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Principal’s Message

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Senior & STEM Learning Centre (SLC) update

In the last couple of weeks, staff members have been touring the SLC. All staff who have been inside the new building are very excited about teaching inside this amazing new learning space. In the next week or so student leaders will have the opportunity to look inside the SLC.
Please see some photos of the spaces.

We are completing lots of minor works to the school in the next year or two. This will include some outdoor sports and recreation spaces for Middle School students. A survey has gone out to Middle School students to hear their voice. By the end of the year we will have made some firm decisions and plan to build these sport and recreation spaces at a time in 2024 that will minimise the impact on learning and wellbeing.

2024 Student Dress Code

At the end of November, School Council will ratify the 2024 Dress Code. In early December I will distribute the Dress Code to the school community. School Council listened to all the school community’s feedback and comments and as a result some important changes will be made, which include:

  • Students will be able to wear the school’s PE uniform on any school day.
  • From 2024, students can only wear the school’s tracksuit pants (purchase from Buxwear) Other black tracksuits will not be permitted. If students do not wish to wear the school tracksuit pants they have several options and include wearing:
    • the school PE shorts
    • the regular school uniform (and changing to the PE uniform before PE)
  • There will be subtle and important changes to hair colour.
  • A school raincoat will be made available to purchase. More information will be available in early December.

There was some feedback about some students feeling cold. Coldness will vary from student to student and the School Council believes that students have a variety of different school options that they can wear. For example, if a student feels cold in the tracksuit during winter they could either wear the grey school pants or the winter skirt with stockings. Students are also welcome to wear thermals underneath the uniform as long as they cannot be seen.

2024 Contributions

Parent/carer contributions are critical to the development and enhancement of exciting and engaging opportunities for all students.

The School Council has carefully evaluated the existing contributions structure and made important changes after discussions with the school community. At the end of October, the School Council endorsed the changes to the contributions structure.

The 2024 contributions have now been published to parents/carers on Compass. This will ensure parents/carers understand where their contributions are going. I thank parents/carers in advance for making a contribution to your child’s education.

Parents/carers should reach out to the General Office for further clarification.

Ian Van Schie


Middle School Report

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As I write this newsletter article I am feeling a great sense of pride and accomplishment in our year 9 students having just attended the year 9 Connect program celebration.

The Year 9 Connect program celebration is an event that brings together students, parents, and teachers to celebrate the achievements of the students throughout the year. This year, a unique twist was added to the celebration – the students were given the opportunity to cook a meal for their parents.

The idea behind this initiative was to not only showcase their culinary skills but also foster a sense of responsibility and independence. The students were divided into teams and each team was responsible for preparing a different course of the meal.

From appetizers to desserts, every aspect of the meal was carefully planned and executed by these young chefs. Parents, teachers and students feasted on home made Pizza, Spaghetti bolognaise, a fresh Pasta Primavera finishing off with chocolate brownies, fruit salad and ice-cream for dessert.

The event turned out to be a huge success. The parents were not only impressed by their children’s cooking skills but also delighted by their enthusiasm and dedication towards this task. It was heart-warming to see these young individuals taking charge in the kitchen and working together as a team.

This experience taught them valuable life skills such as teamwork, time management, and problem-solving. It also gave them an opportunity to bond with their parents in a different setting, strengthening their relationship further.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Greg Baker for leading and driving this student initiative, with the support of Ying Qin and volunteer Klaus. Not only did it add excitement and novelty to the event but also provided valuable learning experiences for all involved.

Congratulations to all our year 9 students and wishing you all the best as you transition into the Senior school next year.


Silvana La Leggia
Middle School Leader

KIOSC STEM Decathlon

A group of enthusiastic Year 7 students from Fairhills High School recently showcased their talents at the KIOSC STEM Decathlon. This thrilling event brought together budding scientists, engineers, and mathematicians from various schools, providing a platform for healthy competition and collaborative learning.

The Fairhills team engaged in a series of Halloween-themed science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities that captured the spirit of the season. From intricate coding challenges to innovative solution designs, science experiments, and complex math calculations, these young minds demonstrated their skills and creativity. One of the highlights of the event was the whole group trivia, where students pooled their knowledge to tackle brain-teasing questions and challenges.

Participating in the STEM Decathlon not only sharpened their academic abilities but also fostered teamwork and critical thinking. Congratulations to our Year 7 students for their outstanding performance and their passionate engagement in the world of STEM. Their achievements reflect the school’s dedication to providing a stimulating learning environment, encouraging curiosity, and fostering a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Well done, Fairhills High School!

Year 7/8 Technology – KIOSC

At KIOSC this week, Year 7 and 8 students delved into the world of Tinkercad software, learning its intricacies to design their very own personalized key tags. Additionally, they crafted adorable “decoy” penguins, showcasing their imaginative prowess.

Students also explored the wonders of Augmented Reality (AR) software, unravelling its potential in various fields. This immersive experience not only honed their technological skills but also fostered a sense of curiosity and ingenuity within them.

Students are looking forward to the finished 3D printing so they can use their own personally designed key tags.

Year 7/8 PE

In year 7 and 8 P.E we have been doing a new topic called ‘ Target Sports ‘ which includes activities such as golf and archery. A lot of the students have enjoyed doing something a little bit different.

Year 7 -10 Food Technology

Recently our Years 7-10 Food Technology classes got into the Halloween Spirit with some Spooky Inspired cupcake creations. This task was built around a Design Brief that students had to explore and create from.

Year 9/10 Outdoor Ed – Surfing

On 26 October, our Outdoor Ed students went down to Inverloch Surf Beach for their final excursion and had a great time surfing. Whilst having some average waves and weather, every student gave it their all, with every student getting up on the board and riding a wave throughout the day!




Senior School Report

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VCAA Examinations

The VCAA examinations are now finished. It has been wonderful to witness all of our students arriving prepared for their examinations and ready to demonstrate their learning.

As students await their results, we encourage them to take the time to reflect on the lessons that they have learned throughout their schooling. Education is measured by more than an ATAR. At Fairhills we aim to nurture young people to be ready to take their place in the world, act responsibly, build relationships and show respect. We firmly believe that every student can experience success and go on to graduate as a responsible, resilient and confident young adult, well prepared to take charge of their future and to become a productive member of the community. This is the Fairhills way!

Year 10 & 11 November Examinations

Year 11 students completed their exams on Friday November. The exams gave our Year 11 VCE students the opportunity to practice their exam technique and ‘get a feel’ for what the VCAA exams will be like for them in 2024. We wish all our Year 11 VCE students the very best as they await their results.

Year 10 examinations take place on Monday 20 November and Tuesday 21 November for English, Maths, Science and Humanities. Regular classes will resume on Wednesday 22 November. Students are permitted to leave the school after their last examination for the day. Students and parents are advised to refer to the Exam Compass post for more detailed information regarding exams. We wish all of our students the best with their study and preparation.

2024 Year 12 Ready, Set Go program

On Thursday 23 and Friday 24 November, our current Year 11 students will attend the ‘Ready, Set, Go’ Program. School staff and guest speakers will be delivering a range of engaging wellbeing and study skills sessions over the two days. There will be a pizza lunch provided on Thursday 23 November.

2024 Headstart Program (Monday 27 November – Friday 8 December)

On Monday 27 November our whole school 2024 Headstart program commences. All students at the school will be following their Term 1 2024 timetable for two weeks. This program provides our current Year 10 students with the opportunity to get a ‘Headstart’ on either their Year 11 VCE subjects, or their Year 11 VCE VM course. Likewise, our current Year 11 students will attend either their Year 12 VCE subjects, or their Year 12 VCE VM classes. This program is a great opportunity for our senior students to gain a real sense of their classes for 2024. We wish all students the very best for their Headstart program and the remainder of 2023.

Bill Exton
Senior School Assistant Principal

University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program

Congratulations to Parvir (Year 10) who has been accepted into the 2025 University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program.

Participants in the University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program will become part of a supportive university community and peer network through a tailored program of events and activities.

In January, the program will be hosting a welcome event for selected students at the university’s Parkville Campus. Students will be officially welcomed into the program and hear from guest speakers.

School Captains and Year 12 Leaders

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our 2024 School Captains and Year 12 Leaders.

Congratulations to Elissa and Tyson on being selected as our new School Captains for 2024. The decision was not an easy one, as we had a pool of exceptional candidates who made it a challenging choice. However, Tyson and Elissa stood out with their remarkable qualities and leadership skills. We have no doubt that they will excel in their roles and inspire the entire student body.

Our Year 12 Leadership Team for 2024 comprises of exceptional individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities throughout their academic journey. With their diverse skill sets and unwavering commitment to excellence, they are poised to lead our school community towards a brighter future.

STEM Leader – Elissa

Senior School – Isabella

Middle School – Taylor

VM Leader – Nikolas

Community Development Leader – Mia

Wellbeing Leaders – Liv and Scarlett

Arts Leaders – Melangell and Jacqui

Sport Leader – Tyson

VET Confirmation and orientation

Vet Enrolments for 2024 are in the process of being finalised and students who have applied for VET in 2024 will receive an email to confirm their enrolment by Tuesday 21 November. Please ask students to check their emails carefully.

All students starting VET in 2024 – those undertaking year 1 of their program are required to attend Orientation on the Wednesday 29 November time and place to be confirmed along with enrolment.

Given the high demand for VET places for next year Orientation attendance will lock in a student’s place.

Students commencing year 2 of their program are not required at Orientation.


Important Dates

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Monday 20 NovemberYear 9 English and Maths Exam
Monday 20 November – Tuesday 21 NovemberYear 11 Exam Feedback
Tuesday 21 NovemberYear 10 Core Exams
Wednesday 22 NovemberFHS Junior Sports Cup
Thursday 23 November – Friday 24 November2024 Year 12  Ready Set Go
Monday 27 November – Friday 1 DecemberAustralian School Championships (Basketball)
Monday 27 November – Friday 8 December2024 Whole School Headstart
Tuesday 5 DecemberSingle School Orientation Day
Thursday 7 DecemberYear 7 Celebration Night


School Tours

To book a School Tour go to:

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our great school.

2023 Term Dates

Term 130 January to 6 April 2023
Term 224 April to 23 June 2023
Term 310 July to 15 September 2023
Term 42 October to 20 December 2023


General News

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General Office

The General Office hours are: 8.00am-4.00pm

Telephone: 9758 5022

Parents, contractors, visitors and volunteers should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.

State Schools’ Relief

State Schools’ Relief provides support to any Victorian student attending a government school, on the advice of the school.

Schools are able to submit an application whenever they believe there is a need to support a student whose family/carers are facing difficulty in providing the appropriate uniform, footwear or educational items for attending school and a travel pass.

Situations include, but are not limited to:

  • Unemployment
  • Health issues/illness
  • Financial difficulties
  • Independent living and/or homelessness
  • Natural disasters, house fires
  • Bereavement
  • Domestic violence

If you need assistance please email the school at Please outline your circumstance and what support is required (uniform/clothing educational items) and we will be in contact with you to advise what is available.

Please note that all requests are treated in confidence.


Compass is the communication portal for Fairhills –

Parents/carers are provided with log in details. For any questions or trouble logging in please contact the office. Using Compass allows parents/carers to have access to up-to-date information and the following features:

  • Monitor attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with teachers
  • Update contact details
  • View their child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher-student interviews each semester
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school contributions

Compass Events / Payment Centre / Course Confirmation

Please check Events regularly as these need to be consented/paid by the due date for your child to attend.  Any students without consent/payment after this date will be removed from the event and will not be able to attend.

Also check out the Payment Centre and Course Confirmation sections.

Click here for the Compass Parent Guide

Student Absences

If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are able to:

  • Mark their absence on Compass / or
  • Send an email to the school: / or
  • Phone the absence hotline on 9758 5022. Leave a message after the prompt. The absence hotline is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Students arriving to school late should report to the General Office to receive a late pass.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass. All students are required to sign out from the General Office.  If they need to call home, they should come to the office.  Students should not use their mobiles.


If your child has COVID, please ring or email the school so we can record their absence accordingly.

Students who are family close contacts, must wear a mask whilst indoors and onsite and test regularly.  If you require RAT tests, please contact the General Office.

Asthma / Diabetes / Anaphylaxis / Epilepsy

ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS, EPILEPSY or an ALLERGY management plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the office in the best interest of your child.

If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 9758 5022.

Parent Carpark – pick up and drop off

If you drop/pick up your children please ensure you:

  • use the Parent Car Park – not the staff/guest car park, except for those with a disability parking permit
  • pull into a parent parking spot to let your child out/pick them up
  • when exiting turn left onto Scoresby road (as per the sign)

Uniform Shop

The purchase of School Uniforms are now through Dandy Schoolwear in Dandenong.

Dandy Schoolwear

Factory 8, 169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
(03) 9792 0424

Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 2:00pm

Click here for the Uniform details and  Price List

Click here for the 2023 Fairhills High School Student Dress Code

Sustainable School Shop

Looking to buy or sell second hand books or uniforms?  Visit: 

You can also find the following items:

  • Calculators
  • Sporting items
  • Musical items
  • Electronics & DVD’s
  • Stationery

2023 Bell Times

Two different bell times run during the week:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Tuesday and Thursday (includes House Group)



Period 18:40am – 9:39am8:40am – 9:39am
Period 29:39am – 10:38am9:39am – 10:38am
Recess10:38am – 10:58am10:38am – 10:58am
Period 310:58am – 11:57am10:58am – 11:57am
Period 411:57am – 12:56pm11:57am – 12:56pm
Lunch12:56pm – 1:36pm12:56pm – 1:36pm
HomegroupN/A1:36pm – 1:49pm
Period 51:36pm – 2:35pm1:49pm – 2:48pm


2023 Team Leaders

Year LevelStaff Leaders
Sarah Power
8Sarah Power
9Greg Baker
10Tony Hitchman
11Leanne Henderson
12Julian Stokes


Resource Learning Hub

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BookTok is the corner of TikTok where book lovers share thoughts and reviews about the books they love — and the books they don’t. No matter what genres you enjoy reading, BookTok is always a place you can find your next read. Here are some of BookTok’s recommendations that we have in our School Library. Come and see!

Throne of Glass Series

In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She has no love for the vicious king who rules from his throne of glass, but she has not come to kill him. She has come to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three murderers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she will be released from prison to serve as the King’s Champion.

Heartstopper Series

A happy, romantic, uplifting graphic novel series that focuses on Nick and Charlie who discover that their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love. The author Alice Oseman has a number of fiction titles that also feature on the BookTok ‘to read’ list

The Summer I Turned Pretty

A trilogy of young adult romance novels focusing on Isabel “Belly” Conklin and the summers she spends at Cousins Beach with her mother and older brother, along with her mother’s lifelong best friend and her sons. As the summer seasons pass, Belly has to choose between two brothers who love her…and she’ll have to break one of their hearts.

The Inheritance Games Series

Avery only has one plan- keep her head down, win a scholarship and work for a better future, that is until an eccentric billionaire dies, and leaves her almost his entire fortune. And no one, least of all Avery, knows why. Suddenly she must move into the secret passage filled Hawthorne House, where every room bears the billionaire’s love of puzzles, riddles and codes. On top of that, Avery must share the mansion with all his surviving relatives – a family hell-bent on discovering how she got ‘their’ money. Soon Avery finds herself embroiled in a game with four brothers, generations in the making and everyone in the Hawthorne family is playing.


Heather Kirby

Library Co-ordinator



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It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of another school year. Term 4 takes on many forms- consolidation, reflection, celebration, farewell and planning. A time for both looking back on the year and for looking forward to the next. Wellbeing is no different. It is a time to consider what supports and programs we have been able to provide for our students throughout the year- what our students need, what has worked and what could be done differently.

The Wellbeing Team have farewelled Kerrie, one of our incredibly dedicated counselling volunteers this week. Kerrie began with us as a student on placement in May 2022 and after completing her counselling qualification at the end of last year, she chose to stay on as a volunteer. We have been incredibly grateful for the time and commitment Kerrie has given to our students and school and wish her all the very best as she moves onto the next step in her counselling career. Students and parents who were seeing Kerrie for counselling have all been informed and had an opportunity to say goodbye.

Our Health Promotion Nurse, Kaye Walker, is continuing to develop a Vaping Education program across our Year 7, 8 and 9 THRIVE classes throughout Term 4. Vaping continues to be a significant public health issue for our young people and education about the harmful effects of vaping is an essential strategy for combatting the issue. If you have concerns about a young person who is vaping and would like further information or support, please make contact with your student’s Year Level Team Leader to discuss a referral to the Wellbeing Team. Alternatively, you can contact the Wellbeing Team via the front office.

As our Year 11 students are currently in exams and our Year 9’s and Year 10’s are about to embark on exams, we wish you all the best as you integrate your learning launch into Headstart for 2024.


Peta Cartwright | Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Accessing support through Wellbeing – Students

The Wellbeing Team can support students to navigate challenges that may be impacting on their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of wellbeing. This can include: transitions and adjusting to change, family or relationship difficulties, grief and loss, mental health concerns, drug and alcohol concerns, and many other challenges that young people encounter.

An initial appointment with a member of the wellbeing team will be an assessment of need with the student or family which will help to decide the best support option for the student. Support options available through the Wellbeing Team are:

  • Individual short term counselling, psychoeducation and skills development
  • group programs
  • referrals to external support agencies.
  • students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources.

Referrals to see someone from the team are made through year level leaders. Parents, students or teachers with concerns are encouraged to speak to their year level leader. Students or parents can also make an appointment directly with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre, calling the school office or contacting us via email at

Year level leaders who are made aware of concerns by a teacher will always endeavour to make contact with parents before referring a student to the Wellbeing team.

All counselling sessions with students are confidential and information is only shared if a student is deemed to be at risk of harm.

If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.

What’s on in Wellbeing?

The Wellbeing Centre is open at recess and lunchtime for students who need a quiet, safe place to regulate or access support. The centre is also used for lunchtime group programs which are advertised through compass or on notice boards.

Q-Squad, our LBGTQIA+ group runs every Thursday lunchtime.

Accessing Support – Families

Most families, at some stage, need a little extra support to manage the normal challenges of life as well as the more difficult situations that arise. If you are experiencing hardship, stress or circumstances that are impacting on the wellbeing of your family life or your ability to cope, the Wellbeing Team can help to connect you with community services that can provide support. Please contact the Wellbeing Team via the school phone number or via email at

What’s on


Clink on the links below for further information

Knox 4 Me – a support program for rainbow young people aged 14-18Knox 4 Me
Knox Nocturnals Youth Program – Meet new friends, join activitiesKnox Nocturnals
Online Coaching for parents of teenagersOne on One Support | To help you support your teenagers through a tough time. – ReachOut Parents

Clothing Support – Thread Together

We recently partnered with Thread Together to provide free and brand clothing for students in need. Thread Together collects brand new unsold clothing from all around the country, saving it from landfill. Thread Together believe that people in need deserve the dignity and choice of new clothing, without judgement. If your children need any help with clothing, please contact the Wellbeing team for further assistance.

Breakfast Club

With the support of volunteers from local churches- Knox Baptist and Hillsong Church we are able to provide a breakfast club 5 days a week for our students, including a Pancake Breakfast every Thursday morning. All students are welcome.

Food support for families in need

Each fortnight on a Tuesday after school from 2:48pm – 3:08pm we have food support available for families who may be in need, for whatever reason. We have a selection of frozen meals and pantry items that families can collect from the former school canteen area without question or judgement. We know that access to food can be a real challenge for some families and we feel strongly about supporting the basic needs of our students and families. Watch out for compass posts each fortnight.

External food support options

The following community agencies provide food support for families in need.

Cybersecurity: Resources

eSafety’s express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including:

  • Setting up parental controls
  • Digital technologies and mental health
  • Cyberbullying and online drama
  • Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse

Cyber Safety Project provides a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using digital technologies for work, life and play. To create safer communities our educational programs and proactive teaching strategies will engage the whole community with learning how to participate safely and responsibly in a digitally-engaged world. To learn more about family workshops and webinars for parents or carers, please visit

Parentzone Eastern – Parenting Solo program

A parent building solutions program for sole parents of children 0 -18 years.

Do you want to:

  • Feel more supported as a sole parent?
  • Learn strategies to help your child cope with change and stress in life?
  • Set boundaries on challenging behaviors while still maintaining a positive relationship with your child?
  • Connect with other sole parents living in Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs?

Interactive 5-week program to learn strategies and connect with others. The program is held online via Zoom so you will need to have a device with video and audio in order to participate.

  • Each Thursday for 5 weeks (9 – 30 November 2023)
  • Noon – 2pm
  • Online via Zoom
  • Free for sole parents living in Melbourne’s Eastern region.

For more information contact Sharon Muir on

Or go to this link to register Registration – Parenting Solo (




Sports / PE

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Inter Boys SSV

The inter boys played in the SSV tournament at the end of term 3. The Fairhills B side played well all day and each student was able to grow as a player throughout the day. They all played their best and had some fun but, unfortunately missed out on playing the finals. The Fairhills A side played well all day and made it to the Grand Final. Despite the boys efforts they came up short and lost the grand final, however they all tried their best and they each improved as basketball players and had fun.

Year 8 Boys SSV

The year 8 boys played in the SSV tournament at the end of term 3. The Fairhills A and B sides played well all day and each student was able to improve and show growth as a player on the day. They all played their best and had some fun but unfortunately both teams missed out on playing the finals.

Year 7 Boys SSV

The Year 7 boys basketball played in the SSV tournament at the end of term 3. The team won all of their grading matches and advanced into the semi final. The semi final was a very close match and came down to a buzzer beating shot by Lucas Reaper to send the boys into the Grand Final. The boys then played the Grand Final and got off to a fast start and were able to hold on the lead for the rest of match and came out as Premiers!

Heritage College basketball exhibition match

On Wednesday 18 October the year 7/8 basketball boys and girls played against Heritage College in a couple of exhibition matches. Both the Fairhills boys and girls teams were victorious on the day, with all students having an opportunity to improve their basketball skills. We would like to thank Heritage College for the matches and look forward to many more like this in the future.

Australian School Championships

Sunday 26 November sees our two senior teams heading off to Gold Coast to compete in the Australian School Championships. Training has ramped up and players have been counting down the days until the competition begins and we wish both teams the best of luck in all of their games.

Thanks again to iD Signs for their generous Silver Sponsorship!

“Your support not only helps us financially but also motivates us to strive for excellence on and off the court. Thank you ID Signs

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