project’, our VM students completed a ‘Food Handling’ and ‘Espresso Making’ short course as part of their assessment. A registered training organisation delivered the program over two days and taught our students how to run a cafe safely and make a number of coffees. The course is nationally accredited and our students have learnt how to make a great coffee, much to the delight of our staff!

During the Term 1 break, it is recommended that our senior students utilise this time to organise their study notes and prepare for Term 2. Senior students will have tasks and readings to complete over the two weeks in order to maintain continuity and progress.

Students are encouraged to balance their time over the holiday break to include relaxation, fun with family and friends and to stay up-to-date with their studies. We wish all our students a safe and happy break over the Easter holiday period.


Bill Exton
Senior School Assistant Principal

Year 12 Art Students

Year 12 Art Students had an excursion to the city on Thursday 14 March, where we visited NGV to see the Triennial Exhibition. We had a guided tour and were all very excited to see some amazing contemporary artworks, including robots who made artworks and the “Comedian” banana duct taped to the wall. Students have learnt a lot about art appreciation and everything involved in putting together a large scale exhibition for the public. We also saw the Top Arts exhibition and had the chance to see A+ folios from Year 12 students last year. It was the perfect combination of important learning for our Art course and general fun, seeing some great artwork.

School Industry Roundtable focusing on Work Experience

On Tuesday 19 March five of our Senior students attended the School to Industry Roundtable to discuss Work Experience. It was great to see our schools Students, industry representatives and Careers Practitioners all in the one place sharing their stories and experiences round the value of Work Experience.
Work Experience plays a valuable role for young people in supporting their career journey whilst at school and as they begin to think about their journey after school. It is vital that local major industry is part of this conversation.

The goal was to ensure;

  • Increased quality Work Experience placements
  • Development of information, resources and supports that enable industry to host students
  • Schools are supported in managing the workload in enabling students to access work experience
  • Developing alternative models to ‘traditional’ work experience

It was fantastic to watch our school representatives contribute their student voice to this issue. They provided valuable insight and ideas at their respective tables and need to be congratulated.

Ella, Bailey, Levi, Tom and Sandan all represented themselves and Fairhills High School brilliantly.

Term 2 Events

In term 2 the Senior School will start to get out and about in the career discovery and planning.

VCE Careers Expo – Year 11 & 12

On 3 May the Year 11 & 12 cohort will have the opportunity to attend the VCE Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention Centre. This event will include tertiary providers, employers and industry representatives plus gap year opportunities for them to investigate. In addition, during the time we are in attendance there will also be VCE subject seminars for students to attend.

Students will spend time at school preparing for the event investigating courses and options for school to work transition.
Watch Compass for permission and payment details.

Melbourne Careers Expo – Year 10

Year 10 will be attending the Melbourne Careers Expo on 17 May at the Melbourne Show Grounds. This amazing event will include not only tertiary providers both TAFE and universities, apprenticeship groups, public service industries (ADF, Police, Ambulance) and also industry representatives.

This event enables students to talk to a wide variety of people in relation options re transition from school.

Following the expo Year 10 will be given a tour of Swinburne Hawthorn campus. As a dual provider (both university and TAFE) Swinburne is a great starting point for students to start their investigation of what Tertiary studies can offer them.

Technical Trades Event

What is the Trade & Tech Fit?

The Trade & Tech Fit career expo (formerly The Trades Fit) is a free, 100% hands-on event that showcases study and employment opportunities for female and gender diverse young people in years 9 to 12 in industries that are traditionally male dominated.

The Trade and Tech Fit is 100% hands-on, allowing students to design video games, lay bricks, weld, use a flight simulator, program a robot, safety test equipment, use power tools, learn to paint and more. It provides a safe and equitable space where students engage with tradies, apprentices and industry professionals, providing insight into the breadth of career pathways where female and gender diverse people are underrepresented.

Where and when is the Trade & Tech Fit?
Date: Thursday 9 May 2024
Time: 9 am – 3 pm
Location: The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Cost: Admission is free

The school has registered for 20 places and students interested in attending need to contact Liz Rundle in Pathways to save a place.

Career Insights Year 9

This amazing program enables Year 9 students to unpack their strengths and interests using the Morrisby profiling kit. The program then links this information with career opportunities and direction.

This is a positive program that provides students with fantastic insights into who they are, self awareness is a critical component of career planning. It also provides direction for their subject / program choices into the future.

No program will or should tell a student exactly what they should do but such programs enable valuable and informed conversations to be had. The profiling at school is followed up by a ‘one on one’ interview with a careers Practitioner. This follow up meeting is open for families to attend either in person or virtually.

Please watch out for the permission notice on compass in term 2. Parent permission must be provided for students to participate.

More information about the program can be found at:

Important Dates

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Monday 15 AprilFirst Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16 AprilYear 11 VM Holocaust Museum Excursion
Wednesday 17 AprilSTEM Academy Testing 9am – 11am
Wednesday 17 AprilLearning Conferences 11:15 – 7pm – Student Free Day
Thursday 18 AprilVCE Legal Studies Excursion
Friday 19 AprilSmile Squad Follow up
Monday 22 AprilState School Spectacular Rehearsal
Wednesday 24 AprilYear 9 Man Cave and Big Sister Program
Thursday 25 AprilANZAC Day
Friday 26 AprilStaff Professional Learning Day – Student Free Day
Monday 29 AprilYear 9 Morrisby Testing
Tuesday 30 April8B Wellbeing (Period 5)
Wednesday 1 MayYear 9  Morrisby Testing
Wednesday 1 MayGrade 5 & 6 Basketball Cup
Thursday 2 MayYear 11/12 Man Cave and Big Sister Program
Thursday 2 MayYear 9 Morrisby Testing
Friday 3 MayVCE and Careers Expo (Period 3 -5)


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our great school.


2024 Term Dates

Term 130 January to 28 March 2024
Term 215 April to 28 June 2024
Term 315 July to 20 September 2024
Term 47 October to 20 December 2024

General News

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2024 Parent Contributions

2024 student charges are now listed on Compass under Payment Centre.  Parent payment contributions can be made through this area at any time.

2024 CSEF Applications

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.  If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please complete the 2024 CSEF application form.

General Office Details

The General Office hours are: 8.00am-4.00pm

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.


Compass is the communication portal for Fairhills –

Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:

  • Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with teachers
  • Update contact details
  • View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions

Compass Events / Payment Centre / Course Confirmation

Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend.  Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.

Click here for the Compass Parent Guide

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Student’s arriving to school late should report to the General Office to receive a late pass.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.  If they need to call home, they should come to the office.  Students should not use their mobiles.

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Parent Carpark – pick up and drop off

If you drop/pick up your children please ensure you:

  • use the parent car park – not the staff/guest car park, except for those with a disability parking permit
  • pull into a parent parking spot to let your child out/pick them up
  • when exiting turn left onto Scoresby road (as per the sign)

Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Uniform details

Uniform Price List

2024 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

2024 Bell Times

Two different bell times run during the week:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Monday and Thursday (includes House Group)



Period 18:40am – 9:39am8:40am – 9:39am
Period 29:39am – 10:38am9:39am – 10:38am
Recess10:38am – 10:58am10:38am – 10:58am
Period 310:58am – 11:57am10:58am – 11:57am
Period 411:57am – 12:56pm11:57am – 12:56pm
Lunch12:56pm – 1:36pm12:56pm – 1:36pm
HomegroupN/A1:36pm – 1:49pm
Period 51:36pm – 2:35pm1:49pm – 2:48pm


2024 Team Leaders

Year LevelTeam Leaders
Sarah Power
8Sarah Power
9Greg Baker
10Marguerite Kuhne
11Leanne Henderson
12Leanne Henderson


2025 STEM Academy

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2025 Fairhills STEM Academy

We are excited to announce that 2025 STEM Academy applications for Year 7 are now open!

The STEM Academy at Fairhills will offer a unique opportunity for students to delve into the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through hands-on activities and real-world applications, students will not only learn important concepts but also develop essential skills for the future in our state-of-the-art STEM Learning Centre. The academy provides a platform for students to explore their creativity, problem-solving abilities, and innovation in a supportive and engaging environment.

By participating in top-tier programs at universities, creating strong partnerships with STEM industries and engaging in competitions like Vex Robotics, students are able to lay the foundation for successful careers in STEM fields. These experiences not only prepare them for future challenges but also help them become well-rounded individuals with strong communication, social skills, and adaptability.

If you are interested in joining our STEM academy, please apply by April 5. Discovery and innovation awaits!

For more information visit:

Student Voice and House Points

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Yellow Arrow Leadership Day

Student leaders enjoyed a day at school learning about the importance of leadership and what it means to be a student leader. We had some fun activities in the morning with Yellow Arrow Leadership, where students got to know each other and learn valuable skills to help their leadership roles. We spent the rest of the day planning and discussing ideas for Fairhills and what they can do as leaders this year to make it a great year for all students.

Resource Learning Hub

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Calling all Fairhills High School Writers

Insight Publications is an Australian-owned company which publishes English resources for secondary teachers and students. This year Insight is sponsoring a Creative Writing Competition open to high school students around Australia with the aim to ignite a passion for creative writing and inspire the voices of the future. Entering the competition is free and all entrants will have the chance to share in over $3000 of cash prizes! All shortlisted entries will be judged by a panel of acclaimed Australian authors.

Insight first conducted this competition seven years ago and since then more than 1500 creative pieces have been received from high school students around the country. If you’re a budding writer, start creating your masterful piece over the school holidays and submit it by 1 September 2024.

Competition Key Dates

Entries close: 1 September 2024
Longlist announcement: 18 October 2024
Shortlist announcement: 1 November 2024
Awards Ceremony: TBA

For more details visit Insight Publications at and follow on Facebook and Instagram for announcements, creative writing tips, information about this year’s judges and more.

Sports / PE

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Intermediate Basketball

Our Intermediate basketballers went out to the 3X3 Cup in Frankston on Wednesday 20 March. The 3X3 Cup is an opportunity for students to play against schools outside of our region in a 3v3 tournament with no coaching allowed, leading to a completely student led team.
The Girls team went 3-2 with some very close games, including one that went into overtime and having the win clinched by a buzzer beater 3 from one of our players. They unfortunately went onto losing their first final, however showed great growth across the day.
The Boys team went 1-2 across their pool games, showing great teamwork and skill on display despite being immensely undersized compared to their competition.
Both teams enjoyed a great day out despite their results and are looking forward to their next opportunity to go out and play basketball.


Japanese Language

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The 22nd Annual Japan Festival 2024

Please see click on the link for more information. Please information about the Japanese Post Card Art Contest.


Jessica Winstone
Integrated Learning Area Coordinator – Languages


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